
Takuya Kambara walked out of Eri’s room, and as for Eri Shibuya, he was still asleep.

I won’t get up until about noon!

After all, yesterday was a night of hard work, which was to block the gun for Concubine Yingli.

Yesterday, Takuya Kambara didn’t have anything to do with Tomoko Suzuki, except for not knowing each other, the rest of the things happened.

After the dinner was over, the two went back to their respective homes.

Originally, Taku Kambara also came to the room of the main palace, that is, Concubine Yingli’s side.

Takuya Kambara even entered the door, and everyone lay down, but in the end, he was ruthlessly kicked out by Concubine Yingli.

And Concubine Yingli kicked him for a good reason, tomorrow is the first day of school at Tokyo University, she can’t be late, so she kicked Takuya Kambara out.

This reason is too strong, so Kamihara Taku is speechless.

As for Takuya Kambara, who was holding and sleeping, Concubine Yingli didn’t believe a word.

A man’s mouth, a deceitful ghost.

Especially when Taku Kambara was also in bed, he couldn’t believe a word.

Therefore, Taku Kambara also consciously left the room, definitely not driven out by Concubine Eiri, Taku Kambara was also going to find Yukiko after going out, but just happened to see Eri Hitaya coming out of the room, so he went directly into Eri’s room.

This is also the reason why Takuya Kambara came out of Eri’s room this morning.

“Eri’s body is still thinner, so I need to hurry up to use the medicinal bath and exercise.”

Takuya Kambara shook his head, closed the door, and walked down from the second floor.

And here on the first floor, Zero Valley, Yukiko, and Concubine Yingli are actually in the kitchen.

In addition, Zero stepped on a small bench and stood in front of the stove to skillfully make breakfast, while Yukiko and Eiri on the side were watching.

Seeing this scene, Taku Kambara did not feel strange.

Because Concubine Yingli is a cooking idiot, the kind whose talent is locked, no matter what the recipe is, it will become dark cuisine in the hands of Concubine Yingli, which looks good on the surface, but it is actually dark cuisine, poison.

Eating it will definitely make you have diarrhea.

Although Concubine Yingli tried hard to prove that she was not a cooking fool, after a period of struggle, she finally gave up the struggle and lay down directly.

Either eat the rice made by Takuya Kambara, eat it outside or ask for delivery.

In short, Fei Yingli had already refused to cook, and then began to lay things out.

But in the area of cooking, although Fei Yingli has no talent, she is very talented in learning this part.

That’s why I was admitted to the law faculty of Tokyo University.

Learn strong! Envy!

Exchanged for cooking.

As for Yukiko, she has been in a rich family since she was a child, and she has not suffered much and has not cooked, so naturally she will not.

Although it won’t, Yukiko is willing to learn, and her talent is much stronger than Concubine Yingli 320, which is a little higher than the level of normal people.

This is all the extent that Concubine Yingli will never be able to catch up.

And today, Zero Sunset turned into a cooking teacher and began to teach lessons to Concubine Yingri and Yukiko.

“Zero, you are so powerful, you are so young, you can actually cook!” Concubine Yingli looked surprised.

It was the first time she knew about it.

Zero waited for Yukiko’s praise, and was a little happy.

Because there is no pressure, the valley zero has become normal, gradually similar to normal peers, but the heart is still more mature and more stable than the peers.

“Second mother, these are all taught to me by my mother, I learned it after reading it a few times!”

After entering this home, Zero began to change the slogan, in the family, Concubine Yingli is the eldest mother, Yukiko is the second mother, and his own mother is the mother.

But outside, they are always called sisters.

Don’t ask, ask too much and get beaten.

Suddenly, after Falling Valley Zero said these words, the whole person shivered, as if he was targeted by some desolate beast.

Looking back, I only saw Takuya Kambara walking towards the dining table, but he didn’t notice anything strange otherwise.

“Did I feel wrong?”

Falling Valley Zero muttered in his heart and continued to make breakfast.

And Concubine Yingli on the side sighed in her heart: “This little ghost head of zero is really angry. ”

“Are there so many differences in talent between people?”

Some people can learn it by watching it a few times, but some people can’t learn it by hand.

That’s the gap.

If the god of this world is standing next to Concubine Yingli, she will also go up and smoke a big forced pocket.

Let only know why the flowers are so red.

After this vignette explanation, the breakfast of Valley Zero has also been completed.

Concubine Yingri and Yukiko came to the table with breakfast.

Although he didn’t see Eri Shimoku, none of the people present said anything, as if he felt… Quite normal.

Including the guy who fell to the valley zero, the little ghost and the big guy.

