Katsuhiko Minagawa’s words were so harsh that Sekiya Kaori was in disbelief.

So this was the true face of the tennis club president she had a crush on?

His gentle appearance in the past was just a superficial illusion.

In fact, he was selfish, arrogant, and would not listen to anything.

Now he even insulted Mina Watanabe who had tried so hard to save him and was willing to give up everything to save him!

Sekiya Kaori felt that it was not worth it and was chilling for Mina Watanabe. She said angrily:

“Minagawa Katsuhiko! How can you say such a thing?!”

“In order to save you, Mina is willing to kneel down to Itake Karuta!”

“When you really have no money, you are even willing to……”

“Stop talking!” Watanabe Mina interrupted,”It was me who invited Mr. Itake in the first place.”

“Ke Yan didn’t know I was doing this, and I didn’t get Ke Yan’s consent in advance.”

“So Ke Yan doesn’t have to pay that money”

“I’ll think of another way.……”

There was no complaint in Mina Watanabe’s words, but her eyes were red and tears fell silently.

“Still pretending to be pitiful!”

Katsuhiko Minagawa said with a sneer on his face:”Don’t think you can fool me by saying this!”

“Do you think you can cheat me out of my money by shedding a few tears?”

“You two gold diggers, don’t think I know nothing!”

“I heard from the police that Wakamatsu gave me first aid after I fainted.”

“If it wasn’t for Wakamatsu, I would have died long ago. It had nothing to do with you two! And it had nothing to do with that charlatan either!!”

“Get out now! Don’t disturb my rest!!”

Minagawa Katsuhiko directly ordered them to leave.

Guan Guxiang was completely disappointed. She dragged the crying and speechless Watanabe Mina away…

On the other side, after returning to his residence, Itake Karuta began to practice martial arts, consuming 50,000 evil spirits to improve the Reversal of Xuantian Gong that was about to break through.

After a night of hard work, the Reversal of Xuantian Gong successfully broke through to the fourth level.

With the previous practice, the breakthrough is now a natural result without any obstacles.

Now, the influence of evil spirits on Itake Karuta’s own fortune has been reduced a little.

For every 10,000 evil spirits absorbed, only 7,000 of them will affect Itake Karuta’s fortune. This means that for every 10,000 evil spirits absorbed, only 700,000 yen in cash needs to be donated to offset the influence of the evil spirits.

In addition, the improvement of the martial arts also makes the use of evil spirits for attack, defense, and sleight of hand tricks more effective. Strengthen.

Now Itake Karuta still has 200,000 evil spirits in his body, and these 200,000 evil spirits are enough to break through the Reversal of Xuantian Gong to the 5th level.

Of course, this is also because of the innate evil body.

If there is no innate evil body, to upgrade from the 4th level to the 5th level, at least 400,000 evil spirits are needed.

But this cannot be done now.

These 200,000 evil spirits are reserved by Itake Karuta for self-defense.

As for the additional 200,000 evil spirits required to improve the skills, after seeing the top tool man effect of the Death God Elementary School Student,

Itake Karuta is not in a hurry at all.

It was just when he went out to buy breakfast,

Itake Karuta found that there were already several customers queuing at the door.

After asking around, it turned out that they had watched the report of Kudo Shinichi being cursed to death, and now it is the weekend.

So those office workers who have wanted to come for a long time but have no time can finally come.

Itake Karuta After taking a quick glance at these customers, he found that none of them had much bad luck, so he chose to continue having breakfast and asked them to wait until work time.

When he came back from breakfast, there were already more than a dozen customers queuing at the door.

Itake Karuta opened for business.

In fact, most of these people were fortune tellers, and their fortunes were not that bad.

If he really met an unlucky person, or a rich person who was obviously willing to spend money, Itake Karuta would recommend a 1 million yen disaster relief service.

If he was in financial difficulty and could not afford the money, he would recommend a 500,000 yen blessing service.

Office workers have some savings, and 500,000 yen is only three or four months’ salary. Even the really unlucky ones are willing to spend this money to buy peace.

Itake Karuta asked the guests who bought the blessing or disaster relief services to pose in various strange postures in the reception room, calling it finding a bridge to communicate with the gods.

Xiao Xiao After doing some work to impress the customers, he absorbed the evil spirits, collected the money and sent them away.

When it was 5 pm, when Itake Karuta got off work, he had absorbed a total of 30,000 evil spirits today, which was better than usual business.

This was mainly because there were more customers today.

With more customers, there would naturally be more or less unlucky people.

Today, Itake Karuta earned 30,000 evil spirits and 8 million yen in banknotes.

After deducting the 2.1 million yen needed to offset the 30,000 evil spirits, the net income was 5.9 million yen.

This is not much.

In fact, before Kudo Shinichi affected the business,

Itake Karuta had a cash income of more than 4 million yen on weekends in the past two weeks.

Now it is just a little more than the normal level.

5 pm was already the time to get off work, and there were still a dozen customers queuing at the door.

Itake Karuta asked them to come back the day after tomorrow.

As for why it was not tomorrow, it was because Itake Karuta had put a sign recruiting assistants at the door.

With more and more customers and Conan’s efforts,

Itake Karuta no longer wants to work from nine to five.

He hires an assistant, and at the same time, a receptionist, so that he doesn’t have to do everything himself.

In the previous plane, there were restrictions on the way of heaven, and he needed to be careful everywhere. There was no need to hire an assistant, and he didn’t even dare to publicize his identity as a transporter.

There is no way of heaven in the scientific plane, so there is no need to worry about being punished. Now that he has established a firm foothold, of course, he lives as comfortably as he can.

As for the requirements for assistants, they must be beautiful and have a good figure, and they must be big-wavy beauties with brains.

In terms of salary, Itake Karuta did not treat them badly, and directly offered a monthly salary of 3 million yen.

The next day, there was an endless stream of beautiful women coming to the door of Itake’s house for job interviews.

Itake Karuta had expected this to happen, so he didn’t see guests today, only interviews.

After all, in the current Sakura Country, the average monthly salary of a social animal with three to five years of service is less than 200,000 yen. After working for more than ten years and being promoted to the level of section chief, the monthly salary can rise to 300,000 yen.

The monthly salary of 3 million yen for an assistant is equivalent to what most office workers earn in a year!

Two days ago, Itake Karuta placed recruitment advertisements in newspapers and magazines, specifying that interviews would only be held today.

Today is Sunday, and the high salary attracted beauties from all over Mika City, and even those near Mika City, to come for interviews.

But not all of those who came for the interview met the requirements.

Some who were not so pretty, or who did not have such good figures, also wanted to try their luck.

However, Itake Karuta was very strict, and would eliminate those who were slightly not to his liking or who did not like him.

It was also through this interview that

I discovered that Mao Li Ran was indeed a first-class beauty.

Among the many women who were attracted to the interview by the high salary, very few had Mao Li Ran’s appearance and figure, and a nice voice, not to mention that the necessary condition for recruitment was a flexible mind.

Itake Karuta spent a whole day screening and finally kept 10 out of more than 300 interviewees.

Among these 10 people, there were first-class beauties with good looks and figures. Their academic qualifications and behavior showed that they were smart people and experienced workplace veterans.

Afterwards, the 10 people entered the reception room one by one.

Itake Karuta used questions, tricks, and observation to determine which one was the smartest and most suitable.

Finally, a blonde beauty was selected, a mature beauty with big wavy blonde hair, a good figure, and eyes that revealed wisdom.

And she has a mysterious aura, which makes people want to get to know her better…

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