Along with a slight earthquake, an avalanche occurred as expected.

Fortunately, the skiing spot is on the mountainside, and tourists hurriedly took the cable car down the mountain.

If there was only an avalanche, they could still go down the mountain by skiing.

But skiing after an earthquake is seeking death, and you may be buried by the scattered snow at any time.

In less than five minutes, most people on the snow mountain were safely evacuated to the streets a certain distance away from the foot of the mountain.

A few people are facing the situation of missing and losing contact.

Hattori Heiji frantically called Kazuha’s cell phone, and he was able to get through, but no one answered.

Hattori Heiji was anxious, thinking that Kazuha had an accident.

“It’s both of you!”

“If you hadn’t stopped me……”

Hattori Heiji looked at Mao Lilan and Sonoko with resentment on his face

“If they hadn’t stopped you, you would have died in the avalanche!”

“At that time, Kazuha had already lost his sight, you couldn’t catch up at all!”

Conan interrupted Hattori Heiji’s words.

It was Conan’s reminder that Mao Lilan grabbed Hattori Heiji in time to prevent the latter from acting impulsively.

“How do you know if you haven’t tried it?!”

“The person missing now is not yours, so of course you can make sarcastic remarks here.”

Hattori Heiji’s face became more ferocious,”Where is that Itake Karuta?!”

“Did he deliberately create an avalanche?!”


Hattori Heiji was hit and fell into a coma

“This is the only way to calm him down.”

Ran Mao Li shook her fist helplessly.

When she heard that Hattori Heiji began to doubt everything, she knew that he had lost his mind.

When Hattori Heiji woke up again, it was already 7:00 in the evening.

Conan saw that he woke up and said:

“Only two people were missing this time.”

“One is Kazuha and the other is Itake Karuta”

“When the earthquake happened, someone saw Itake Karuta skiing, and he was too far away to get back to the cable car.”

“Then Itake Karuta climbed up the tree… his life or death is unknown”

“Hattori, you have to accept the reality, the cause of the avalanche is an earthquake.”

The Sakura Country is originally an island country, and earthquakes are commonplace.

Although earthquakes rarely occur in this area, it is not surprising that they occur.

Otherwise, the ski resort would not be set up halfway up the mountain.

Hattori Heiji was silent for a while, and then asked about the current rescue progress.

Later, he learned that there were occasional aftershocks on the snow mountain, and the snow was getting heavier, so the rescue work was progressing slowly.

Because of the earthquake, avalanches occurred in more than one direction, and there were avalanches in other directions of the same snow mountain, not to mention that there were mountains on the other side.

Under the chaotic impact of the snow blocks, it is difficult to predict which area Kazuha will be taken to.

Now that it is getting dark, the people buried by the avalanche are likely to be in danger.

Hattori Heiji’s face became more and more gloomy, and then he asked Conan to take him to find Mao Li Ran and Sonoko

“What did you mean when you said before that Kazuha would be fine?”

Hattori Heiji calmed down and remembered what Maori Ran said when she dragged him away.

Maori Ran sighed:”At that time, I was thinking about asking Mr. Itake to help with the rescue after we got down the mountain.”

“Mr. Yizhu also has the ability to find people. He once helped me find my kidnapped mother.”

“But now, Mr. Yizhu has also lost contact……”

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The last glimmer of hope in Hattori Heiji’s eyes also dimmed.

He thought that Mao Lilan could have some good ideas, but he didn’t expect to mention that liar again.

That liar couldn’t protect himself, and he said he was a transporter. It was really ridiculous.

Hattori Heiji didn’t want to mention Itake Karuta anymore, and he was more willing to spend his mind on thinking about rescue methods.

At this time, under the deep snow piled up by the avalanche,

Itake Karuta was holding Kazuha who had regained consciousness.

Both of them had trouble falling asleep.

Within an hour after the avalanche,

Itake Karuta found Kazuha with the evil spirit left behind.

I don’t know whether Kazuha is lucky or unlucky.

If she is lucky, she has a strong evil spirit and was buried in an avalanche.

If she is unlucky, the location where Kazuha was buried is extremely lucky.

Two fallen trees next to her isolated a small space, so Kazuha can hold on until now and not suffocate to death.