“Before long, my mother will add a brother or sister to me, I am really looking forward to it!” Falling Valley Zero said secretly in his heart.

Because he is an only child, he will be very envious when he sees others have siblings.

And now he also has his own brother or sister, and he unconsciously has a smile on his face.

But Zero didn’t know that his younger brother or sister might not be what he thought.

Because most of the children are bear children, the kind that does not clean up.

“This kid is smiling so happily? Could it be that you have found money? ”

Takuya Kambara looked at the smile on Zero’s face and muttered in his heart.

At this time, Yukiko on the side said: “Eiri, you drove to school today, do you want me to accompany you?” ”

Today is the first day of school at Tokyo University, and Fei Yingli has to drive herself to school.

This may be the second time she drives herself, as the first time she drove herself was yesterday.

Yukiko was afraid that Concubine Eiri was nervous, so she said so.

Some novice drivers are nervous because of the reason that the car stops for a while, and then a car accident occurs.

“No, I can, yesterday I drove by myself for a while without any problems!” Concubine Yingli said with a smile.

Just kidding, although she is not very good at cooking, she still drives a bar.

Drive slowly, pay attention to the traffic lights, this is fine.

And she still has a newbie logo on her car.

A female driver, a novice sign, it is estimated that not many cars dare to approach Concubine Yingli.

Therefore, as long as it is driven steadily, it can definitely be driven to the school steadily.

“How about I ask my colleagues from the traffic department to help watch the point?” Takuya Kambara asked tentatively.

Although he has a meeting in the morning, he can also let his colleagues in the traffic department watch the point.

Most of the people who posted tickets on the road were female colleagues and should be able to talk.

“Hmph!” Fei Yingli pouted: “I have all got my driver’s license, so I can drive it myself, and there will definitely be nothing.” ”

Looking at Concubine Yingli’s slightly tough attitude, Taku Kambara did not continue: “Okay!” ”

“Call me anytime and anywhere if you have any questions.”

“Got it, you hurry up and finish eating and go to work, isn’t there a meeting to open in the morning?” Fei Yingli said.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re late, anyway, the things that the guys talk about don’t have any nutrition at all, and I usually just hang out below!” Takuya Kambara pouted.

The top management of the Metropolitan Police Department just likes to talk nonsense during meetings, and there is a lot of nonsense, and it doesn’t get into the topic for half a day.

This kind of nonsense meeting is completely torture for Takuya Kambara!

Whenever this time, he really hopes that there is a big case in Yonehana Town, and then he can take people to yo-yo without nonsense.

However, the Shinigami Kudo Yusaku is still in detention, which also causes the homicide rate to plummet during this time in Yonehanamachi.

Unless Yusaku Kudo is released, there is a high probability that this will not happen.

Kudo Yusaku, this guy is only a little useful at this time.

“Shouldn’t the Metropolitan Police Department be serious about meeting and then discussing how to keep Tokyo citizens safe?” Zero asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said: “This is pretending to be outside, in fact, every Monday meeting is about talking about trivial things. ”

“There is no nutrition.”

“And the rules of the Metropolitan Police Department are perfect, there is nothing that needs to be changed.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“As for solving the case or something, this has nothing to do with the rules, it’s completely that the police of the Metropolitan Police Department are too waste!”

Taku Kambara was also ruthless, and even scolded himself!

“So it is!” Falling Valley Zero nodded ignorantly.

“Here’s the thing, some things don’t just look at the surface, you think that people who are kind are good people, and those who face evil are bad people, but in fact they are just the opposite.”

“Under the face of hypocrisy is a dirty heart, but under the face of evil is a heart of good thoughts.”

“People’s hearts are separated from the belly, observe more!” Takuya Kambara instructed.

“Yes, Father!”

Zero silently remembered these words in his heart.


Takuya Kambara nodded, and then began to cook.

Ten minutes later.

(AEAD) Takuya Kambara, Eiri Concubine, Yukiko, and Zero Shibuya are ready and go out.

After going out, the valley zero choice is not good, because it is not far from the school, and it is only a fifteen-minute walk.

And Takuya Kambara sent Yukiko to Suzuki Tomoko’s office and then signed a contract.

The lawyers have found Yukiko, a young lawyer’s sister in the Metropolitan Police Department who has just graduated and joined the Metropolitan Police Department.

Takuya Kambara asked her to look at the contract so that she could accumulate some experience.

However, there will be no problem with this contract, the only problem is that the treatment of Yukiko is too good.

But who let Yukiko have someone behind it, and it was Tomoko Suzuki who ordered it down herself.

The people at the firm naturally have to carry it out carefully.

So this time Yukiko used to go through the motions, and then you can start training.

