“Kambara… Officer!”

Toshiro Odakiri, who was standing near Takuya Kambara, was also directly dumbfounded, and he didn’t expect that Takuya Kambara actually made things out of TV series and movies, which is really outrageous!

Is it so easy to split bullets?

Anyway, in the opinion of Toshiro Oda, Taku Kambara also took a long knife and slashed forward, and then the bullet was cut open, which is simply divine!

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara flicked the long knife in his hand: “This is nothing, it’s a piece of cake, I will be a few years old!”

This is a lie.

This is a trick that Takuya Kambara can only use after he has crossed and cultivated the Navy Six Style.

In other words, before, he had already been shot in the head by a shot.

After mastering the Navy Six Style, Taku Kambara felt that he had been improved in all aspects, including his own perception.

And after mastering the six styles of the navy, Taku Kambara also felt the existence of some other forces, see the domineering and armed domineering!

Therefore, Takuya Kambara’s perception is very sharp now, especially in this crisis moment.

At the moment when the bullet came, Takuya Kambara sensed it, and his eyes also saw the trajectory of the bullet, which allowed the body to react and a knife split the bullet!

And Takuya Kambara is angry now, and the consequences are serious.

He originally just wanted to touch the fish, but as a result, these guys who participated in the mud meeting did not talk about martial virtue, and the sniper rifles were all moved out, and even if they moved out, they shot at me, which means a few!

I didn’t shout a few voices for everyone to dodge, and you started aiming at me and shooting.

If you weren’t agile, you would really be able to get a bento today.

Can’t endure, absolutely can’t endure, must do it back, otherwise where to put the face!

But then again, there is such a thing as a sniper rifle at the mud meeting, and even if there is no toilet burned, it can be defined as a terrorist.

Maybe there are grenades and other heavy weapons.

I have to say that the path of the neon pole organization of the Conan world is still relatively wild, and it dares to sell anything and fight anything.

Don’t say you’re a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department, even if you’re prime minister, I’m going to you.

If I don’t do you, I’m going to be finished.”

It is estimated that mud participation is such a mentality, otherwise it is impossible to move out of such a thing as a sniper rifle.

“Yamaguchi, what should I do now, the policeman on the other side can actually cut bullets, should it be so excessive!” Tian Chuan swallowed a mouthful of spit and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This guy is so fierce, does he suspect that this policeman is human?

Could it be a beast dressed as a human!

No, it’s even more exaggerated than the beast, this is not a bullet fired by a bullet, but a sniper rifle!

This thing can also be split by a knife, which is really unheard of!

Today he counts 180 is a long insight.

Yamaguchi took a deep breath, took a cigarette out of his pocket, and lit it for himself to calm himself down.


After spitting out a smoke ring, Yamaguchi finally calmed down.

“Just now we sniped and killed a member of the special emergency team, and now the Metropolitan Police Department does not dare to move, and the brothers inside should also have heard the gunshots. ”

“The Metropolitan Police Department opposite is also such a monster, how can it be the opponent of our hundreds of brothers, and we still have guns!”

“300:1, the advantage is ours, it is absolutely impossible to lose!”

“And the knife splits the bullet, it must be luck, and he will definitely not have such good luck in the next shot.” ”

“Keep shooting!” Yamaguchi’s eyes were fierce, staring dead ahead: “I don’t believe it, he can split all the sniper rifle bullets.” ”

“If he could split it all, I would have eaten the bullet on the spot.” ”

In a word, Yamaguchi did not believe that Taku Kambara could continue to slash bullets.

And also believes that the people in the Metropolitan Police Department except for Takuya Kambara are local chickens and dogs, which is not worth mentioning.

The only person who really had to deal with was Takuya Kambara.

Takuya Kambara: Thank you so much!

“You’re right, it’s just a criminal police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, and it’s not that you haven’t killed it!” Tagawa also began to get fierce, and the muzzle of the sniper rifle was aimed at Takuya Kambara again.

At the moment when Taku Kamihara was also targeted, he had a feeling, a hint of danger, not fatal.

But it doesn’t matter, Takuya Kambara is not ready to hide at all, and there is no need to hide.

“Hey, scrap materials of the Special Raid Team, what are you doing hiding on the side?” shouted Takuya Kambara as he looked at the people of the Special Raid Team hiding behind the cover.

After one of their team members was headshot, these guys, who had never seen anything in the world, hid and did not dare to show their heads at all.

I’m afraid of being headshot by a sniper who participated in the mud.

Most importantly, the Metropolitan Police Department did not expect that there were actually snipers at the mud meeting, so they did not bring snipers over at all, and they would not emerge during the period of time without solving the sniper on the opposite side.

After all, it’s just a few bucks a month! There is no need to play so hard!

