"We want to invite you to join our organization!"

Vermouth took a puff of cigarette and said lightly.

Su Yuan was not surprised to hear the news. After all, the high-level personnel of an organization like Vermouth came here in person either to discuss business or to win over people!

"Oh? Why should I join your organization?"

Su Yuan looked at Belmode playfully and asked.

When Belmode heard Su Yuan's question, she looked at Su Yuan with a smile.

"Because of your ability! And you have a grudge against the FBI!"

Su Yuan was a little confused for a moment after hearing what Vermouth said.

"My ability? What ability do I have?"

Su Yuan asked curiously

"The bombs you make are really novel, so we would like to invite you to join us!"

"According to our personnel investigation, your bomb does not seem to be a bomb available on the market, and its explosive power is even much greater than that of a high-explosive bomb!"

Vermouth looked at Su Yuan and explained lightly. After hearing Vermouth's explanation, Su Yuan understood that it was his TNT that was taken a fancy to. As for why the winery could find his TNT, Su Yuan would not doubt it at all. After all, the winery's personnel are spread all over the world, except for the ancient Eastern country!

Even a passerby could be an external staff of the winery!

Su Yuan thought for a while and said to Vermouth

"Forget about the bombs, but as for joining you, I can consider it, but the premise is, what are the benefits of joining you?"

After Su Yuan's deep consideration, he found that joining the winery was not a bad thing. If he made a mistake, the winery would take the blame, and if he ran out of money, he could get money from the winery.

The most important thing is that Su Yuan now has the template of Bald Qiang, and it can be said that even Gin can be killed. In this way, isn't it like a tiger entering a wolf pack and treating the winery as his own home!

Money, weapons, intelligence, and helpers are all available. He just needs to help the winery complete a few tasks, which is equivalent to freeloading!

"Oh? What benefits do you want?"

Vermouth looked at Su Yuan with interest and asked.

Su Yuan kept staring at Vermouth's big secret and teased.

"I want you, can I?"

Vermouth felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Su Yuan, and was even more amused after hearing what Su Yuan said.

"Why do you think you can get me?"

Belmode said playfully, and then quickly reached out to grab the pistol on the table, and when he was about to open the safety and aim at Su Yuan, he suddenly felt his head being pressed against by a metal pipe. Suddenly, Belmode's movements froze in the air.

"Is this enough?"

Su Yuan asked playfully, holding the sniper rifle against Belmode's head with one hand.

Belmode slowly turned off the safety, then put the pistol back on the table, then raised her head and looked at the sniper rifle in Su Yuan's hand curiously.

"I am curious now, where did you get this sniper rifle from?"

Vermouth asked curiously.

"Secrets make men more manly!"

Su Yuan blinked and smiled mysteriously.

After hearing this, Belmode was stunned for a moment, and then when she reacted, she laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, you are very interesting! But you can't make me surrender with this!"

Vermouth winked mischievously and said playfully, then stretched out his left hand and showed a grenade in his hand, but the grenade disappeared the next second!


Vermouth looked at his palm in surprise and found that the grenade disappeared without a trace.

"Are you looking for this?"

Belmode turned around when she heard the voice and found that the grenade in her hand had appeared in Su Yuan's hand without her knowing.

"Can't I take you down like this, beautiful lady?"

Su Yuan asked with a playful look in his eyes. When Vermouth was about to ask Su Yuan when he would take the grenade away, Su Yuan put a finger on his mouth and shushed.

"As I said, secrets make men more manly!"

Then the next second, the sniper rifle in Su Yuan's hand disappeared and was put back into the inventory by Su Yuan, and then he grabbed Belmode's hand and pulled it over.

Belmode quickly kicked Su Yuan, and Su Yuan directly grabbed Belmode's ankle with one hand. Belmode was shocked instantly. She didn't expect Su Yuan to be able to react. Then she wanted to retract her legs, but was held tightly by Su Yuan. Then Su Yuan threw Belmode onto the bed and started the after-meal exercise in Belmode's exclamation!

As the saying goes

, thousands of miles of orioles sing and green reflects red, it can be said that there are great scholars talking and laughing, and there are ordinary people going back and forth!............


Gin sat in the passenger seat, smoking and looking at the road ahead, while Vodka was concentrating on driving!

Then, Gin took out his cell phone expressionlessly without even glancing at it and answered the call and put it to his ear

"Hello? Gin, he agreed to join the organization! Ah~"

Vermouth's breathless voice came from the phone

""Well! Ask him out for a meeting tomorrow!"

Gin said lightly.

But a man's voice came from the other end of the phone, accompanied by the sound of fighting. Gin couldn't help but frowned.

"Hello? I can join you, but don't even think about how to make the bomb, I developed it myself!"

Su Yuan's panting voice reached Gin's ears. Gin couldn't help but feel puzzled after hearing what Su Yuan said.

"Bomb? What bomb?"

After Su Yuan heard Gin's question, he realized that the bomb was not needed by the winery, but by Vermouth!

Thinking of this, Su Yuan looked at Vermouth meaningfully.

"You guys decide the time and place for tomorrow's meeting! That's it, I have something else to do!"

Su Yuan said and hung up the phone.

"Well, it turns out that what Zhang Wuji's mother said is right, the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to deceive people!"

Su Yuan said softly while looking at the breathless Vermouth in front of him

, then he pulled out his stick and stabbed it hard. Vermouth didn't react and was stabbed directly. She immediately let out a cry of pain and then began to fight back!

Su Yuan was not convinced and used the civilian version of the Finger Snap to fight back, but he didn't expect that this civilian version of the Finger Snap would be so convenient in this competition. Soon Vermouth was poked in the acupuncture points by Su Yuan and couldn't move!

Gin, on the other hand, was a little overwhelmed when he looked at the hung up phone in his hand. After all, it was the first time that someone hung up the phone on him!

Then, thinking of the meeting tomorrow, a cold smile appeared at the corner of Gin's mouth.

""Very good! I hope your ability can make you so arrogant!"

After hearing what Gin said, Vodka turned to Gin and asked

"Boss, do you want us to kill him?"

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