"Don't worry, your earrings are already in my hands, and I have also removed all other traces. As long as you listen, I can help you get rid of the crime."

Ikezawa Yuko could only stand up with a red face.

He is doing this for my own good, I must listen to him.

【Ding, Ikezawa Yuko has a crush on you, and the current favorability is 2 stars. 】

After waiting for a long time, Conan finally figured it out.

And Maori Kogoro is still identifying the murderer one by one

"I already know the real murderer. That's right, the real murderer is Yamagishi! You guy..."

Maori Kogoro's hand had just pointed at his agent Yamagishi Eiichi.

Suddenly, an ashtray flew from behind and hit Maori Kogoro on the back of his head.

Then, Maori Kogoro fell down groaning, sat on the sofa, and lowered his head slightly.

Haha, the sleeping Maori Kogoro came online for the first time.

Aka Chufeng watched the whole process with the Eye of Space with a curious mentality.


His eyes suddenly lit up.

The small hole of the Eye of Space instantly moved to the top of Maori Kogoro's head.

There, a miniature version of Maori Kogoro was slowly emerging from the thick black hair. Come out.

Only a small head showed and then it stopped.

Is this the soul of Maori Kogoro?

Was it smashed out by Conan?

This is really cruel.

Akachufu used the hand of mind, pinched the small head of the soul and pulled it out.

It felt like a carrot buried in the ground, which grew very strong and could not be pulled out.

What a pity, if it was pulled out, wouldn't Maori Kogoro sleep forever?

And Edogawa Conan would become a murderer.

Ashtray murder of father-in-law case...

What a pity.

Akachufu smacked his lips.

Just as he was about to leave, he had an idea.

He placed the hand of mind on the top of the head of Maori Kogoro's soul.

"Magic power absorption."


Maori Kogoro's soul's little head shrank back immediately.

【Ding, your magic power limit has been increased. Now you can use level 1 magic for 39 minutes. 】

Wow, not bad, twice as much as ordinary souls.

Chi Chufeng looked at the top of Maori Kogoro's head with expectation.

Unfortunately, the soul's little head never appeared again.

"Yes, just like I said, the murderer is the deceased Fujie Akiyoshi himself."

The case was finally solved and everyone's suspicion was cleared.

Ikezawa Yuko ran out with a red face.

Maori Kogoro was also awakened by the cigarette butt.

"Brother Maori, I will look at you differently now."

Inspector Megure successfully solved the case and excitedly shook Maori Kogoro.

"Don't... don't shake me, I feel dizzy, I want to vomit, I want to eat something sour."

Mouri Kogoro's face was pale, his whole body was limp, as if he had been exercising for a day and a night.

Downstairs, at the gate.

Aka Chufeng stood on the side of the road with his hands in his pockets.

Looking at Ikezawa Yuko running out with staggering steps, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time.…"

"Urgent, I can't wait any longer."

Ikezawa Yuko jumped into the bushes of the green belt with agility.

What does this woman mean?

Chi Chufeng frowned slightly.

The bushes were too dark, and he couldn't take the risk.

So he used a common skill: the Eye of Space.

No matter how dark it is, it is as bright as day under the magic of the Eye of Space.

Oh my god...

Chi Chufeng's eyes widened instantly.

After a long time, Ikezawa Yuko came out shyly.

Looking at the man standing far away under the street light, she admired him very much.

What a gentleman!

【Ding, Ikezawa Yuko has a crush on you, and the current favorability is 3 stars. 】

Superficial... and white woman

"Can we go now?"

Chi Chufeng asked calmly.

"It's OK..."

Ikezawa Yuko blushed and lowered her head, like a newly married young wife.

"By the way, do you know how to do gymnastics?"

Chi Chufeng asked as he walked.

"No, I can only sing."

"Can you sing? That's good too. Today, I'll invite Ms. Yuko to sing for me."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

In the dark night, Chi Chufeng's mouth curled up slightly.


On the way back, Conan kept frowning.

"Conan, what are you thinking about?"Xiaolan asked curiously

"There was something wrong with that Ikezawa Yuko. I felt that she was very familiar with the environment in the house. When I asked Yoko where the toilet was, she unconsciously looked in the exact direction. Someone asked about the lighter, and she also looked at the exact location"

"What does that mean?"Xiao Lan was confused.

"This means that she has been to Yoko's house. Maybe the intruder Yoko mentioned is her. And Ikezawa Yuko's performance at the beginning is completely different from the later performance. Someone must be instructing her through the headphones..."


Suddenly, a fist hit Conan's head, and Conan's head was full of stars. A big bump instantly appeared on his head.

"You little brat, the case has been solved by me, Maori Kogoro, don't talk nonsense here, got it?"

Conan almost burst into tears.

It was obviously me who solved the case, okay?

You got all the fame and fortune, and you still hit me.

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