Metropolitan Police Department, Search Section, Section Chief’s Office.

At this time, Takuya Kambara and Toshiro Oda were chatting about something in the office.

“When did Koichiro disappear?” asked Takuya Kambara in surprise.

Some time ago, he proposed to let the United States extradite Ichiro Mu to return to Neon from the United States, and the people of the Metropolitan Police Department also went to negotiate, but failed.

The reason is that Ichiro is a citizen of their country, how can he give you neon casually, you don’t have such a big face.

In this regard, Taku Kambara was not surprised, if it was so easy to extradite, then those guys would not run abroad all at once.

For these criminals, foreign countries are their paradise, and if they continue to stay in Neon China, they will definitely go to prison to pick up soap.

“Just half a month ago, Ichiro disappeared, and in the area where he disappeared, three dark-skinned men died. ”

“The police in the United States believe that it was Ichiro Mushin who killed these three people. And also found the fingerprints of Ichi ~ Lang from their bodies. ”

“Now the U.S. police have taken Ichiro as a murderer and are looking for him, but they have not yet found his whereabouts. ”

Saying that, Toshiro Oda Kirito handed the photo in his hand to Takuya Kambara as well.

The photo shows three dark-skinned men killed by Ichiro Mu Sam, all of whom have been shot in the eyebrows or hearts, and they can’t die anymore.

Looking at these photos, Takuya Kambara complained, “Why did we just get the news now?”

Hearing this, Toshiro Oda spread his hands and said, “Ichiro is in New York, not in Neon Tokyo.” ”

“Our intelligence is given by the American police, and you know what kind of virtue they are, just care about the security of the rich area, like Queens, they will not go.” ”

“It’s already thankful that we were able to get the intelligence. ”

Toshiro Oda knows what the real United States is like, where guns are rampant and there are many contradictions.

I don’t think of it as a beacon of freedom, but a country full of dangers.

Even if you walk down the road, you may be shot, you say scary is not terrible.

Therefore, the United States is not as good as the outside rumors.

This sentence is also not true, the United States is still very good for the rich, the rich used to be a beacon of freedom, if the poor or ordinary people passed, it was just a lamb to be slaughtered, far less safe and comfortable than staying in the neon country.

But even so, every year a large number of neon immigrants go to the United States to meet the so-called lighthouse country, and the final end is to die without a corpse.

Maybe that’s the power of propaganda!


Takuya Kambara has long known what virtues the American police have, as long as he sees agricultural tools and has a knife in his hand, he will empty the existence of the magazine.

Expect them to patrol a slum neighborhood like Queens, and don’t even think about it.

It’s only a few bucks a month! It’s not worth the effort.

“Then Ichiro should have become a wanted criminal in the United States by now, can he send someone over to assist the American police in arresting this guy!”

Floating in the United States, it is always a danger, and it can be solved as soon as possible.

He is not afraid of the attack of Ichiro Mud, but Concubine Eiri, Yukiko and others can’t!

Therefore, cutting the grass must remove the roots, otherwise it will cause trouble for yourself and the people in the family.

It’s a pity that in the battle of the mud meeting, the mud ginseng Ichiro is not here, and if he is, he would have been shot in the head by Takuya Kambara.

Where will you let Ichiro be alone in the United States, and be bullied by agricultural tools!

It is already clearly written on the document.

After Hanjiro Mitsumi died, Ichiro lost his financial resources, and he did not go to work.

Instead, he was bullied by those in the school who were bullied by him.

Even the school expelled him because his father was a terrorist.

In fact, it is the request of the parents of the school’s students, who do not want their children to go to school with a terrorist.

In this way, Ichiro became a homeless man.

Then there is the joyful slum being bullied by the farm tool boys, finally killing back, and then disappearing.

Most likely, he snatched some money, hid with a gun, and was accumulating the power of revenge.

It’s a pity that this guy is not a neon high school student, just a homeless man in the United States, and the BUFF is not stacked enough, and it is quite difficult to find Takuya Kambara to take revenge.

As things stand, it should lie dormant for some time.

And Taku Kambara also wants to kill this guy early, die early and live early!

Oda Kiritoro said: “We negotiated some time ago, they also searched, but they did not find any traces. ”

“Then the U.S. police didn’t care. ”

This is very in line with the behavior of the American police, if you can’t find it, you won’t look for it, and no one will say anything anyway.

