Takuya Kambara shook hands, feeling the surging power in his body, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth: “The current strength has doubled on the original basis, and even the mastery of the Navy Six has improved a lot, this feeling is really good!” ”

The stronger the physique, the stronger the Navy Type VI will naturally be.

If the body is weak, the power of the naval six will naturally weaken.

If converted into proficiency, it is equivalent to beginners becoming proficient, which has increased a lot.

“But this 100 million legal cash is of little use!”

Qian Shenyuan Tuo is not lacking, even if it is really a lack of money, he casually fishes a little, more than this hundred million, can only say that the system is too stingy, only a hundred million, look down on whom!

However, in addition to cash and physical enhancements, there is also a complete set of Dragon Ball manga, and it is also a hand-drawn version.

You must know that there is no Dragon Ball manga in this world, that is, Taku Kambara can also take this manga to submit.

If nothing else, he can rely on the manuscript fee of Dragon Ball to get a steady stream of funds, although it is not comparable to the big chaebol, but the victory is long-term, more than a billion a year, billions of billions is still possible.

After all, Akira Toriyama in his previous life made money like this.

And here is also neon, although it is not neon from the previous life, but how to say Dragon Ball is also a classic, there should be no accidents.

“I’ll show the manuscript of the previous episodes to Suzuki Press today.”

The Suzuki Group is also engaged in publishing, such as manga, light novels, and physical books, and even animation production.

Suzuki Group has a complete industrial chain, from birth to soil, can be wrapped up.

Most importantly, the publishing house is controlled by Tomoko Suzuki.

Accidents, there can be no accidents!

As for the last thing, stone hats.

This is a prop in Doraemon, and after wearing it, it is like a stone, inconspicuous.

The effect is much stronger than stealth.

This thing can definitely come in handy when going out and doing bad things in the future.

“If only I had another set of Doraemon’s manga!”

Takuya Kamihara said secretly in his heart.

Doraemon is also one of his favorite anime, a classic among the classics!

It’s a pity that I didn’t give it this time, but there was still a chance.

After all, stepsons have these rewards, then their own biological rewards will be more abundant.

“I’ve become the cheap father of this kid who has fallen into the valley!”

He now has two women, one concubine Yingli and one Eri Shugu, and Concubine Yingli is not pregnant and has no children.

So it must be a valley of zero to continue.

But now Sunset Zero is not at home, but in the same teacher, otherwise Taku Kambara will also give Sinking Valley Zero a long-lost fatherly love.

“Takuya, it’s time for breakfast.”

At this time, the radiant Eri Shibuya came from the kitchen with breakfast, all of which was the credit of Takuya Kambara.

Takuya Kambara, who was dressed neatly, also sat up and prepared to eat breakfast.

“It’s all some coarse tea and light rice, don’t you mind!” Eri Shimitani knelt beside Takuya Kambara and placed the food on the table.

Breakfast is a classic Japanese breakfast.

A bowl of rice, a grilled fish, a bowl of miso soup and a little pickles.

That’s breakfast for today.

However, this is already okay for Takuya Kambara, he is not a picky eater, except for very bitter things, he eats everything else.

Moreover, he often skipped breakfast when he was not crossing before, saving money to go online.

“I’m not a picky eater, and you don’t know it!” Takuya Kambara smiled.

Hearing this, Eri Shimutani’s face involuntarily turned red, she always felt that Takuya Kambara had something to say!

As if he was talking about himself, or maybe about her.

Probably connotating both people!

Ding dong!

Suddenly, the sound of a doorbell ringing outside the door, which directly interrupted Eri Sinkya’s cranky thoughts.


Takuya Kambara said with a sip of soup.

“Nope!” Eri shook his head: “I didn’t buy any express delivery, and my family didn’t order anything.” ”

“I’ll open the door…”


Takuya Kambara nodded and did not stop it.

No matter who is knocking on the door, it will definitely not come to ask for trouble.

After all, who wants to come over in the morning!

In the next second, a voice came from the door that was familiar to Takuya Kambara: “Good morning, Miss Shigaya Valley!” ”

Hearing this voice, Takuya Kambara’s hand holding the chopsticks paused, this voice was all too familiar to him.

It was the voice of Concubine Yingli.

“Ah! Miss Concubine…”

Eri at the door lowered her head, not daring to look at Concubine Yingli, and her voice was a little trembling.

I guess I’m scared!

After all, Takuya Kambara is still here, and he was caught red-handed!

Concubine Yingli, who was carrying a large bag, looked at Eri Shuoyu whose body was a little trembling, and said softly: “Can I go in?” This is not the place to talk. ”

“Ahhh… Okay, please come in! ”

After entering the door, Eri Shibuya took out new slippers and prepared to change them for Concubine Yingli, but she was rejected.

After putting on her slippers, Concubine Eiri came to the room and sat directly next to Takuya Kambara.

And Taku Kambara didn’t look embarrassed at all, as if he was fearless.

“Have you eaten?” Takuya Kambara said with a smile.

“Not yet!”

Concubine Yingli’s voice fell, and Eri Shimitani immediately said, “I’ll make one right away!” ”

Looking at Eri the valley who hurriedly ran in, Concubine Yingli was a little speechless: “Am I so terrible?” ”

Hearing this, Kamihara Takuya smiled and said, “The momentum of your main palace is indeed terrifying!” ”

Kamihara Takuya had already guessed the intention of Concubine Eiri, and should have come to talk to Eri Desmutani about something.

As for why Concubine Eiri would know that Taku Kambara was also here, it all depended on intuition.

“But for me, it’s just right.”

Taku Kambara doesn’t want his backyard to catch fire, and someone is in charge of it.

“Hmph!” Concubine Yingli pouted, “You really think of yourself as an emperor!” ”

“Although I have known for a long time, I am still a little unhappy!”

Saying that, Concubine Eiri handed the bag in her hand to Takuya Kambara.

“This is your suit, change it in!”

As the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department, wearing yesterday’s suit is not very decent.


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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