

Su Yuan heard the ringing of his cell phone in his sleep. He didn't want to answer it, but the ringing kept on ringing.

Su Yuan opened his eyes in a daze, then reached out to touch the table next to him. After touching the cell phone, he seemed to use all his strength to turn it on, and then put it to his ear.


Su Yuan asked tiredly as if he had used up all his strength.

"Where are you?"

"Um.......I am here......Home~"

Su Yuan said dazedly

".........Is Sharon home?

Yukiko asked after a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

"No~ What do you want?"

Su Yuan still asked in a daze

, and Yukiko on the other end of the phone could tell that Su Yuan was still asleep and didn't recognize who she was.

"How can you delete that photo for me?"

Yukiko asked angrily on the other end of the phone.

"What photos?"

Su Yuan asked in a daze, but soon he came to his senses. What other photos could he have? They were just photos of Vermouth and Yukiko!

"You are still pretending!"

Yukiko asked with some shame and anger

""Oh oh oh! Got it, you want me to delete those photos, right? It’s not impossible!"

Su Yuan immediately sat up, with a wicked smile on his face and said,"Come to me, just one more time and I’ll delete those photos!"


Yukiko fell silent.

Beep, beep, beep~

The phone was suddenly hung up. Su Yuan looked at the phone in his hand in surprise. He didn't expect Yukiko to hang up the phone without hesitation.

""Forget it, go back to sleep!"

Su Yuan said indifferently, then threw his phone onto the pillow beside him and fell asleep again.

After a long time, Su Yuan seemed to hear the doorbell ringing in his dream, and his phone was ringing.

Su Yuan, who was annoyed by the noise, opened his eyes and walked out of the bedroom angrily to open the door.

"Who is it? You won't let me sleep?"

Su Yuan opened the door angrily. When he saw the person outside the door, he was a little confused for a moment, because the person standing without a button was Yukiko.

""Why are you here?"

Su Yuan asked in confusion.

Yukiko became angry when she heard Su Yuan's words.

"Didn't you ask me to come here?"

Yukiko asked, suppressing her anger.

Su Yuan thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true.

"OK, come in!"

Su Yuan said a little embarrassedly.

Then, Su Yuan brought Yukiko to the living room. Yukiko sat on the sofa and became absent-minded. She didn't know if it was right for her to be like this!

Su Yuan poured two glasses of ice water and handed one to Yukiko.

"Without further ado, hurry up!"

Yukiko took a sip of ice water, then closed her eyes with a heroic look of going to die.

Seeing this, Su Yuan couldn't help but smile like Hulk seeing Black Widow, then walked over and picked up Yukiko. Yukiko suddenly felt like she was hanging in the air and quickly opened her eyes, looking at Su Yuan in panic.

"Don't worry, the living room is not convenient after all, let's go learn some cooking skills!"

Su Yuan looked at Yukiko in front of him and said with a sly smile


Yukiko was still a little reluctant in her heart, because learning cooking was too tiring, but there was no way, she had to learn cooking for Kudo Yusaku!

The most important thing for a chef is how to handle the ingredients. When handling the ingredients, you need to slowly remove the skin on the surface of the ingredients, and then after the ingredients are removed, you can stir-fry them on a low heat! After stir-frying, stir-fry over high heat. No need to add water. The ingredients themselves have moisture, and you only need to stir-fry to fry out the moisture!

At this time, add a spoonful of homemade three-flower egg milk to enhance the freshness and milky flavor of the ingredients. At this time, there is no need to stir-fry too much, just cover the lid and wait quietly. When the time is up, when the flavor of the three-flower egg milk is completely integrated into the ingredients, stir-fry over high heat again to make the surface of the ingredients tender and juicy. At this time, add some special salad dressing and it can be served!

This is the cross-era Hextech cuisine, pure popular science, nothing else!...............

"What should I do after returning to Japan?"

Elena Miyano murmured in distress as she looked at the passers-by on the street.

She returned to Japan that day with the ticket that Babylon bought for her, but after returning to Japan, she suddenly felt that she was unfamiliar with the place and didn't know what to do.

So she stayed in a hotel with the money in her card, stayed in the hotel all day doing nothing, and was afraid that members of the organization would find out that she was still alive.

But this was not a solution. The money in the card was getting less and less, and it was estimated that it would be used up after staying in the hotel for half a month at most!

"or.......Reopen a clinic....."

Elena Miyano pondered for a while and decided that she didn't really want to open a clinic, but she only knew how to research and treat patients. Before joining the organization, she and her husband ran a clinic, and she usually helped her husband. When her husband was not available, she would replace him to treat patients.

Later, the organization noticed her husband's terrifying research ability, and her husband was also a research madman. When he heard that the organization wanted to research a drug that could make people immortal, he agreed to join the organization!

"In this case, let's go back to our old business!"

At this point, Miyano Elena pushed her glasses and her eyes became deep.

She opened the clinic just to cover up her tracks and make some money. The real purpose was to find a way to get Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho, her two daughters who had lived in the organization since childhood, out of the organization!

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