“Could it be that this guy is pretending to be a woman and trying to fish in troubled waters.” Takuya Kamihara said secretly in his heart.

It’s just that the position of this tall girl is somewhat clever, because she stands next to Yukiko and Concubine Eiri.

Now Takuya Kambara suspects that if he goes to ask this girl about something, she may run away and take something out of her body to hold Eiri or Yukiko hostage.

So as to get yourself out of this café.

This kind of thing is not only played out in TV series, but also often found in reality.

The current neon is still a period of extreme organizations, so it is not impossible for individuals to take hostages with guns or something.

Even twenty years later, there are often incidents of hostages being held hostage by guns, let alone twenty years ago now!

However, at this time, the lady standing next to Yukiko and Concubine Eiri lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking, and if someone looked closely, they would see that this guy’s eyes flashed with madness.

“Abominable! Blame the troublesome detective, if it weren’t for him, I would have left here by now, and I wouldn’t have been blocked by the Metropolitan Police Department at all. ”

“It’s all to blame on you, nosy detective, if something happens to others, it’s all your fault!”

Just before Taku Kambara came with the police from the Metropolitan Police Department, she went directly into the women’s bathroom wearing her men’s suit, and then killed someone in the toilet.

After killing this person, she took off her coat to prevent anyone from seeing the blood stains on it.

Then the women’s clothes in the coat were revealed, and they continued to sit in the café drinking coffee, trying to see how the men panicked after discovering the body.

When everyone says what Sakano Nanazuki looked like when she died, she will leave satisfied, so that she can be happy.

But she didn’t expect that there was such a troublesome creature as a detective in the café, so her plan changed a little bit, and she was directly blocked inside, and then the Metropolitan Police Department arrived.

Now she suspects that she may have been discovered by this guy from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Because she felt that she was being glanced at, the whole person jumped in fear, feeling that something bad would happen.

Moreover, her real identity is a man, first using the identity of a man to kill people, and then dressing up as a woman to cover people’s eyes and ears.

I want to escape the police in this way.

Suffice it to say, the idea is good, but it’s too crude.

Even the Metropolitan Police Department can find out, it’s just a matter of time.

So this guy dressed as a woman is ready to take action, take a hostage, and then leave here surrounded by the Metropolitan Police Department.

But before leaving, he must take out the nosy detective, who caused the plan to go wrong.

Kudo Yusaku is absolutely going to die!

Thinking of this, Takahashi Jiichiro put his hand into the bag beside him, and after touching an object, he slowly took his hand out.

A black thing with a metallic texture appeared in part, and the other arm also attacked Yukiko.

However, at this time, the aberration occurred.

Everyone in the café suddenly felt a strong wind blowing, and their hair was blown up by this strong wind.

But it’s a little strange, it’s indoors, and the door of the café is closed, so why is there a strong wind!

In the next second, the figure of Takuya Kambara appeared next to Yukiko and Jiichiro Takahashi, and his right hand caught Jiichiro Takahashi’s right hand with the gun, while his left hand grabbed his entire face.

“This gentleman in male costume, what do you want to do to this young lady!”

Takuya Kambara had an oozing smile on his face.

Hearing this voice, Yukiko and Concubine Eiri turned around and saw what was happening behind them.

“Alas! Officer Kambara, when did you come over! ”

Looking at Takuya Kambara behind him, Yukiko couldn’t help but exclaim.

The beautiful eyes of Concubine Yingli on the side also flickered.

Under Yukiko’s exclamation, everyone’s eyes turned to this side.

And Jiichiro Takahashi also screamed: “It hurts! It hurts! Let go, let go of my arm, it’s going to break, it’s going to break. ”

I saw that Takuya Kambara’s arm continued to increase its strength, and let his arm completely take out of the bag.

At the moment when the arm came out completely, everyone in the café saw a black metal object, a pistol.

The guests’ faces changed drastically, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

The criminal policemen of the Metropolitan Police Department on the side all changed their faces, followed by a look of surprise.

Bad news, the suspect has a gun.

Good news, the suspect was caught by Officer Kambara, and found a gun, continue to track, you can definitely feel a big fish!

The arms trade is also the target of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the arms sale is related to the Extreme Organization.


At this time, the pistol in Jiichiro Takahashi’s hand was released due to pain, and then fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Jiichiro Takahashi’s whole body was pressed on the table behind him with a strong force.

“Say, where are your coats and shoes?” Takuya Kambara asked, and his hand continued to exert force.

If you find a bloodstained shoe and coat, the evidence is complete.

Takuya Kambara’s power was too terrifying, and Jiichiro Takahashi directly screamed in pain.

“I said, I said it all, in the corridor from the café to the lounge, I put it on the ceiling.”

The criminal police on the side quickly stepped forward and put the pistol into the evidence bag wearing gloves, and the rest of the criminal police also handcuffed Jiichiro Takahashi.

Takuya Kambara looked at the other police officers and said, “Find out the things.” ”


Afterwards, Takuya Kambara looked around at everyone: “I still have to trouble everyone to stay here for a while, but I promise that you can leave soon.” ”

Because of Takuya Kambara’s bravery, these guests had no complaints, but instead said good things vigorously.

Some ladies also want to take photos with Takuya Kambara, or even watch Akiha.

Yukiko on the side also joined in, with a look of excitement: “Officer Kambara, you are really powerful!” ”

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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