But there was an inexplicable emotion in her eyes. She didn't know whether she should say that the criminal had forcefully kissed her!

When she recalled the scene where Su Yuan forcefully kissed her, Fei Yingli's heart was filled with shame, but also with a hint of excitement!

"But, that criminal is pretty handsome!"

Hiki Eri said with a smile

"What happened next? What happened next? Was he caught?"

Yukiko asked curiously, looking at Hibiki Eri.

"This is not the case, but he left after taking the money! But before he left, he threw something to me, saying it was an apology gift, and I haven't seen what it is yet!"

Hiki Eri thought for a while and said, then took out her bag and opened it to search for a while, and finally found a small box, then Hiki Eri took out the box and handed it to Yukiko.

Yukiko curiously opened it and saw a small dart. There was also a note on the ring of the dart. Yukiko found that there was a line of words on the note

"This dart is a homemade bomb. I give it to you as my apology gift!"

"Attention, this dart will catch fire if it comes into contact with fire, and it must be thrown out within three seconds, otherwise it will explode!"

Yukiko read carefully word by word.

After reading it, Yukiko and Kisaki Eri's faces changed. Yukiko was so scared that her hand shook and she threw the dart on the table.

"this....this...Is this a bomb?"

Yukiko asked with a trembling voice.

"Don't...Don't panic, didn't he say that it will only burn when it encounters fire? It's safe now!"

Fei Yingli said calmly, then picked up the dart and looked at it carefully. The dart was made of red and black stripes, and its size was very small, only the size of a palm, and it didn't look like a bomb at all!

"So that's it! You scared me!"

Yukiko patted the two jellies, and they bounced immediately and breathed a sigh of relief.

"But he is really dangerous. Who would send a bomb as an apology gift?"

Yukiko complained

"Haha, the other party is a criminal, is there anything strange about giving him a bomb as a gift?"

Hiki Eri chuckled and said, then took a sip of coffee from the cup and put it back on the table.

"However, this plot is also very interesting, maybe it can be made into a movie, I have to write it down quickly!"

Yukiko thought for a while and said excitedly, then quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag and started tapping on it.

""Hmm? Didn't you retire? What? Are you planning to make a movie in the future?"

Looking at Yukiko tapping on the keys of her phone, Hibiki asked with amusement.

"Why not?"

Yukiko raised her head and winked at Kisaki Eri mischievously and said with a smile,"You can't be a housewife every day, you have a career, I can't be without a career, right?"

Seeing Yukiko still so energetic, it seemed as if she had reunited with the energetic Yukiko when she was young.

"You haven't changed, you are still as energetic as before, and now your family is harmonious.......Unlike me!"

Fei Yingli couldn't help but sighed with some envy. When she thought of herself, she felt a little depressed. She drank a sip of coffee sullenly and put it back on the table.

When Yukiko heard Fei Yingli say that her family was harmonious, she couldn't help but think of what happened recently. She suddenly felt very depressed, but when she noticed that Fei Yingli opposite her was also a little depressed, she immediately shook her head and recovered her vitality.

"What's wrong with you? You are the most famous lawyer in Japan, the undefeated queen of the legal world, and the idol of many girls and lawyers!"

Yukiko smiled and comforted.

Hearing Yukiko's comfort, Kisaki Eri pulled the corners of her mouth and showed a forced smile, but the smile soon disappeared.

"My career is successful, but my family is not happy at all!"

Hibari Eri put her hands on the table sadly, then rested her chin on her arms, and said very self-deprecatingly.

Yukiko didn't know how to comfort Yukiko for a moment, so she could only reach out and touch her head.

Suddenly, she remembered that her family seemed harmonious on the surface, but was always on the verge of breaking up, and all the reasons came from that damn bastard!

Thinking of this, Yukiko thought about the family of Xiaolan and the best friend in front of her.

She had kept some things in her heart for a long time, especially because of some recent things, so she felt particularly deeply about this kind of family, so seeing Hibari Eri so uncomfortable, she decided to speak out her thoughts.

"I say, Eri, are you planning to live apart from Kogoro forever?"

Yukiko asked, hesitant.

"What else can I do? I have been living like this for so many years!"

Hiki Eri pouted uncomfortably and said

"Besides, I have already put all my energy into the office. Even if Kogoro asks me to get back together, I don’t have much energy to take care of his daily life!"

"It's better to continue to live separately!"

Fei Yingli sat up straight and took a sip of coffee and said.

Yukiko was silent for a while, then picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, then put the cup back on the table.

"If you guys are still like this, you might as well get a divorce!"

Yukiko said calmly.


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