At this time, Concubine Yingli came over and asked, “Takuya, has something happened?” ”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara’s face was slightly helpless: “Just now, Mrs. Miyano called me and said that Atsuji Miyano died, had a car accident, rushed the guardrail, the car and the body were burned into char, and the colleagues from the traffic department over there were dealing with it.” ”

“Still identifying whether it was an accident or a murder!”

Under normal circumstances, the Metropolitan Police Department divides car accidents into two types, one is an accident, which does not need to be handed over to the criminal police for handling, and the traffic department can handle it on its own.

The other is to use the car to commit murder, such as deliberately destroying the brake system, installing a bomb on the car, or scuffling with the person in the driver’s seat and the passenger seat, resulting in the destruction of the car, which needs to be dealt with by the criminal police.

Now the people from the traffic department are still over there to identify, so Takuya Kambara doesn’t know whether Atsuji Miyano died because he drank yesterday and didn’t wake up yet, so he rushed out of the guardrail, or if someone deliberately did it and then threw the black cauldron on his head.

It was nothing more than Taku Kambara who thought so.

After all, this is Conan’s world, and planting blame is completely commonplace, and seemingly accidental cases are actually well-planned murders.

So Taku Kambara is really unclear whether Atsuji Miyano’s death was a murder or an accident.

In short, this matter really has nothing to do with him!

Yesterday in the evening, it was Miyano Atsuji himself who drank so much, he didn’t persuade him to drink, and he also went out by himself in the morning, why did he suddenly die!

Taku Kambara is also very helpless!

“Ugh!” Concubine Yingli was also shocked.

The person who drank with Takuya Kambara yesterday had an accident today, and the car broke out of the guardrail and died.

If someone carefully planned this case, it was really possible for people to shift their attention to Takuya Kambara, after all, they had only eaten yesterday at night, and even Taku Kambara sent the drunken Atsuji Miyano back.

If it is determined to be murder, the Metropolitan Police Department really has reason to suspect Takuya Kambara.

But Concubine Eiri knows that even if Atsuji Miyano is really murdered, then it has nothing to do with Taku Kambara.

Concubine Eiri knew Takuya Kambara, and if he wanted to kill, he would definitely not choose this troublesome killing plan to kill.

It’s not that Taku Kambara doesn’t have this brain, but that Taku Kambara is also afraid of trouble, likes recklessness, and doesn’t like this kind of calculation very much.

With these calculated time, directly in front of people, force him to show his criminal evidence, if he does not admit it, he will be framed.

Grabbing guns, attacking police, and possessing guns.

Where do you need to be so troublesome!

Ten thousand steps back, even if Taku Kambara really wants to kill Miyano Atsuji, he will definitely find a time in the dead of night, pack Miyano Atsuji, and throw it into Tokyo Bay, and there is one more cement pier in Tokyo Bay, and he doesn’t know it.

After all, in this era, there are few surveillance cameras on the streets, let alone Tokyo Bay, a murderous mecca.

Therefore, there are special six who are calculating Kamihara Takuya!

Kenzo Torayama: Hi hi hi! This old sixth is me, but rest assured, I will definitely not throw the black pot on your head!

“Or… Do you go to the site to see? Concubine Yingli said: “I have just become pregnant now, and I have not yet reached the point where I can’t walk and need someone to take care of me.” ”

“And I don’t have any post-pregnancy reactions, so I’ll be home alone!”

After pregnancy, Fei Yingli did not have any reaction, eating fragrantly, sleeping, morning sickness and so on, just like normal people, there is no reaction that a pregnant woman will have.

It may be the reason for Concubine Yingli’s physique, or it may be that she has cultivated some of the foundations of the Navy Six Style, and her physique is stronger than ordinary people, so these symptoms after pregnancy are immune.

After all, it is something produced by the monster-infested One Piece world, and it is not unusual to have such incidental effects.

Although I don’t know which one, it’s good overall.

Takuya Kambara nodded: “Well, just when the soup is also stewed, you can drink it directly, so as not to need you to season.” ”

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli said angrily: “I can still season the soup, and it won’t make the taste of the soup strange.” ”

Cooking this piece, Fei Yingli is really not good, even if it is soup.

Takuya Kambara laughed and kissed Concubine Eiri on the forehead: “I went out, remember to drink soup.” ”

“If you want to go out and take a spin, bring the big card and the small card, don’t look at them small, but they can protect you, even if you encounter bad people, don’t be afraid~’!”

Not far away, two Katy dogs pricked up their ears, listened to the conversation here, and opened their mouths and snorted twice.

After all, Katy Dog is not an ordinary pet dog, but an elf in the Pokémon world, with magical powers, among which mythical beasts can move mountains and seas and destroy the world.

Although Katy Dog is not a divine beast, it also has power beyond ordinary people, and even if it does not use the fire system’s tricks, it can easily subdue an adult.

After all, people in this world are not super newcomers!

There are two Kati dogs accompanying Concubine Eiri, and Taku Kambara is also very relieved.

