“A few days gone, Akemi!”

Takuya Kambara greeted Akemi Miyano with a smile.

Akemi Miyano also showed a bright smile and was also willing to get close to Takuya Kambara.

Because Taku Kambara also took her to the amusement park to play, and invited her to dinner, he was a good person.

Such a generous and good person, how can anyone not like it!

At this time, both Atsuji Miyano and Elena Miyano on the side stood up.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Kambara!”

“If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know what to do! You really are my lifesaver of Atsuji Miyano! ”

Atsuji Miyano held Takuya Kambara’s palm with both hands, quite enthusiastic.

The enthusiasm of a big man, Taku Kambara was also a little overwhelmed, although he was grateful, but he still couldn’t eat it.

If it were to be a big beauty or Miyano Elena next to him, he would be willing to talk about it on a candlelight night.

But Atsuji Miyano left it alone.

However, outside, Takuya Kambara still needs to be decent, so a gentle smile appeared on his face: “Mr. Miyano, you are too polite, I just conveyed it.” ”

“The person who really makes the decision is Senior Sister Tomoko Suzuki, and I didn’t contribute to it, so don’t be so polite!”

In terms of the scene, Taku Kambara still has to say.

“Nope!” Atsuji Miyano let go of his hand and shook his head, “If it weren’t for Mr. Kambara, you and Mrs. Suzuki about this matter, I wouldn’t have been able to invest at all.” ”

“You are now the benefactor of our family, if you need it in the future, please do not hesitate to order me, as long as I can do it, it will never be delayed?”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara secretly said in his heart: “Let me and Miyano Elena wind and snow moon, are you willing?” ”

“Will you look at the gate?”

“Would you like to divorce?”

“It must be unwilling, so forget it!”

Taku Kambara is also an honest person, and if he likes Elena Miyano, he likes it, and a good wife is a good wife.

As for why you like it?

Because I didn’t, it’s that simple.

But in the scene, Takuya Kambara still had to say: “If I need to, I won’t be polite to Mr. Miyano!” ”

“Don’t dislike me then!”

“No, no!” Atsuji Miyano said with a smile.

If Taku Kambara also has a favorability system, it is estimated that Atsuji Miyano’s favorability will be directly brushed up!

After all, he solved the most scarce funds of Atsuji Miyano.

Although it was not really intended to help him solve the problem, it was also a mistake.

However, Tomoko Suzuki said that she would solve everything and make Takuya Kambara feel at ease!

Elena Miyano on the side looked at the two people who were talking friendly and also showed a happy smile.

“Okay, everyone stop standing, sit down first!”

Elena Miyano beckoned the two to sit down and pushed the menu in front of Takuya Kambara.

“Officer Kambara, see what you like to eat?!” Elena Miyano said.

She went to Eri Shimitani to ask Taku Kambara what he liked to eat, but Eri Shimitani came to the conclusion that she was not a picky eater, except for bitter food.

So Miyano Elena chose this Italian restaurant with a good reputation and good grade, but the price is a little expensive.

Fortunately, Suzuki chaebols have decided to invest and even advance wages, so there is no need to worry about the money for meals.

I also feel that their family’s life will be better and happier in the future.

“Then I’m welcome!” Taku Kambara looked at the menu and casually beckoned the waiter: “A fried pasta with crab mushrooms with cream, a nut shortbread, a Milanese-style fried steak, and pasta baked with meat sauce, order so much first!” ”

“Yes, sir!” The waiter said.

After speaking, Takuya Kambara looked at Elena Miyano and Atsuji Miyano, and said embarrassedly: “I have a relatively large amount of rice, so I order more!” ”

“No, people don’t often say that it is a blessing to be able to eat!” Elena Miyano said with a smile: “People who can eat must be very healthy, Akemi is like this.” ”

Although Miyano Elena studied medicine, she still believes in some things, such as being able to eat is a blessing.

And Akemi Miyano and Taku Kambara are indeed healthy.

“Mom, I also order food, I’m hungry!”

Akemi Miyano covered her stomach and whispered.

Elena Miyano has a very good education for Akemi Miyano, and when she is in this kind of restaurant, she will definitely not shout and is a very polite child.

“Come, Akemi, you can order.”

Takuya Kambara pushed the menu to Akemi Miyano’s side.

“Hmm! Thank you, Uncle Kambara! Akemi Miyano laughed, and then began to order food seriously.

After a while, everyone ordered the meal, and Atsuji Miyano also ordered a bottle of red wine, in order to celebrate his upcoming signing with the Suzuki chaebol, and also to thank Takuya Kambara.

“Houji, you drink less, don’t get drunk!” Elena Miyano reminded.

Atsuji Miyano is not good at drinking, to be precise, he can’t drink.

If you drink a glass, it’s not very good, and the amount of alcohol is really not good!

