For Yukiko’s request, Concubine Eiri agreed.

After all, he was his friend, and he also helped himself, so he promised that there would be no problem.

But there are some things she has to say clearly.

“I can help you ask, but Takuya doesn’t know a reliable firm, I don’t know, don’t expect too much!”

Concubine Yingli gave Yukiko a vaccination in advance, lest the higher the expectation, the higher the disappointment.

And she is only responsible for conveying, and the final person in charge is Takuya Kambara.

Because Fei Yingli knows that she has no connections, although she will soon be a college student at Eastern University, but now she is not a student of Eastern University and has no connections.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to replace Takuya Kambara to promise Concubine Yingli, and by doing so, she is consuming Takuya Kambara’s own connections and favors.

In short, she is only responsible for conveying, not packing tickets.

“Thank you, Eiri!” Yukiko looked grateful.

Although she is very confident in herself and will definitely be able to shine in the entertainment industry, no firm has been optimistic about her potential in the past period, which inevitably makes her a little disappointed.

Of course, it is not that there are no firms to fancy her, but the contract is very harsh, there is no difference from the deed of sale, and it is even more terrifying than the deed of sale.

If she signs a contract, then Yukiko will no longer belong to herself, but to someone else.

This kind of affairs will not be joined by Kiko.

“You’re welcome, but I still have to tell you, you may not be able to find the firm you want, so don’t expect too much!” Concubine Yingli reminded again.

She didn’t want to stiffen the relationship between their sisters because of this.

“Don’t worry, I’m not the kind of girl who is careful.”

Yukiko also knows that there is no 100% achievable thing in the world, and the kind of casual saying that it is guaranteed to be done is a lie.

When the time comes, you will be scammed and you will help count the money.

Yukiko is not stupid.

“That’s good.” Fei Yingli nodded and took a sip of coffee.

Suddenly, Yukiko leaned over again and whispered, “Since you are being raised, then it should already be that, so what does it feel like?” ”

“Does it really hurt?”

Yukiko’s eyes were full of curiosity.

In high school, she had heard the girls in her class say this kind of thing, but she herself was still a little girl and did not have any experience in this area.

That’s why I asked Concubine Yingli, which was completely out of curiosity.

After all, I just graduated from high school, I am still curious about some things, and the two of them are still very good girlfriends, so it’s normal to ask like this.

Hearing Yukiko’s question, Concubine Yingli’s face turned slightly red, and she took a sip of coffee to calm herself down.

This scene was captured by Yukiko, who got up directly and came to Concubine Yingli’s side, sticking to Concubine Yingli and asking: “You are blushing and shy, so what the hell does it feel.” ”

“Did you really tell them that it hurts and is very happy?”

These were all said by the girls in the class when she was in Teidan High School, and Yukiko just repeated it.

And Concubine Yingli, being asked this kind of thing under the public, is naturally a little shy.

Compared with those women who casually say color jokes, Concubine Yingli is still far behind.

“It’s true!” Concubine Yingli whispered: “It’s exactly the same as they said, the first time it hurts, but the back is very happy.” ”


At the end, Concubine Yingli whispered directly in Yukiko’s ear.

After hearing this, Yukiko’s cheeks turned red, probably related to the explosive words said by Concubine Yingli!

What dead and alive, do not want to move, do these tiger and wolf words themselves are all spoken from the mouth of Concubine Yingli.

The main one is unscrupulous.

Maybe this is the difference between a girl who has eaten meat and a girl who has always been vegetarian.

Of course, this kind of words are limited to saying to her good girlfriend, and in other places Concubine Yingli can’t say it, she is not so cheeky.

After saying this, Yukiko’s face turned red and twisted and pinched, which is still a bit out of line for a girl like Yukiko, who is not deeply involved in the world.

It can only be said that the current Yukiko is too young.

Concubine Yingli on the side looked at her friend who was about to smoke, a little funny.

When she was in school, Yukiko was very fierce, but now she has become a little girl, maybe this is Yukiko’s nature!

Even looking at Yukiko’s appearance, she had the idea of introducing Takuya Kambara to Yukiko.

Takuya Kambara: And this kind of good thing?

Concubine Yingli herself is a woman raised by Takuya Kambara, so there is no problem for him to take care of other women.

And she also knew very well that an excellent man like Takuya Kambara must have more than one person eyeing him.

And in recent days, there are also film and television companies who have come to talk to Takuya Kambara about moving his manager to the big screen.

It is to modify Takuya Kambara’s experience and shoot it into a TV series.

After all, Takuya Kambara’s experience from childhood to adulthood is very much in line with the taste of neon people now.

From scratch, from weak to strong, very marketable.

The most important thing is that this guy who came to talk actually brought a woman over, and this woman is still fiddling with her airport, wanting to hook up with Takuya Kambara.

This can make Concubine Yingli angry, and doing these things in front of me is really too much.

Fortunately, Taku Kambara is also very simple, he only likes beautiful, good figure, young ladies.

For the eldest lady who owns the airport at a young age, he has no interest.

It was precisely for this reason that the idea of letting Concubine Yingli find allies came up.

And Yukiko may be her ally.

“Yukiko, you look like this now and when you were in school, you are like two people!” Fei Yingli quipped.

Yukiko, who came back to her senses, hummed and chirped: “I’m not all deceptive, strong, I don’t need to look like this in front of you.” ”

Concubine Yingli smiled and whispered close to Yukiko’s ear, “Then do you want to experience it?” ”


Just as Yukiko was about to say something, there was a sudden scream in the café.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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