“It’s the sun and the moon, your name is too ugly!” Fei Yingli corrected it.


You’re pregnant, you’re the boss, and I don’t break with you.

Concubine Yingli laughed: “After I drink the soup, I can take them out for a spin, and by the way, I can buy the dog leash back, if I don’t wear it when I go out, I will be arrested.” ”

“But I think they’ll be very well-behaved!”

Kamihara Takuya’s words, Concubine Eiri only believed half of it, that is, the sun and moon are cute dogs.

As for being sent by a friend, she didn’t believe it, because Concubine Yingli felt that these two dogs were very human, more human than ordinary dogs.

Even the wisdom may not be inferior to humans!

Although she didn’t know where Taku Kambara got it from, she knew that the sun and moon were harmless, at least not to her.

Coupled with the fact that there were some strange things before, such as the naval six styles they practiced, it was not at all like normal fighting techniques.

So Taku Kambara was also taking out this, and Concubine Yingli was not surprised, nor did she choose to ask how it came about.

Because it is not necessary, she is also one of the beneficiaries.

“They are indeed very well-behaved, and you can safely leave your safety to them!” Takuya Kambara.

In the elven world, Katy Dog is the most trusted elf of humans, and later becomes the standard of Miss Junsha.

“Hmm!” Concubine Yingli nodded.

Afterwards, Takuya Kambara turned off the fire on the stove and went out with his coat.

After Takuya Kambara left, Concubine Eiri began to drink soup and eat on her own.

And the sun and moon also squatted next to Concubine Yingli, wagging their tails.

“Okay, I’ll serve you some too, eat it together!” Concubine Yingli said with a smile.

The other side.

After Takuya Kambara went out, he immediately drove his car to the place where Atsuji Miyano had an accident.

But at this time, the mobile phone on his body rang, and Takuya Kambara connected the phone while driving, and pressed the hands-free button by the way.

“Hey, I’m Takuya Kambara.”

As soon as Takuya Kambara’s voice fell, a woman’s voice came from the phone.

“It’s me! Junior-kun! ”

The person who called was none other than Tomoko Suzuki.

Tomoko Suzuki called at this time, most likely for the sake of Atsuji Miyano.

In Neon, do not underestimate the power of the chaebols, in some things, the first place to know the news is the chaebols.

What’s more, Tomoko Suzuki is really ready to invest in Atsuji Miyano, and he must pay attention to his own researchers.

“Senior sister is here for Miyano Atsuji’s affairs!” Taku Kambara was also straightforward.

Hearing this, Suzuki Tomoko nodded and said, “It’s really for this matter, and even I suspect that this matter may be someone who wants to blame you junior junior!” ”

Tomoko Suzuki did not suspect that Takuya Kambara had done this.

She has already arranged Miyano Atsuji clearly, and there is no need for Taku Kambara to make a difference, and she is still starting the day after drinking with Atsuji Miyano.

Isn’t this an obvious way to tell others that he did it!

Taku Kambara is not so stupid either!

“Blame! I thought so too, but it is also possible that there was a real car accident, and yesterday he drank a lot of alcohol in the evening, and then drove out in the morning! ”

“Maybe Atsuji Miyano’s brain hasn’t fully cleared up, and then he drove down!” Takuya Kambara.

He felt very friendly to people and did not offend anyone, and the only guy who had offended recently was the Yamada group, but most of the Yamada group was caught in prison to collect soap.

The rest of the people are still under the surveillance of the Metropolitan Police Department, and it is impossible to do things under their noses. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As for the mud meeting, it is even more impossible, they have not yet intersected.

Therefore, Takuya Kambara felt more and more that Atsuji Miyano may really rush down by himself, and no one framed him.

As for him, he will feel that there is an old sixth calculating him behind, which is completely related to too many murders in this world.

And there are too many old six who package intentional homicide cases as accidents and suicides.

It’s not Takuya Kambara’s fault, it’s the fault of this world!

Hearing this, Suzuki Tomoko also nodded in agreement: “It is indeed possible!” ”

“But you’ve been in the limelight lately, maybe someone will make a fuss about it.”

Takuya Kambara said: “It doesn’t matter, the Metropolitan Police Department will solve it, and if it is not for you, senior sister, I think you will also help!” ”

Although there may not be the old six who framed him outside, there are always people who may look at him unhappy and then make a fuss about Atsuji Miyano.

But it doesn’t matter, Taku Kambara is also highly bound to the Metropolitan Police Department, and behind him is still the Suzuki chaebol, and even he himself is a shareholder of the Suzuki chaebol.

Move me?

Why are you moving me!”

Come out to mix to talk about the background, what is the use of being able to fight, what is your background?

Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Xiao San!

“Of course, you are my back, how can I cut myself off!” Tomoko Suzuki said.

