Because Xiaolan followed Chi Chufeng when she entered the villa, she didn't find Takahashi Ryoichi's flaws.

So Takahashi Ryoichi didn't want to kill him.

The two of them took a romantic stroll in the forest, full of love.

If it weren't for the two jealous guys following behind, maybe something happy would have happened.

"No, it's not good."

As soon as I returned to the villa, Ota Sheng ran in breathlessly.

"A weird looking guy in a cape and a hat attacked me"

"Are you all okay?"

Chi Chufeng glanced at Takahashi Ryoichi.

This guy probably did it on purpose, trying to create the illusion that an outsider committed the crime.

"I was repairing the roof and didn't see any weirdos... But when I came to the villa, I did meet one on the suspension bridge."

Takahashi Ryoichi added proof

"Yes, I saw it too. Hiroki Kadaya also said.

Several people looked around in panic.

"Oops, the suspension bridge is destroyed"

"The telephone lines were also cut."

"Someone is trapping us here on purpose."

"That bandage guy must have done it."

"What is he going to do?"

"How terrifying!"

Xiaolan leaned unconsciously into Chi Chufeng's arms, having long forgotten that she was a karate champion.

"Don't worry, Xiaolan, I will protect you."

Aka Chufeng took the opportunity to put his arm around her waist, turning a gold coin back and forth between his fingers.

Mao Lilan looked up.

The two looked at each other with affection.

Conan beside him clenched his fists.

"I can too..."

He looked at his arms and legs, and finally sighed.

Forget it, I can't.

It was already dark, and everyone agreed to go down the mountain together tomorrow.

Then lock the doors and windows. Chikako picked up a letter from under the door, and then left the living room with a pale face.

Takahashi Ryoichi climbed up to the second floor to repair the roof.

Watching him disappear outside the rooftop window, Aka Chufeng couldn't help but curled his lips.

This is the Suzuki family's villa, does he need to keep repairing the roof?

Such an obvious problem, Conan didn't even notice it, and he still has the nerve to call himself a famous detective.

Aka Chufeng was too lazy to pay attention, he was very busy. He had to flirt with Xiaolan on the one hand, and deal with the passionate offensive of Sonoko and her sister on the other.

At the same time, he had to endure the jealous eyes of two jealous men and a jealous child.

He was too busy to save people.

"It's time to eat, Takahashi, come down quickly."

Ota Sheng finally couldn't stand it anymore and started to prepare dinner. He was a handsome guy, but when compared to Chi Chufeng, he instantly became invisible.

""Here we go."

Takahashi Ryoichi appeared at the window on the second floor.

""Who!" He suddenly shouted loudly outside,"Who is there?"

"What's wrong?" Ota Katsu asked

"There's someone at the window downstairs!"

His voice caused everyone to look back.

A dark shadow passed by the window. Under the light from the room, it was vaguely seen that it was the bandaged man holding Chikako.

"Bandage freak?"

"What does he want to do to Chikako?"

Seeing the case happen, Conan's detective soul burned.

He reacted quickly and agilely, grabbed the flashlight, opened the window, and jumped outside.

While in mid-air, he heard Akachufu say:"Everyone, don't move. I already know the truth of the case."


The ground outside was slippery, and Conan was shocked and lost his balance, falling flat on his face.

Everyone gathered in the living room on the first floor.

Takahashi Ryoichi said anxiously,"Why should we listen to what he says about the case? Shouldn't we go and rescue Chikako quickly?"

Aka Chufeng shook his head,"It's useless, Chikako has been dismembered a long time ago. Going out now will only let the criminal escape responsibility."

"What! Dismembered?

Everyone was stunned.

Takahashi Ryoichi turned pale and took two steps back.

"How could this happen? You must be lying."

"That’s right, we just saw Chikako, why do you say he was dismembered?"

""Are you the accomplice of that bandage weirdo?" As soon as Gao Qiaoliang said this, everyone was shocked.

Several men and boys all quietly moved away from Chi Chufeng. But the women still stayed beside him.

"Chi Chusang will never be an accomplice of the weirdo, I believe him."

Xiao Lan said firmly

"Such a handsome guy can't be the murderer."

Sonoko's logic is even simpler. Appearance is justice.

Conan and several men were confused.

Are you going to hit us like this?

Ota Katsu said unhappily:"In this case, Takahashi is the murderer?"

Everyone looked at Takahashi Ryoichi.

Well, in terms of body shape, height and appearance, Takahashi is really the worst.

Even Conan is more handsome than him.

Aka Chufeng nodded,"Yes, you guessed right."

Everyone was stunned.

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