The four people of Takuya Kambara, Zero Shimitani, Elena Miyano, and Akemi Miyano really went to ride the carousel.

Although there were many people in line, they soon arrived at Takuya Kambara and others.

After first carrying Zero and Akemi Miyano up, Takuya Kambara and Elena Miyano also looked for a position next to the two.

In this position, you can touch Zero and Akemi Miyano anytime and anywhere, which can prevent them from falling off the carousel.

Subsequently, Akemi Miyano let out a silver bell-like laugh.

Akemi Miyano, who was sitting on the carousel, danced with her hands, and if it weren’t for Elena Miyano on the side supporting her, she would have fallen from above a long time ago.

Looking at her daughter’s excited appearance, Miyano Elena couldn’t blame her.

After all, Akemi Miyano hasn’t been to the amusement park for too long, and she usually plays in the sand of the park.

So coming to the amusement park this time is like the New Year, can you not be happy!

Elena Miyano, who was feeling guilty, sighed and secretly said in her heart: “Akemi, mother will definitely let you live a good life!” ”

“Officer Kambara is also a good person!”

Without Takuya Kambara, Akemi Miyano would not be able to come to the amusement park to play, so there would be no way to be so happy.

In Miyano Elena defined Takuya Kambara as a good person, and felt that the current Takuya Kambara was completely different from Taku Kambara on TV.

Now Taku Kambara is more kind, just like a neighbor, and although he is kind on TV, he gives people a feeling of rejection from thousands of miles away.

If you had to choose, Elena Miyano liked Takuya Kambara as she is now.

At this time, Takuya Kambara did not know that he was defined as a good person by Elena Miyano.

Even if they know, they won’t say anything, after all, the good people in this era are really good people, not good people cards.


Madam, I don’t want to be just a good person!

“Hmph! Immature! A carousel is so happy, what a child! ”

Zero on the side was still hard, but not completely hard, because the corners of his own mouth were raised.

Obviously, Valley Zero is also very happy now.

“You kid, tell me frank in the future, you are also a child, and I don’t like your arrogant personality very much!”

Takuya Kambara rubbed Zero’s head fiercely.

What is a little kid tsundere, do you think you are a blonde girl?

People are not heroic, all pears.

What are you?

Oh, blonde too, but you’re a man!

The attributes are all different, is it possible that you want to be a tricky zero?

It seems that there are zeros in the name, and it is indeed tricky after becoming a neon public security officer in the future.

Bengbu is staying!

“I’ve always been honest!”

Falling valley zero is talking nonsense with his eyes open, and his face is not red at all!

It is worthy of being the trump card of neon public security in the future.

“Hard mouth, tsundere are not good results, especially in neon!” Takuya Kambara said.

In the original work, there are too many hard-mouthed and arrogant people.

Shinichi Kudo, Moriran, Heiji Hattori, Kazuha Toyama, Kogoro Māori, Hideri Concubine.

These are representatives of hard-mouthed and arrogant words.

It seems that in the end, they all achieved positive results, but this was only forcibly added.

If it were changed to reality, the other half would have been pried away long ago, and it would have been finished early, how could it still be together.

Just like Takuya Kambara.

He is now digging hard with a shovel.

Childhood sweethearts, right? Hard-mouthed, tsundere, right?

Look at me digging hard, digging everything out.

Anyway, Taku Kamihara is also cool himself, as for the life or death of others, what matters to him.

So he wants to be a brave man, not a hard-mouthed and arrogant man.

“Ah, why?” Trough Zero is a little puzzled.

Although he knew more, he really didn’t know this kind of thing.

After all, he is not in love, he knows a ghost!

At this time, Miyano Elena, who covered her mouth and snickered, spoke: “Officer Kambara means that if you are not honest, it is easy to lose a lot of things. ”

“Like the girl you like.”

“He is telling you that if you meet a girl you like in the future, be brave, don’t feel embarrassed, and then say you don’t like it.”

“In this case, you will only be single for the rest of your life!”

As far as Kudo Shinichi and Morilan look, they will definitely be single for the rest of their lives.

In the end, they actually got together.

It’s all about the green mountains.

But in the end, it turned from pure love to party strife, which is also enough.

“I’m not interested in falling in love!”

He held his head high, as if he was doing something cool.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara and Elena Miyano laughed in unison.

They’ve heard this before, but after meeting a girl you like, you can’t help it.

Boy, love is a terrifying thing!

When you lose love, it’s more painful than when you lose the police academy five!


At this time, there was a sudden sound of the door opening.

I saw that Taku Kambara didn’t know where to take out a camera and shoot it at Falling Valley Zero.

“I’ll show you when you grow up, and your expression will be very good then!”

Recording the black history of these guys, he really likes it.


Zero, you don’t want your own black history to be exposed by me!


Seeing this scene, the valley was full of question marks, and although I didn’t know why, I felt a trace of ominous breath in my heart.

The source is the camera.

At this time, Takuya Kambara had already set his sights on Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano.

“Come, next!”


Takuya Kambara began to take pictures of Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano.

Compared with shooting the kid of Zero Valley, he still likes to shoot Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano more.

Nothing else, just eye-catching, photogenic.

And then there’s a photo of three people, a photo of four people.

When the carousel was over, Takuya Kambara was still taking pictures with them.

In the end, Takuya Kambara found the staff in the neighborhood and took a ‘family portrait’ for them.

Even the staff said that Takuya Kambara was blessed to marry such a beautiful wife, and such a lovely son and daughter, it was really happy.

If you will say more, you will say more!

Elena Miyano blushed and wanted to retort, but the staff had already left.

Mid-Autumn Festival & National Day family feedback! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: September 29th to October 6th)

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