As for Takuya Kambara calling them waste materials, they were not angry, after all, knives and bullets were made, and they were also convinced, even if it was luck.

This is called you strong and reasonable, everything you say is right!

“I’m calling for reinforcements, wait for our snipers to come, now hide!” shouted the leader of the Special Strike Team.

Just kidding, isn’t it a living target to attack tough problems now, life is your own, there is no need to play with your life like this, it’s not worth it.

Taku Kambara also felt that what he said was very reasonable, but he couldn’t bear this breath, why was he sniped!

Isn’t it just a few shouts.


At this moment, the bullet shot out of the muzzle again, targeting the same Kamihara Takuya.

It seems that I really want to perform a traditional trick and tear up a small book by hand!”

Takuya Kambara found a good angle, a diagonal stroke in front, two bullets immediately turned into four bullets, the bullets of the sniper rifle were cut again, and the knife was intact.

The Navy Six is not only a six, but also some knife skills, such as handsome cutting bullets.

Because it is very practical, so Taku Kambara also learned, but I didn’t expect it, it was really easy to use.

Handsome and handsome!


The two snipers who saw this scene directly burst into foul language, they did not expect that the bullets of the sniper rifle were cut again, and this time it was everything two, a complete victory.

Now Tagawa and Yamaguchi have completely believed that the man in front of him is like a god, he can really cut bullets, and it is not by luck.

“Keep shooting, I’ll see how much he can cut!” Yamaguchi fired directly, aiming and shooting.

He didn’t believe it, Takuya Kambara’s physical strength bar could have as many bullets as his bullets?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

“Scrap wood, since you don’t do it, then I will come, and the weapons will be given to me!”

After that, Taku Kambara did not wait for these special raid teams to respond, so he directly removed some grenades and rifles.

The thumb pulled out the latch and threw it towards the inside of the house.

Takuya Kambara doesn’t care about anything now, you dare to snipe at me, I must also greet you to death.


The ground trembled, and the bomb exploded inside the house.

There were screams from inside, it seems that the grenade has exploded into people, what good luck.

Immediately afterwards, Takuya Kambara threw a few more grenades, and when the grenade was detonated again, Takuya Kambara directly kicked open the door.


The gate of the solid wood was directly kicked apart by Takuya Kambara, and when the gate shattered, Takuya Kambara’s figure also disappeared at the gate.

This is the shaving in the Navy Six Style, and it is a sudden move to continuously step on the ground with both feet to obtain counterforce, never increasing one’s speed.

Officer Kambara has disappeared!”

After the police officer behind the bunker watched the gate smash, Takuya Kambara’s figure disappeared with him.

Everyone blinked, but none of them found Takuya Kambara.

And the gate was also shrouded in smoke from the bomb, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

At this time, the photography brother suddenly rushed over with his assistant.

“Rush, fame is just around the corner!” shouted the photographer brother and rushed towards the inside of the house.

If you can’t catch this kind of opportunity, what kind of camera should you use and go back to sell sweet potatoes as soon as possible.

So the photography brother rushed in with his assistant first.

Death, not scary at all!

The terrible thing is that there was no fame at all when he died.

Whether to choose to be a lifetime of waste or a minute of bravery, the photographer brother chose the latter.

Seeing this scene, Toshiro Oda also stood up: “Special, the photography brother rushed in, and we, as the criminal police of the Metropolitan Police Department, are still hiding outside, this is really a shame!”

“Brothers of a lesson, rush with me!”

After that, Toshiro Oda snatched the weapon and grenade of a member of the special attack team and rushed in.

They are followed by the criminal police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, their blood is still hot, after all, they have been fighting on the front line of the first (AHEE), protecting the safety of Tokyo citizens, so they still have the desire to fight.

And the criminal police also conveniently seized the weapons of the special emergency team when they entered the door, since you don’t use it, then leave it to us.

Rebuilding the glory of the Metropolitan Police Department begins with our lesson as a criminal policeman.

When the criminal police entered the door, there were dense gunshots and screams, and as for whose screams, they did not know.

At this time, the members of the Special Attack Squad looked at their captain and whispered, “What should we do now?”

“Continue to wait here, or rush in together?!”

Hearing this, the captain of the squad glared at his own team members: “Wait, continue to wait, we can go home and eat ourselves, rush in!”

“Grab weapons first, kill people, and kill all witnesses, so that no one knows how cowardly we are!”

“But what about the colleagues in the first lesson?”

“Invite them to dinner, can you kill them?” said the squad leader.

Not to mention killing colleagues in a lesson, in their state, the people who participated in the meeting may not have done it.

And a lesson also has Takuya Kambara, a pervert of a knife and a bullet, how to fight.