Some basic voice actor courses will be arranged by the office.

When I came back in the evening, I was learning voice change, and Yukiko’s classes were quite full.

Later, Takuya Kambara drove Yukiko to the office.

Concubine Yingli also drove to Dongda, and went to school on foot.

At this time, Eri was still sleeping, and turned over and continued to sleep.

The other side.

Takuya Kambara drove his concubine Hideri to the Suzuki office in Yonehanacho.

This firm is a Suzuki chaebol firm with strong strength.

Singers, actors, and voice actors can all be found in this office, and many of them are amphibious stars, and some stars in the neon fire can also be seen in this office.

“Am I going to sign up here in the future?”

Yukiko looked at the signboard on this building from the car and looked pleased.

She never dreamed that she could sign such a top-level firm and get top-level treatment.

This made Yukiko feel that this might be a dream, and she might not have woken up yet.

“It’s true, if you think you’re dreaming, you can bite yourself so you know if you’re dreaming!” Takuya Kambara said with a smile.

When accomplishing something that they don’t even believe can be done, many people feel that it is a dream.

Yukiko is in this state.

But Yukiko, although confused, is not a fool, so she did not bite herself.

Reality and dreams, she is still separated.

“Hmph! I’m not stupid, I still clearly distinguish reality from dreams, and there is no such scene when dreaming, so this must be reality! Yukiko said coquettishly.

Because reality doesn’t need logic, anything strange can happen.

Just like now.

Takuya Kambara smiled, and then parked the car at the gate of the building: “It seems that you are still very sober now!” In this way, I am relieved. ”

“Do you need me to accompany you in?”

It really doesn’t matter what you go to work, in the past, I also listened to the old guys of the Metropolitan Police Department talk a bunch of nonsense, it’s better to accompany Yukiko here to sign a contract.

“No thanks!” Yukiko directly refused: “You have done enough for me, you don’t need to accompany me to sign this kind of thing, anyway, it is a process, and you also arranged a lawyer for me, so there will be no problem.” ”

Yukiko also grew up in a rich family, and although she did not experience some things, she also heard her grandfather say it.

Under the influence of her ears, Yukiko also knows a lot of things.

For example, when walking through the back door, there is usually a process, no matter what happens in the middle, it will not affect your final marriage with the matter.

Unless someone bids better, the relationship is harder.

Other things may go wrong, but definitely not in this case.

Because it was only a contract of a firm, no one spent so much effort to stir up this matter.

And after doing so, the offended people were Tomoko Suzuki and Takuya Kambara.

Not worth it.

“It seems that you are not carried away by this joy, I am very relieved!” Takuya Kambara smiled like an old father.

“What a relief you are! I’m not stupid, Miss Ben is very smart. ”

“Otherwise, I would also be able to be admitted to Eastern University like Yingli.” Yukiko didn’t have a good airway.

Yukiko is not bad, but her ambition is not to learn, but to shine.

In the original book, Yukiko is indeed done, but she retreats quickly, flashes marriage, and then disappears on the neon stage.

Although he has a smart head, he is a love brain.

However, in the original book, there is Kiko who can get out of it when she is shining, and Kudo Yusaku this guy definitely did not help less.

It may even be that some evidence was obtained to help Yukiko get out.

Otherwise, these greedy guys in the firm will not let Kiko go, a cash cow!

However, Yukiko in this world will definitely not encounter any trouble, because Taku Kambara will also escort her.

“Yes, yes, my family has Kiko the best!”

Takuya Kambara touched Yukiko’s little head and said with a smile.

And then there it is

Takuya Kambara’s palm was caught and gently licked by Yukiko.

Suddenly, Takuya Kambara felt as if his body had been electrocuted a little.

When Takuya Kambara reacted, Yukiko had already unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.

Standing outside, Yukiko smiled and said, “This is interest, I will reward you well in the evening, so stay tuned!” ”

“What is the reward, I’m a little curious!” Takuya Kambara touched his chin.

He loves this reward, and it would be nice if it were every day.

“You’ll know then!”

“Stay safe when you go to work.” Yukiko said.

“Well, if there is any trouble, call me, the lawyer from the Metropolitan Police Department should have arrived, you will call her later.”

“Also, if someone bullies you, fight back directly, don’t be afraid!” Takuya Kambara instructed.

What identity do you have, even my woman dares to bully and give you face.

Don’t see that these stars are very popular in neon, if Taku Kambara wants to trouble them, it is easy.

For example, let the traffic department’s notification check and check, and stuff something into it.

The premise of doing this kind of thing is that Yukiko is bullied.

“Got it! I’ve practiced, no problem! ”


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