After noticing the bartender's inquiring look, Vermouth nodded, and the bartender relaxed and began to mix a glass of absinthe for Su Yuan.

This is because members of the organization can only drink wine with their own code names in the organization's base. Usually, the code names of cadres are named after their favorite wines, so they can only drink their own wines. This is a tacit unspoken rule.

As for why the bartender asked Vermouth, it was because absinthe was specially provided by the organization for Vermouth to drink, so if Su Yuan wanted to drink it, he had to get Vermouth's consent. The same goes for vodka and gin, which are the cadres' wines!

"The sooner the better!"

Gin said lightly

""Okay, is there anything else?"

Su Yuan agreed immediately, and then he yawned involuntarily and asked.


Gin said calmly.

"Then I'll go first! What about you? Do you want to go with me?"

Su Yuan said and looked at Belmode, who shook her head.

"Then I'm leaving!"

Su Yuan said as he was about to walk towards the door. Suddenly, he remembered something, stopped, and turned to walk towards the vodka.

"What are you doing?"

Vodka asked angrily when he saw Su Yuan coming towards him.

"What? Of course......."Get something!"

Su Yuan walked towards Vodka with an arrogant smile. When he came in front of Vodka, he slowly stretched out his hand and took down the dart TNT on the wall.

When Vodka saw Su Yuan stretched out his hand, he was a little scared and took out a pistol from his back. When he took out the pistol and raised it halfway, he saw Su Yuan took down the dart and waved it in front of him. Suddenly, he didn't know where to put his hand, and he didn't know whether to put the pistol back. After thinking about it, he silently put the pistol back.

"Don't be so scared. It's pitch black in the bar. Can you see clearly with a pair of sunglasses on?"

Su Yuan looked at Vodka curiously and asked

""What the hell is it to you!"

Vodka said depressedly, and then continued to drink with his head down, without any intention of continuing to chat with Su Yuan.

Su Yuan shrugged, then turned around and left the bar.

After Su Yuan left, Vodka asked,"Brother.....Isn't there someone in Japan?"

Gin didn't reply to Vodka, but just took out a cigarette and lit it up.

"I'm curious, why did you go to Japan to get the madness drug?"

Vermouth looked at Gin curiously and asked

"This is none of your business, just do your job well!"

Gin glanced at Vermouth and said lightly

"Don't be so stingy, it won't hurt to say it!"

Vermouth chuckled and said, then took out a box of ladies' cigarettes from his pocket, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then took out a lighter and lit it.

".......The black man he killed during the mission was an undercover agent of the FBI! Moreover, the police analyzed the wounds of the mission target and the black undercover agent and found that they were consistent with the wounds of one of Babylon’s men who died!"

Gin said after a moment of silence. As for the question of asking Su Yuan not to conflict with the FBI, Gin originally thought that if he mentioned it when assigning the mission to Su Yuan, Su Yuan would have fewer conflicts with the FBI. However, he did not expect that Su Yuan did not conflict with the FBI, but the FBI actually sent an undercover agent to the mission target during the assassination!

This resulted in Su Yuan not having a conflict with the FBI, but inadvertently clashing with the FBI!

"The FBI, which had been quiet recently, has started working with local police to track down the whereabouts of the drug!"

"So sending him to Japan is the best way!"

Gin said lightly after taking a puff of cigarette depressedly.

Vermouth was speechless all of a sudden. She didn't expect that Su Yuan didn't go looking for trouble with the FBI, but the FBI personally sent trouble to the door!

"Aren't other countries better? Why must it be Japan?"

Vermouth frowned and asked.

"I have my own arrangements! If you have any opinions, go to the boss!"

Gin said lightly.

Vermouth looked at Gin and became speechless. Every time there was something, Gin would say"If you have any opinions, go to the boss" to stop her from talking!

Then, thinking about it, Vermouth's mouth curled up into a playful smile.

"Are you jealous of the boss's appreciation for me?"

Vermouth looked at Gin and teased him

, but Gin didn't want to pay any attention to Vermouth and continued to drink his gin.

"Tsk~ boring!"

Belmode said boringly, then stood up and left.


Gin suddenly called Vermouth. Vermouth stopped and turned to look at Gin in confusion. In most cases, Gin would not call her by this code name!

"Find out Shuichi Akai's location as soon as possible!"

When Gin said this, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Shuichi Akai was a thorn in his side, and he had to kill him no matter what.

Moreover, Shuichi Akai was too good at hiding, and the FBI had been tracking him, so he had no chance to kill him!

""Okay, I'll try my best!"

Vermouth shrugged and agreed. Seeing that Gin didn't continue talking, she turned around and left!

"Bro, that guy.........."

When Vodka was about to say something bad about Su Yuan, Gin turned around and looked at Vodka.

This look frightened Vodka. He wanted to complain about Su Yuan's rudeness to Gin and his attack on members of the organization, and even wanted to ask why he had to send this newcomer to Japan, but after Gin's look, all the words were swallowed.

"Do you need help to sneak him into Japan?"

Vodka asked in a muffled voice.

"No need!"

Gin said indifferently as always.

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