"So, can you tell us where you were or what you were doing during that time period?"

Kudo Shinichi asked with a serious face.

Su Yuan felt a little disgusted with Kudo Shinichi's tone of interrogation, and his eyes looked at Kudo Shinichi dangerously, but Kudo Yusaku also noticed Kudo Shinichi's tone and quickly pulled Kudo Shinichi's sleeve.


Kudo Yusaku looked at Kudo Shinichi seriously, and Kudo Shinichi immediately realized that he was not interrogating a suspect.

"I'm very sorry, Shinichi has offended Mr. Su Yuan!"

"But I still want to ask, where was Mr. Su Yuan during that time period?"

Hearing this question, Su Yuan took a sip of red wine, then raised his head and looked at Kudo Yusaku and said calmly:"You want to ask if I am the terrorist, right?"

"We just want to confirm it. After all, a friend of mine just asked me to help find this terrorist!"

Kudo Yusaku explained in a gentle tone, but his eyes were very sharp as he looked at Su Yuan.

"Is your friend from the FBI?"

Su Yuan asked calmly.

Kudo Yusaku looked at Su Yuan in surprise. He didn't expect how Su Yuan knew about this. After all, they had no intersection before!

"You guessed it right, I am the terrorist!"

"As for that time period in the morning, I happened to be at Babylon Company, and the picture in the newspaper was also me!"

Su Yuan took a sip of red wine and said lightly


Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Shinichi's expressions froze for a moment, and they made doubtful sounds.

"You heard it right! I was the one who killed Babylon!"

Su Yuan felt it was very fun to see the stiff expressions of Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Shinichi. For a moment, the pleasure of assassinating Babylon dispelled the fatigue brought by it!

As for deliberately hiding the fact that he was an FBI wanted criminal, Su Yuan said why should he hide it deliberately?

Disguising himself just to avoid causing a sensation when he goes out, but it makes others suspicious, so why hide it, why not just state your identity directly.

Even if the FBI sends someone over, isn't it just a matter of TNT to solve it? If one doesn't work, then two, if two don't work, then three, anyway, there is enough firepower!


Seeing Su Yuan so frankly state his identity and admit his crime, Kudo Yusaku didn't know what to say for a moment.

Generally speaking, don't wanted criminals try their best to hide themselves?

Why is this person so frank?

Suddenly, Su Yuan felt a chill on his chin. He reached out and scratched it, and found that a small piece of his beard had fallen off. Su Yuan simply tore off the beard.

Now, seeing Su Yuan's true face, Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Shinichi confirmed Su Yuan's identity.

But Kudo Shinichi still had a doubt, that is, why did Su Yuan want to kill Babylon Hanhua for no reason? Thinking of this, he asked:"Then, why did you want to kill Babylon Hanhua?"

"There is nothing I can do. Someone wants Babylon's life. I am just taking money to help him get rid of the disaster! However, the other party is on the top floor of the building, otherwise I would have thrown a bomb at him long ago!"

Su Yuan sighed helplessly.

Hearing Su Yuan's words that he would throw a bomb if he disagreed with something, Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Shinichi both felt a sense of fear.

"You exposed your identity like this, aren't you afraid that we will call the police to arrest you?"

Kudo Shinichi stared at Su Yuan and asked puzzledly.

But Su Yuan did not answer Kudo Shinichi's question, but looked at Kudo Yusaku.

""Mr. Kudo, have you ever guessed what weapon I used when I went to assassinate Babylon?"

Su Yuan asked with a smile.

Hearing Su Yuan's question, Kudo Yusaku was a little surprised for a moment, not knowing why Su Yuan asked this question, but he still stroked his chin and analyzed it.

"Although I haven't been to the scene, I can analyze it based on some information in the pictures!"

"The six bodyguards in the corridor should have died from revolvers, but Babylon should have died from a sniper rifle!"

"But there is one thing I don't understand, why there are two bullet holes on the wall of the office, but three on the glass, can you tell me?"

Kudo Yusaku stared at Su Yuan with a sharp look in his eyes, and he really wanted to know where those bullet holes came from!

This question has troubled him for a long time, but he just can't figure out what's going on!

"Mr. Kudo guessed correctly, the six bodyguards died from pistols, and Babylon Hanhua died from a sniper rifle, but in fact, Babylon should not be considered to have died from a sniper rifle, but from my sword!"

Su Yuan looked at Kudo Yusaku with appreciation, and then took out a pistol, a sniper rifle, and a Tangzhang sword from the inventory and placed them on the table.

This move of Su Yuan directly surprised Kudo Yusaku, because he did not see where Su Yuan took out these three weapons!

"As for the bullet holes on the wall and glass, do you believe me when I say I can dodge bullets?"

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