“Hey!” Atsuji Miyano said with a smile: “Today is a happy day, so it’s okay to drink a little. ”

“Did you say so! Mr. Kambara! Atsuji Miyano turned to look at Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara smiled and said: “Indeed, there is nothing to drink when you are happy, and it is enough to drink less, three people drink a bottle, but you won’t get drunk!” ”


Takuya Kambara can dry up alone, and he can’t get drunk at all, let alone three people drink, at most he is slightly drunk.

Then if Miyano Atsuji really can’t drink enough, that’s great.

Taku Kambara can also be the master of seeing sewing needles and drilling when there are stitches.

When it’s time to shoot, you will definitely shoot!

Maybe something interesting will happen.

So drinking or something, Taku Kambara will not refuse.

“That’s it! Have fun today. Atsuji Miyano took the red wine and said, “Come, Elena, you can drink a little too.” ”

After that, Atsuji Miyano poured a small half glass of red wine for Elena Miyano.

Elena Miyano had no choice but to accompany them to drink a little.

Then he added to Takuya Kambara and himself, about half a glass of red wine.

As for Akemi Miyano, she drinks juice.

“Come, everyone toast together!”

Atsuji Miyano raised his red wine glass to look at everyone, and Takuya Kambara, Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano all raised their glasses and collided together.

Then it was Takuya Kambara who changed cups with Atsuji Miyano.

And the other side.

Kenzo Torayama is ready, and so are the personnel of the action group.

This time, Kenzo Torayama is ready to personally take action, and he must clean up the traces of Atsuji Miyano in this clinic, and absolutely not leave a trace.

Including intimate clothes and so on.

Under the cover of night, a man dressed in black came to the door of Miyano Clinic, and then took out the professional props to unlock the lock from his body.

After a few strokes, the door of Miyano Clinic also opened.

Anyway, there are no monitors around here, whatever they want.

After the gate was opened, Kenzo Fengshan said to the people on the side: “Pay attention to the surroundings, and notify you in time if there is a situation.” ”


The people in charge of releasing the wind were already scattered around here, and any wind and grass could not escape their eyes.

And there are not many people walking on the road in the evening, because it is not safe in the evening.

Kenzo Torayama nodded, and then led people into the Miyano Clinic, and when the group of six people all entered, the door was closed again.

Afterwards, everyone took out shoe covers from their pockets and put them on their shoes.

“Now the action begins, and things are dealt with in an hour! Did you hear that? Fengshan Kenzo said with a serious face.

Kenzo Torayama estimated that the Miyano family and Takuya Kambara would eat between an hour and an hour and a half, plus the time to return, about two hours.

But they don’t have two hours, so they have to do it all in an hour.

Because they also need to clean up their own traces.


The people in black nodded, and then began to divide the work.

One of the men in black followed Kenzo Torayama to the basement of Miyano Clinic.

This basement was specially built by Atsuji Miyano to be used as a research institute.

However, because of the relationship between the funds and their own family, this institute did not install any difficult doors, just an ordinary gate, and there was no monitoring equipment.

Or because there is no money.

So you can open it directly after taking out the props and tinkering with them, without any difficulty.

After opening it, Kenzo Toyoyama and another person quickly took out their own pretense and began to spray on the ground.

This is the product obtained by the tissue because of an accident, which can effectively eliminate some traces, such as fingerprints, and there is no big smell, and it is very convenient to ventilate after use.

This agent is a powder, just spray these powders on the object, wait twenty minutes, then the fingerprints on this object will disappear.

At that time, Kenzo Fengshan can cover the prepared fingerprints again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As for the dinner, the fingerprints left by Atsuji Miyano when he came back can be processed the next day.

Because after the next day, Atsuji Miyano will disappear into this world, and Elena Miyano will also go out because of Atsuji Miyano’s car accident.

At that time, they will take advantage of this gap to enter the Miyano Clinic and continue to commit crimes!

This is Kenzo Torayama’s plan, there will be absolutely no surprises, and Atsuji Miyano will definitely go out tomorrow.

Everything is in Kenzo Fengshan’s calculations.

It can only be said that the young Kenzo Fengshan is still okay, and he still has some skills.


At this time, Kenzo Torayama took out his camera again and took a picture of the location of the research institute items, and later he wanted to restore them all.

If Taku Kambara were here, he would definitely give a thumbs up to Kenzo Torayama’s team and praise: professional.

This team of Kenzo Fengshan is indeed professional, and at a glance, they have not done this kind of chicken and dog stealing business.


Toyoyama Kensando.


Subsequently, the two began to spray the item with a potion, causing all the fingerprints belonging to Atsuji Miyano to disappear little by little.

When the fingerprints disappeared, Kenzo Toyoyama took out the fingerprints prepared in advance and glued them to these items, leaving the fingerprints on the items.

