This information can only prove the victim’s address and name, and further investigation is required as for work.

“Takeshita, you go and tell Twilight about this information, and let him investigate some detailed intelligence.”

Takuya Kambara looked at one of the police officers.

“Yes, Officer Kambara.”

Takeshita took this information and left the women’s toilet to find Twilight XIII.

After Takeshita left, Takuya Kambara looked at Kudo Yusaku, and Noboru continued to investigate next to the corpse.

Looking at Takuya Kambara’s gaze, Kudo Yusaku greeted him without fear.

“When you came in, did the toilet door lock it, or did you open it?”

Taku Kambara also doesn’t want to grind with Kudo Yusaku here, quickly solve the murder, leave quickly, and then lock Kudo Yusaku in, which is the most important thing.

Now lock Kudo Yusaku in first, and then close Kudo Shinichi in the future.

Neither of you father nor son can escape.

However, from the current situation, Yukiko Fujimine and Yusaku Kudo do not know each other.

So there is a 99% chance that Kudo Yusaku’s wife will not be Yukiko Fujimine, because he is here.

Of course, Kudo Shinichi will still be born, unless Kudo Yusaku does not marry or is killed, otherwise Kudo Shinichi this guy will definitely appear in this world.

Just as Kudo Yusaku was about to speak, Takuya Kambara spoke again: “You’d better think clearly, if you mislead our police, you will break the law and go to jail.” ”

“You don’t want your fans to know that you might go to jail!”

Kudo Yusaku is now a mystery novelist, quite famous, plus handsome, there are many fans, most of them are female fans.

Hearing this, Kudo Yusaku was a little angry, although he was also very unhappy with Taku Kambara, but he would not hide or talk nonsense about this kind of thing, which he still had.

“I’m a detective, how could I lie.”

“When I came in, the toilet door was open, and Ms. Nanazuki Sakano was lying in the bathroom, with a fruit knife inserted in the heart of her chest, and I did take out the things on her, but I was not the first to find them.”

“But I already asked the first discoverer, Ms. Ryoko, when you came over.”

“She said she came in when she met a man wearing a coat, hat and mask passing by her, and she found the dead in the bathroom.”

“And this person who passed by him was at least a head taller than her, so she took a look at it more, black trousers, wearing black sneakers!”

“It’s probably male, but it’s probably a tall woman.”

When normal people see beautiful women, handsome guys, and tall people, they will subconsciously look more, which is human instinct.

Walking on the street, Takuya Kambara also admires those beautiful big sisters.

Not for anything else, just to make yourself happy.

Takuya Kambara glanced at Yusaku Kudo and chose to believe it for the time being.

In terms of credibility, Kudo Yusaku is still worth believing, as for Kudo Shinichi, it is not worth believing.

At this time, Midden cried out: “Officer Kambara, we found a blood stain here, this blood stain seems to be blocked by something, only half. ”

“Maybe someone stepped on it.”

Takuya Kambara said, “Immediately conduct an appraisal, first identify the shoes of this guy Yusaku Kudo to see if they match.” ”

“You give me a bottle of Lumino, I’ll take a look outside.”

Lumino can make blood stains invisible to the naked eye visible, and if the murderer wiped the blood stains on his body with something, then this is just the right time.


Denmi took out a bottle of Luminol and left the toilet.


There were also a dozen guests and three or four employees in the café, all gathered together, and the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department were watching them.

But nearly thirty minutes have passed since the crime, and some people are already waiting impatiently.

“How long do we have to wait! We’ve all been asked by you, can you let us go!” One of the men in a suit shouted: “I also made an appointment with guests, if you go late, this list will be lost, can you afford it?” ”

Just as a police officer was about to speak, a man spoke first.

“You left in such a panic, could it be that you are the murderer, or that you are the murderer’s accomplice?”

I saw Taku Kambara walking towards this side, and the lumino in his hand was also spraying.

After spraying, scattered traces appeared on the ground, all of which were traces of blood.

This trace disappeared after coming to a seat.

“Manager, who is the person on this position?” Takuya Kambara asked.

“Who are you?”

The man in the suit said with a displeased face.

“I’m Takuya Kambara from the Metropolitan Police Department, and you can’t leave for the time being!” Takuya Kambara turned his head and said.

The man in the suit glanced at Takuya Kambara: “I know you, the policeman who recently appeared on TV.” ”

“I also made an appointment with a customer, can you let me leave first, I am definitely not the murderer!”

Kamihara Takuya said lightly: “Is it a murderer, you said it or not, wait!” Things will fall into place soon, and you’ll be able to leave. ”

“If you have questions, you can go to the Metropolitan Police Department to complain about me, I am very welcome.”

“You !!” The man in the suit directly retreated, complaining to the Nova police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, he was afraid that he was making trouble for himself!

It’s impossible for him to do such a stupid thing.

When the words fell, the boss standing inside the counter said: “I remember that it was a man in this position, but after the life case, I didn’t know.” ”

“Men, tall men.”

Takuya Kambara looked around and found that the men here were not very tall, at most one meter seven, less than one meter seven five.

None of them are very high.

But the boys are not very tall, but one of the women is surprisingly tall.

Among the girls, it seems to stand out from the crowd, and the visual measurement is one meter eight!

“Could it be…”

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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