When Itake Karuta went out for lunch,

Catherine took the opportunity to place a bug in the reception room, preparing to eavesdrop on what happened in the reception room later.

As a result, when Itake Karuta came back and closed the door of the reception room, the bug malfunctioned within two seconds and could not receive any signal at all.

After that, Catherine quietly came to the door of the reception room and put her ear against the door to eavesdrop, but she could not hear any movement, as if there was no one in the room.

In order to avoid exposing the fact of eavesdropping, Catherine took the opportunity of cleaning the room to retrieve the bug.

It turned out that the bug that was originally hidden behind the portrait was gone!

Catherine couldn’t help but frown slightly:

It seems that the bug has most likely been discovered by Itake Karuta.

But looking at Itake Karuta’s expression just now, it seems that he doesn’t care at all, and he didn’t say much to her.

“It seems that he is really capable, he can detect the bug as soon as he enters the door……”

Catherine, who was cleaning the battlefield, murmured softly.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom on the second floor,

Watanabe Mina and Guan Guxiang took a bath and soaked in the bathtub together to relieve their tired bodies.

“Mr. Itake is really good at playing tennis~”

Watanabe Mina exclaimed, and her previous worries about not being able to raise money have now turned into a faint smile.

“Yes, I really want to have a tennis match with Mr. Yizhu every day!”

Guan Guxiang also smiled a lot, and said expectantly:”And Mr. Yizhu seems to like us very much, maybe……”

The two girls are both members of the tennis club at Beika University. Their tennis skills are not that great, but at least they are better than ordinary people.

Today is the first time for both of them to serve as tennis coaches.

When they were playing tennis with Itake Karuta just now, they became more and more excited, and the more they played, the more they enjoyed it.

Both Mina Watanabe and Kaoru Sekiya are a little addicted to it.

Especially the release of dopamine after exercise, which makes people feel particularly happy physically and mentally.

Playing tennis, like running, is an aerobic exercise, and playing tennis is more intense, so the effect of dopamine will be more obvious.

So after the intense exercise, Mina Watanabe and Kaoru Sekiya had long forgotten about Katsuhiko Minagawa who caused them unhappiness.

“Do you want to play tennis every day? Mr. Yizhu may not agree.”

“After all, Mr. Yizhu is such a busy person.……”

Watanabe Mina reminded her, bringing the somewhat dizzy Guan Guxiang back to reality.

“Yes, Mr. Itake is willing to accept our repayment of the debt, which is already a great favor. We can’t expect too much.”

Guan Guxiang murmured a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Mina Watanabe gently held Guan Guxiang’s hand and said softly:”A Xiang, thank you so much this time.”

Guan Guxiang came back to her senses, looked at Mina Watanabe beside her, and said softly:”It’s okay, but if you are free tomorrow, can you practice with me?”

“Next time I fight Mr. Itake, I want to make some progress.”

Watanabe Mina smiled and said,”What are you talking about? Xiang, how can I refuse you when you help me like this?”

“That’s good!” Guan Guxiang smiled and hugged Watanabe Mina,”By the way, Mina, you looked very beautiful just now~”

Watanabe Mina smiled and said,”Axiang, you are also very beautiful~”……”

At 4:55 pm,

Watanabe Mina and Guan Guxiang had already rested for a while and left the Itake house.

On the second floor of the reception room, by the window, watching the two girls supporting each other as they left,

Itake Karuta had one more thing on his to-do list:

——Get rid of Katsuhiko Minagawa!

It’s not about getting rid of evil for the sake of reputation, it’s mainly because of some selfish motives of Itake Karuta.

After all, Watanabe Mina and Sekiya Kaori have become his clients.

In order to prevent his clients from being disgusted by Katsuhiko Minagawa again,

Itake Karuta will take the simplest and most direct means.

Anyway, Katsuhiko Minagawa is also a person who deserves to die, but he has to wait for a while to avoid suspicion falling on the two women.

Looking at the time, it was already 4:55 in the afternoon, and

Itake Karuta and Catherine were preparing to get off work.

But in the last 5 minutes before getting off work, a customer came to the door, a beautiful customer, a great beauty who was comparable to Mao Li Ran in terms of appearance.

Since the client is a great beauty, Itake Karuta doesn’t mind working a little overtime.