When everything was done, fifty-five minutes had passed.

It was almost an hour away from the three rules of Kenzo Fengshan.

However, Kenzo Fengshan’s team has already dealt with them all, and has also checked three times to make sure that nothing is lost.


Kenzo Tojieyama smiled at his masterpiece, and then withdrew from the Miyano Clinic with his men.

After rounding with the people outside, he drove the car and left here with a puff of smoke.

It was as if nothing had happened at Miyano Clinic.

And on the restaurant side.

The evening banquet between the Miyano family and Takuya Kambara is also nearing its end.

Not surprisingly, because Miyano Atsuji was too happy, he drank a little more, and changed from the original one bottle to three!

Atsuji Miyano, who couldn’t drink one cup, drank three full cups and then got drunk.

Miyano Elena was okay, she was not drunk, but she also drank a lot, her face was red, and she looked good.

As for Akemi Miyano, she fell asleep after eating a meal, and now she is like a piglet.

“‘~ Officer Kambara, I originally invited you to dinner today, but now I have to trouble you to send us back.”

“It’s really bothering you!” Elena Miyano looked apologetic.

Because Atsuji Miyano was drunk and Akemi Miyano was asleep, he needed Takuya Kambara’s help to bring Atsuji Miyano back together.

However, Takuya Kambara drank alcohol today, and there was no way to drive, so he could only call a taxi.

At this time, the waiter of the restaurant had already helped Takuya Kambara call a taxi and stopped at the door of the restaurant.

“It’s okay, it’s just a show of hands, don’t be so polite!”

Saying that, Takuya Kambara helped Atsuji Miyano up.

Atsuji Miyano, who was drinking, was still chanting something, and although it was a little vague, Takuya Kambara could barely understand.

It’s just some words of thanks, thanks to Takuya Kambara or something.

However, it is true that Takuya Kambara should be thanked for helping him solve the funds, although it was self-defeating.

But the problem of funds is solved, but you lose something!

In this regard, Taku Kambara also said.

I’m not at a loss!

Anyway, it’s not his money.

“Thank you!”

Elena Miyano thanked again.

Then, Takuya Kambara helped Atsuji Miyano, Elena Miyano held Akemi Miyano, and the four came to the taxi.

“Master, go to the Miyano Clinic in Yonekacho!”


The taxi started slowly and headed towards its destination, Miyano Clinic.


Taxis stop right in front of Miyano Clinic.

After Takuya Kambara paid the money, he helped Atsuji Miyano get off the car, and Elena Miyano also hugged Akemi Miyano to get off the car, first sent Akemi Miyano home, and then turned around and came to the door to help Takuya Kamhara help Atsuji Miyano together.

Subsequently, Takuya Kambara and Elena Miyano left Atsuji Miyano in the room.

At this time, Atsuji Miyano (Wang Zhao) had already snored and fell asleep.

Elena Miyano on the side looked at her husband’s appearance, a little embarrassed, closed the door with her hand, and also found the sweat on Takuya Kambara’s forehead, and quickly said: “Officer Kambara, let’s go down and have a cup of tea first!” ”

“Hangover, it’s not too late to leave later.”

“Good!” Taku Kambara naturally would not refuse.

Because of the sweat or something, he deliberately made it.

Just like Atsuji Miyano, he carries three or four in one go, and he won’t sweat up six floors.

Just help Miyano Atsuji in, how can he sweat, he is not worthless!

Elena Miyano nodded, and then went to boil water and prepare to make tea.

At this moment, Miyano Elena’s figure suddenly shook, and the kettle in her hand also fell from the ground.

But on the way to fall, he was picked up by a big hand.

At the same time, Elena Miyano did not faint, but leaned against Takuya Kambara’s chest.

“It’s okay! Mrs. Miyano! ”

Taku Kambara asked with concern.

Hearing this, Miyano Elena blushed and said, “It’s okay, it should be the stamina, so it’s a little faint!” ”

The red wine thing does not seem to have a high degree, which makes it easy to drink too much, and it is easy to get drunk when the stamina comes.

This is the case with Miyano Elena, she really drank a lot when she ate just now, and before she knew it, she drank too much.

As for Takuya Kambara, it’s like a nobody.

“How about helping you over and rest?!” Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Miyano Elena shook her head, got up from Takuya Kambara’s arms, and then fell backwards again, hitting Takuya Kambara again.

Red wine, the stamina is really big, hungry!

Elena Miyano looked up at Takuya Kambara with an embarrassed expression, but found Takuya Kambara looking at her with burning eyes.

An atmosphere spread between the two.

“Mrs. Miyano…”

Takuya Kambara looked at Elena Miyano, and his head involuntarily lowered.

And Miyano Elena watched as Taku Kambara approached her, finally


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