When the words fell, the people of the special attack group also rushed in.


After Takuya Kambara entered the house, he entered the flock like a tiger and began a big kill, and with the blessing of shaving and paper painting, the AK in the hands of the mud participants could not hit Takuya Kambara at all, and would also be accurately sniped by Takuya Kambara’s rifle.

Almost one shot at a time.

These members of the polar organization who participated in the mud meeting seemed fierce, but in fact, when facing Takuya Kambara’s shooting technique, they were already scared and did not dare to emerge, and became soft-footed shrimp.

A few who dared to fight back were all headshots by Takuya Kambara.

This scene made the boss of the mud meeting, Mu Sam Hanjiro sweating anxiously.

“You waste, so many people have been suppressed by one person, you still have the face to live in this world, give me all seppuku to commit suicide!” roared Hanjiro Kushin.

In the next second, a shuttle bullet came over.

And the person who shot this time was not Takuya Kambara, but the other colleagues of the first lesson.

It’s a pity that the guy Hanjiro is so fast, the bullet didn’t hit him.

But it’s scary enough.

If he had dodged slowly, he would probably have gone directly underground to meet his father and wife.

As for his son, he is now studying in the United States, not in neon, and has also obtained a green card in the United States, and will soon be able to become a neon person of the United States, which is good news!

At least their mud family will not cut off their descendants.

“You are not the same, a shuttle bullet came over, not shivering with fear!”

Behind the cover, a little brother complained.

But this sentence happened to be heard by Hanjiro Mushin.

Suddenly, Hanjiro became angry, and loudly rebuked: “What is your identity, what is my identity, is there a point for you to speak?”

“Shut up for me!”

“Death is coming, and the guild leader’s shelf is still being placed!”

“See clearly, the Metropolitan Police Department is going to kill us all, so we treat us all equally, so old thing, speak to me politely, otherwise I will slaughter you!” One of the younger brothers flashed a fierce light in his eyes, and the AK in his hand was about to move.

As if again, if you dare to say a word again, Lao Tzu will surprise you.

are all two shoulders with a head, why do you talk to Lao Tzu like this, is the AK in Lao Tzu’s hands not at all unfavorable?

Besides, now they have all fallen to this kind of place, you are still putting up the boss’s shelf here, eat!

Hearing this, Hanjiro was choked and did not dare to say anything at all, because he did not have an AK in his hand, only a pistol.

Under the deterrence of AK, he simply did not dare to continue to say something, let alone put the boss’s shelf.

Under AK, all beings are equal, this is no joke.

Even if you are the president of the United States, you may be shot in the head and open your brain.

Not to mention the leader of a polar organization.

Graves applies to play!

Giggs is ready to go!

“President, dissipate the qi, dissipate the qi!”

At this time, one of the cadres of the mud meeting supported the mud ginseng banjiro and said with a smile.

At this time, the eyes of the rest of the younger brothers looking at them were also wrong, and they were also about to move.

Because the elders are old!


Takuya Kambara casually hacked to death a member of the Extreme Dao Organization in front of him, flicked the blood on the long knife, and said lightly: “There is no one who can fight, and before you use force, you will fall!”

At this time, Takuya Kambara was all covered in blood, but without exception it was the blood of the members of the mud meeting, and all the corpses under his feet.

Counting carefully, there were at least forty or fifty corpses.

In addition, the photographer is continuing to follow up, really trying his best.


At this time, a bullet was fired, but this time the target was not Takuya Kambara, but the photography brother.

In the next second, Takuya Kambara’s figure appeared in front of the photography brother.

It’s still a familiar taste, knife cutting bullets, as if a hot knife cutting butter, quite silky ah!

“So you’re here!”

Takuya Kambara glanced in the direction the bullet was coming from, and a jump came directly to the roof, rushing towards the location of the sniper.

Once inside, these two guys ran away!

“Run, Tianchuan run!”

The moment he saw Takuya Kambara, Yamaguchi directly held the gun and prepared to run, but at this time, Takuya Kambara had already arrived in front of him.

The long knife in his hand flickered.

【One knife flow…】

In a flash of cold light, the figure of Takuya Kambara appeared behind them.

Yamaguchi turned around and looked at Takuya Kambara, “What is this move called?”

Hearing this, Taku Kambara also carried the long knife on his shoulder: “I didn’t think of the name originally, but now that I think of it, it’s called killing beasts!”

The voice fell.

A blood stain appeared on the necks of both Tian Chuan and Yamaguchi, and then the blood rose up like a fountain, and the head fell from the neck.

Takuya Kambara stood above, looking down at the people below and said lightly: “Before I use my strength, you will fall!”

This scene was all filmed by the dutiful photography brother, and his eyes were full of excitement! .

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