“Hirota Masami……”

In the reception room, Itake Karuta repeated the name given by the beautiful customer.

It seemed familiar, but he couldn’t remember it for a moment.

“If I pay, can I pray for others?”

Hirota Masami asked

“The price for a prayer is 500,000 yen”

“You can pray for others, but you must also follow the prayer ceremony as required.”

“And they also need to tell the name and address of the person being prayed for, preferably with a photo.”

Itake Karuta was a little curious, was this beautiful woman here for her boyfriend like Watanabe Mina?

“I am willing to cooperate.”

After learning about the blessing ceremony proposed by Itake Karuta, Hirota Masami nodded and continued:

“But before that, please ask Mr. Yizhu to let the gods bring down their wrath on me.”

“I want to experience it myself to see if you are really as effective as the rumors say.”

Itake Karuta was not surprised by this request.

In his decades of experience as a fortune teller, he has seen many strange requests.

There are many people like Hirota Masami who are not fooled by the various tricks in the room and want to experience it for themselves.

This is not a bad thing, because Itake Karuta can take the opportunity to increase the price and make more money.

However, Hirota Masami’s situation is different.

“Before praying for others, please take care of yourself first.”

“Actually, Miss Hirota, your luck is not very good now.”

Izuki Kiyota said lightly:”I guess you have suffered a lot recently.”

But Hirota Masami shook her head and chuckled:”It seems that Mr. Izuki is just a name for nothing.”

“Not only have I not suffered any hardship recently, but I have also taken the initiative to ask for a good thing!”

Hearing this,

Itake Qingtian couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

He clearly observed that the evil spirit on Hirota Masami was already more than 20,000, which was in the category of blood disaster, and it was still slowly increasing.

“Ms. Hirota, please answer honestly, have you really not encountered any hardship or misfortune recently?”

Hirota Masami nodded.

Itake Karuta said seriously:”That’s even worse. It seems that the ‘good thing’ you mentioned will bring you danger.”

“You may even lose your life!”

It is said that a biting dog does not bark.

Just like the situation of Katsuhiko Minagawa before, the evil spirit accumulated in his body did not ease on its own, and eventually accumulated more and more, and it was easy to die suddenly when it reached its peak.

“Why did Mr. Yizhu deliberately say this to scare people?”

Hirota Masami snorted coldly.

“Since Ms. Hirota thinks I’m scaring people”

“Think that ‘good thing’ won’t bring danger……”

Itake Karuta asked back,”Then why does Miss Hirota have such a serious expression? Why don’t you just get up and leave?”

This directly hit the nail on the head for Hirota Masami, who was immediately silent.

“The day before you went to do that”good deed””

“It’s better to bring 1 million yen in cash and come back again so that I can help you get rid of the disaster.”

Itake Karuta said kindly:”It would be a pity if a beauty like you died.”

And Hirota Masami’s evil spirit was still growing.

It would be a pity to lose so much evil spirit.

“Just relying on this psychology of observing people’s hearts, I still can’t believe that Mr. Yizhu has real ability”

“Please ask Mr. Itake to punish me with divine punishment, so that I can experience it myself.”

Hirota Masami repeated her request.

Seeing her insistence,

Itake Karuta absorbed 20,000 evil spirits from Hirota Masami.

He then applied another 10,000 evil spirits to her, reducing her fortune to the level of a minor blood disaster.

This was not a superfluous move, but the evil spirits he applied were more likely to cause harm to people.

“After you leave this room, Ms. Hirota, your fortune will get worse day by day.”

“When Miss Hirota recognizes my ability one day, prepare the money and come again.”

After reminding Hirota Masami, Itake Karuta asked her to leave a phone number and then sent the guest away. After watching the last guest leave today,

Itake Karuta looked at Catherine who was about to get off work and said lightly:

“Be careful on your way home.”

“If you do it again next time, you will suffer.”

After saying that, Itake Karuta went out to have dinner.

“I want to see if you can let me be careful’……”

Catherine looked at Itake Karuta’s back as he left, with a hint of disdain in her eyes.

“But why did Miyano Akemi come here?”

Catherine quickly took out her cell phone and made a call:

“What’s going on with Gin, Shirley and Miyano Akemi recently?”

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