Su Yuan came to the downstairs of a building according to the address on the note. Su Yuan looked up at the building and found that it seemed a bit tall. If it was blown up with TNT, he would not be spared if the building collapsed!

"Which floor is this fat guy on? Never mind, let's go in first!"

Su Yuan said and walked into the building. After entering, he looked around and found a beautiful woman at the front desk. Then Su Yuan walked towards the front desk.

"Hello, may I ask which floor is Babylon Hanhua located on?"

Su Yuan asked politely. The beautiful receptionist looked at Su Yuan in surprise, then said calmly.

"Chairman Babylon is on the top floor and the elevator is on the right!"

"OK, thank you!"

After learning the location of the fat man, Su Yuan took the elevator to the top floor.

The beautiful receptionist looked at Su Yuan's back with a hint of coldness in her eyes, and then took out a walkie-talkie from the bottom.

"The person has gone upstairs, I don't know if it is true or not!"

The beauty said coldly


"Rich people really know how to have fun! The elevators are so luxurious and the receptionists are all beauties!"

"I just wonder if that beautiful woman is a seafood merchant who specializes in providing seafood for this fat man!"

Su Yuan couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the decoration in the elevator.

Then the elevator quickly rose to the top floor. With a ding, the elevator stopped. When the elevator door slowly opened, Su Yuan suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis spread throughout his body. Then, through the gap in the slowly opening door of the elevator, he saw several bodyguards holding submachine guns against the elevator door, and all the safety were on!

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and then he took out a pistol and a newly bought Tangzhang knife from the inventory without hesitation. The pistol appeared directly in his hand, and the Tangzhang knife was grabbed by Su Yuan's backhand.

When the bodyguards saw the elevator door slowly open, the fingers on the trigger slowly moved down. No matter who comes up, they will open fire at the first moment!

Because this is the instruction of their chairman Babylon Hanhua!

When the elevator door was half open, both sides could see each other clearly.

Su Yuan shot without hesitation and knocked down three defenseless bodyguards in an instant, and the remaining three bodyguards also realized that the other party was the person the chairman mentioned!

Immediately, the three bodyguards opened fire on Su Yuan without hesitation, and Su Yuan grabbed the Tangzhang knife and chopped off several bullets that were approaching him, then flashed to the elevator door and let the bullets of the three bodyguards directly hit the elevator.

""Feck! My God!"

A bodyguard was shocked when he saw Su Yuan split several bullets.

The two bodyguards were also shocked by Su Yuan's knife and stopped shooting unconsciously.

When Su Yuan heard the gunshots stop, he appeared outside the elevator. When the three bodyguards saw Su Yuan running out, they quickly reacted and raised their submachine guns to shoot. Su Yuan didn't give the other party a chance to react. He fired three shots in a row and hit the three people in the forehead. The three bodyguards fell to the ground unwillingly!

The blood from the six bodyguards began to spread to Su Yuan's feet. Seeing this, Su Yuan's eyes showed a disgusting emotion, and then he exerted force with his feet and jumped over the six bodies.

"There aren't many bullets left!"

Su Yuan opened the pistol's cylinder and found that there were only two bullets left. Then he looked at the hands of the six bodyguards. There were still six submachine guns there, but they were covered in blood!

""Eh~ Forget it, why not use a sniper rifle!"

Su Yuan said with a look of disdain.

Although the sniper rifle needs to be held with two hands, Su Yuan can hold it with one hand with his strength!

As for why he suddenly bought a knife, it is because both the chainsaw and the axe have limited use in some indoor situations!

First of all, the axe is too short. As the saying goes, an inch longer is an inch stronger. Using a tool like an axe indoors will only be limited. Moreover, the chainsaw is even more troublesome. It needs to be held with two hands. If you hold it with one hand, you can only sweep it horizontally and cannot chop, lift, or pick it because it is too heavy!

The Tangzhang knife that Su Yuan chose from the curator is very suitable for this environment because it is only 15cm~50c long. m, or similar to the wakizashi in Japanese swords, with similar shapes, but lighter and more flexible, convenient for close combat.

In the Tang Dynasty, the horizontal sword or Mo Dao in the hands of soldiers were inconvenient to use because they were close to the body, so the barrier sword became the dominant close-combat weapon, so there was a saying that the body was used to block the enemy. Because it was short, the whole body and the sword could face the enemy!

However, the Tang barrier sword selected by Su Yuan has a straight blade, which is different from the wide blade or curved blade. The straight blade is more convenient to exert its power indoors, because the most used in indoor combat is stabbing, and the straight blade barrier sword has greater stabbing power!

"It seems that this fat guy has been prepared for this. There must be a traitor in the organization!"

Su Yuan stroked his chin and thought.

Then he thought, that's not right. There are a lot of traitors in the organization. It's normal for a traitor to leak information to him!

""Inferior winery, specializing in producing watered-down wine!"

Su Yuan couldn't help but sighed.

Then he noticed that he had arrived at the door of Babylon Hanhua's office. Su Yuan first stuck to the door to listen to the situation inside, and found that there were two subtle breaths behind the door. Su Yuan immediately understood that there was another ambush.

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