But Kazuha’s situation is not much better. Her hands and feet are terribly cold. She is already in a coma and has dangerous hypothermia symptoms.

What’s worse, Kazuha’s body temperature melted the snowflakes nearby, soaking the clothes, which then cooled and froze.

After Itake Karuta found Kazuha, he immediately started a series of first aid.

An hour later, Kazuha gradually regained consciousness.

However, the sky was dim and there was not enough light under the deep snow, so Kazuha couldn’t see clearly.

“You saved me?”

He Ye’s limbs have not yet regained much consciousness, but she vaguely remembers being buried after being swept away by the avalanche and freezing into a coma.

And now, her back seems to be leaning against a warm object.

“That’s right”

“Don’t forget my 1 million yen reward.”

Itake Karuta whispered in Kazuha’s ear

“Y-It’s you?!”

“That transporter, Itake Karuta?!”

He Ye was a little bit unbelievable

“Yes, it’s me.”

“When I was preparing to escape, I found you nearby”

“I saved you by the way.”

Itake Karuta explained in a calm tone.

It sounds like a very trivial matter.

But the avalanche is really nothing to Itake Karuta.

It is just a small means to materialize bad luck.

When the avalanche came, Itake Karuta went directly to the tree.

When the trunk was crushed by the heavy snow, Itake Karuta directly used the evil spirit to protect himself and let the snow lead the way.

This is the most energy-saving way.

When the avalanche stopped, Itake Shinda came out of the deep snow.

As long as the evil spirit is gathered under the feet, it is easy to walk on water, and walking on snow is a piece of cake.

The bad luck caused by the 20,000 evil spirits absorbed at the airport before was almost offset when the tire burst.

But afterwards, he absorbed 100,000 evil spirits from Hamano, and today… The foot of the mountain absorbed nearly 300,000 evil spirits.

Even if the degree of influence is only 50%, the bad luck corresponding to the evil spirits is nearly 200,000, which is enough for ordinary people to die two or three times.

Under the influence of”fate”, the probability of small-probability disaster events has greatly increased.

In addition, Itake Karuta accidentally skied, which directly caused earthquakes and avalanches.

However, Itake Karuta will not feel guilty.

After all, there are many unlucky people in the snow mountain today. Even if he doesn’t come, similar avalanche accidents will still happen.

Especially He Ye, with more than 70,000 evil spirits, she is destined to suffer.

Fortunately, Itake Karuta felt in time and rescued He Ye before the evil spirits dissipated.

Now He Ye’s evil spirits are only more than 30,000, but it is better than nothing.

More than 70,000 evil spirits have not reached the death line.

If he doesn’t save He Ye, He Ye will be rescued by others, or save herself.

It’s better to save He Ye and earn some evil spirits and gratitude from beautiful women. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Are we buried under deep snow?”

“Is there still a chance to be rescued?”

After thanking Itake Karuta for saving his life, Kazuha wanted to ask about the current situation and the escape plan.

As for the mobile phone, Kazuha couldn’t find it after being caught in the avalanche, and even one of his shoes was missing.

“It was indeed buried in deep snow.”[]

“You can definitely survive”

“But it’s dark now, let’s go to sleep first.”

Itake Karuta was able to take Kazuha away from here immediately.

But the bad luck brought by the evil spirit has been triggered, and according to the amount, it will last at least two days.

If we leave now, we will probably be involved in other accidents later.

It’s better to stay here to kill time and take a nap first.

When the mental strength is restored, the evil spirit on Kazuha will be absorbed.

A few minutes later, just as Itake Karuta was about to fall asleep,

“Where are my clothes?!”

“you you you you……”

“You put me in your clothes now?”

He Ye asked in a panic.

After regaining consciousness, He Ye’s limbs gradually regained their senses.

Then he realized that the warm thing on his back was Itake Karuta’s arms, without any separation or obstruction. In addition

, He Ye’s hands and feet were pressed against Itake Karuta’s hands and feet.

It can be said that the two of them are now literally wearing the same set of clothes.

“Miss He Ye, when I found you, you were already suffering from hypothermia and were in critical condition.”

“Your body temperature melts the snow around you, and the snow soaks into your clothes and freezes again”

“Wearing those things will only make you die faster.”