“By the way, I have one more thing to tell you, there is an extra major shareholder in the Suzuki chaebol, with five percent of the shares, I am now investigating who it is, if I can pull this shareholder over, my situation will be better!” Tomoko Suzuki said suddenly.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara’s face was a little strange: “Could it be that this shareholder is me?” ”

“Huh? It’s you? ”

“Junior Brother-kun, what are you kidding, didn’t the Metropolitan Police Department say that your family is average? Where did you get five percent of the shares of Suzuki chaebols! Tomoko Suzuki said.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said, “It may be left by my dead parents, and I only recently found out.” ”

“And it’s true! I can show you the documents! ”

Suzuki Tomoko on the other end of the phone stopped talking, and there was a panting sound, but it quickly calmed down.

“Junior Brother-kun, did you really not lie to me?” Tomoko Suzuki asked again.

“‘Of course, I’m a very honest person, I will never lie to people, let alone talk nonsense about this kind of thing!’ Takuya Kambara said, “And I’m going to go to the place of the car accident now, senior sister, you can also come and take a look.” ”

“I can just show you the document so that I can prove the authenticity!”

“And I never imagined that I myself would suddenly become the majority shareholder of Suzuki chaebol, really… What a blessing! ”

Tomoko Suzuki listened to Takuya Kambara’s Versailles’ words, and wanted to hit someone angrily.

Even if she is Shiro Suzuki’s wife, she only has one percent of the shares, and she was given by Shiro Suzuki after she showed super ability in the Suzuki chaebol.

But this stake can be taken back anytime and anywhere, and it does not belong entirely to her.

And now, Taku Kambara actually got five percent of Suzuki’s chaebol shares from his parents who died long ago, which really made Suzuki friends envious and jealous!

Why doesn’t she have such parents.

Oh! My parents bought me and exchanged it for money, and that’s fine!

“Wait for me, I’ll come right away!”

Tomoko Suzuki, who was silent for a long time, hung up the phone after speaking.

“Hey! Life is so interesting! Senior sister! ”

Takuya Kambara looked at the phone that was hung up, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, took out the alarm bell from the car, and put it on the car.

That’s faster!

With the whistle of alarm bells, Takuya Kambara came to the scene of the car accident in Miyano without hindrance, and all the surrounding areas were surrounded, and ordinary people were not allowed to enter.

And Taku Kambara is also a police officer, which is not in this range.

Here, Takuya Kambara has already seen Elena Miyano wearing a white coat and her eyes are a little red and swollen,

“Mrs. Miyano!” Takuya Kambara stepped forward and shouted softly.

And after hearing Takuya Kambara’s voice, Elena Miyano immediately turned her head and looked over, her eyes were a little red and swollen, but her mood was quite stable.

“Officer Kambara, I’m really sorry to bother you to come over!” Elena Miyano bowed to Takuya Kambara.

Takuya Kambara helped Elena Miyano up: “There’s nothing wrong with this. ”

“Mr. Atsuji is also my friend, and now that something has happened to him, I naturally want to help.”

“So don’t be so polite!”

Elena Miyano nodded (Zhao Qian’s) and thanked her again.

At this time, a colleague from the traffic section came over: “Officer Kambara. ”

“Officer Matsuki!”

The police officer of the traffic department in front of him is called Songmu Xueling, the head of the traffic section, the position is also the police department, but not from the professional group, today he is more than forty years old, and he is also an old police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department, and has dealt with many car accidents.

“I really want to thank you for paying the fare for Mrs. Miyano!” Takuya Kambara.

“It’s nothing.” Officer Matsuki said, “I understand Miss Miyano’s feelings and know that when I encounter this kind of thing, it will inevitably happen, and this is not the first time I have encountered it.” ”

Taku Kambara also entered the topic after a few pleasantries with Pinewood Xueling.

“Officer Matsuki, how is the situation now?” Takuya Kambara asked.

Elena Miyano on the side also pricked up her ears.

The Metropolitan Police Department has been investigating and finding out anything, and no one has told Miyano Elena, just telling her that there is a ninety percent probability that the person who died is Miyano Atsuji.

And the Metropolitan Police Department is already collecting information from Atsuji Miyano, and when the information comes over to compare, it can be determined.

Fortunately, Takuya Kambara came, and Elena Miyano could finally know more information.

“The car and the body are charred, but there are still some things left, and we are retrieving the file of Atsuji Miyano to prepare for fingerprint comparison.”

“And according to our on-site investigation, this is an accident, which can basically rule out man-made and intentional.” Pinewood Snow Ridge Road.

Hearing this, Miyano Elena covered her mouth, she was still a little unbelievable.

The person who greets you in the morning dies in a blink of an eye, which is really unacceptable!

“Mr. Officer, can I do an autopsy?” Elena Miyano said.

“Sorry, there are too few forensic doctors, and there is a long queue for an autopsy.” Pinewood Snow Ridge Road.

Neon medical examiners are dirty and tired, and their salaries are pitiful, so few people want to be medical examiners.

Medical examiners are all part-time doctors, and if you want to perform an autopsy, you need to queue up.

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