“Do you think I want to hug a big unconscious ice cube?”

Itake Karuta knew that Kazuha was thinking the wrong thing, so he could only explain it……….

Before meeting Mao Lilan, Itake Karuta might have lost control of the current situation.

But after going through so many tests and adventures, as well as the journey of the soul,

Itake Karuta has been able to keep a normal mind, as long as He Ye doesn’t move.


Kazuha fell silent, because what Itake Karuta said was the truth.

Before she fell into a coma, Kazuha’s limbs were frozen stiff and numb, and she felt like she was going to die.

It’s conceivable how uncomfortable it was when Itake Karuta held her in his arms.

But understanding is understanding,

Kazuha is a girl who has never been in a relationship, and her body temperature quickly recovered, and even recovered too much, getting hotter and hotter, like she had a high fever.

“Have a cold?”

Itake Karuta felt that Kazuha was emitting more heat than him.

“should be……”

Kazuha was embarrassed to say that it was because she was too shy.

There were cooling items nearby, so

Itake Karuta grabbed a snow block and put it on Kazuha’s forehead.

But the cooling effect was limited.

The temperature rose again after just a short while.

Itake Karuta had to use up his evil spirit to check on Kazuha.

It turned out that the little girl didn’t catch a cold at all, so he reacted belatedly and stopped applying ice.

Later, Itake Karuta found that Kazuha was moving around slightly.

It was probably because she hadn’t moved for too long and her limbs were stiff and uncomfortable.

Itake Karuta simply blocked his own senses, ignored Kazuha, and fell asleep.

He had already set up a formation, and at six o’clock tomorrow morning, the five senses would be automatically blocked.

In short, it was the function of an alarm clock.

After Kazuha was so embarrassed that her head was hot and dizzy, she didn’t know how long it had been before she finally felt sleepy and fell asleep.

And she had a dream.

What you think about during the day will appear in your dreams at night. Before falling asleep, Kazuha was forced to think of Itake Karuta.

In her dream, Kazuha was more like an animal who made choices based on instinct, and took the Itake Karuta in her dream for herself.

Kazuha also found that Hattori Heiji was standing beside her at some point, looking at her with hurt eyes.

“No, Heiji, listen to my explanation.……”

He Ye opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that it was a dream.

It was dim at this time, and he didn’t know what time it was.

He Ye wanted to sleep again, but because he felt a huge threat, he couldn’t fall asleep.

“I warn you, don’t have any bad thoughts……”

He Ye whispered:”I know Taekwondo!”

“Don’t think you can save me.……”

After talking a lot, He Ye realized that Itake Karuta’s breathing was slow.

He pinched Itake Karuta’s face and felt his heartbeat, only to find that he was still asleep at 2.2.

“I don’t know what sweet dream I have.……”

“I slept so soundly, but I still……”

He Ye was so embarrassed.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky gradually began to light up.

Although it was a little dim, He Ye could still vaguely see the surroundings.

All her clothes were scattered around her. Itake Karuta was sitting with his back against a pine tree. She was in Itake Karuta’s arms.

“Good morning”

“It’s a natural reaction, don’t take it too seriously.”

At six in the morning, Itake Karuta was awakened by the formation alarm clock on time.

He was just a little too energetic, so energetic that He Ye might get hurt at any time.


Kazuha responded in a very low voice.

Then, Itake Karuta calmed down and suppressed the anger that was aroused by the huge evil spirit.

After sleeping, his mental strength was restored, and he quickly absorbed all of Kazuha’s remaining 30,000 evil spirits.

He picked up the clothes that covered his body on the ground.

Itake Karuta shook off the broken ice on the clothes and handed them to Kazuha.

“How do I wear this? ?”

He Ye looked at the clothes that were as stiff as ice and couldn’t wear them even if he wanted to.

“Of course, it is dried with your body heat”

“Or are you going to stay in my arms forever?”

Izuki Karuta reminded,”I can’t guarantee that you will be safe in this situation.”

Kazuha’s face flushed instantly.

Using body temperature to warm the frozen clothes made Kazuha shiver with cold.

But it was too dangerous to continue staying in Izuki Karuta’s arms.

And after so much time had passed, Kazuha also had some personal problems to solve..

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