After all, both of Ichiro’s parents are dead, and he is also a wanted criminal.

Moreover, the person who killed is still a little brother of agricultural tools, and there is no need to spend a lot of manpower and financial resources to find such a person.

As long as Ichiro doesn’t storm the rich area.

“It’s worthy of the United States!” The corner of Kamihara Takuya’s mouth twitched, and he was speechless: “Forget it, instead of letting the people of the United States catch it, it’s better for us to catch it ourselves, let those guys in the customs pay attention to it, don’t let him fish back in troubled waters.” ”

“If he does come back, inform me and I’ll go solve him and let him go down to meet his dead ghost father!” sneered at Takuya Kambara.

Come back, come back Lao Tzu will invite you to eat a peanut rice.

“I have already notified the customs side, and I will inform you when there is news!” said Toshiro Oda.

“Okay!” Takuya Kambara got up and said before leaving, “It’s my wedding banquet soon, don’t be late then, and don’t give gifts.” ”

“After sending it, I have to dismantle it when I go home, it’s very troublesome!”

Hearing this, Toshiro Oda Kirito cried and laughed.

Others want someone to give gifts, and Takuya Kambara doesn’t want it at all.

But this is also normal, after all, Takuya Kambara is already a rich man who can be counted in neon, and he really can’t look at ordinary gifts.

As for those valuable things, Taku Kambara didn’t want them either.

If he accepts it, he will put it in the house as a decoration, and it is better to sell it.

But this is given by someone else after all, and it is not good to sell it.

Simply, don’t accept gifts, everyone can have a meal, get together together, don’t engage in those troublesome things.

In this regard, Fei Yingli also agreed very much.

“Okay, I’ll be there then!” said Toshiro Oda, “I’ll bring my son too.” ”

Toshiro Odakiri’s son is called Toshiya Odakiri, who is seven or eight years old this year, about the same age as Zero Kamihara.

Yes, Zero has changed his name, and now he can call him God Zero.

As for Eri Shimitani, she changed her current surname to her original surname, and changed Shibuya to the surname Amuro.

Amuro is Eri Shibuya’s original surname, which is why Zero Descent has the pseudonym Amuro.

Because his mother’s surname is Amuro.

“Yes, but don’t interfere if you get beaten!” said Takuya Kambara with a smile.

Oda Kirito is also a bear child at this age, and he is also a bit of a nasty bear child.

If you meet the same seven or eight-year-old Kamihara Zero, you will probably be beaten!

Hearing this, Oda Kirito Toshiro looked indifferent: “I, the father, don’t have any opinions, this kid should really be beaten up.” ”

“If it weren’t for his mother and his grandfather protecting him, I would have opened this kid’s ass long ago. ”

“Let your brat teach him a lesson, let him know how good it is!”

Let the children handle the affairs of the children themselves, and they adults will not interfere.

And your kid in the mouth of Toshiro Oda is Kamihara Zero, he has seen once, a very good child, and the fighting skills are also very good, much stronger than his kid, he is a little envious.

Who doesn’t like sensible children!

It’s a pity that Toshiro Oda was born an unfilial son!

“Then your bear child must have a blue nose and a swollen face by then, don’t feel distressed!” said Takuya Kambara with a smile.


Since living here, Kambara Zero has been using medicinal baths and drinking moo milk, and is also practicing the basics of the Navy Six Style, and now there is no problem with fighting several adults.

Now to deal with a small child, more than enough.

However, Kamihara Zero is very precocious, very sensible, and will control his own power, which is why Kambara Takuya is so relieved to teach him these things.

If you change a bear child, he will not teach, and if he teaches, he will cause trouble for himself.

“It’s not distressing at all, this guy often makes me angry at home, despite beating, despite beating!”

As far as Oda Kirito was also at home, Oda Kirito Toshiro had long wanted to draw out seven wolves and teach them a hard lesson.

Disobedient children don’t fight, and they are really ready to stay until the New Year!

Takuya Kambara also felt that Oda Kirito also needed to be well educated.

Twenty years later, Oda Kirito also became a rock singer, dyed his hair colorfully, and began to blackmail and finally sent himself in.

This is an unwashable stain for Toshiro Oda, who was born into a police family.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Taku Kambara also felt that he could make Kambara Zero a little heavier.


Go to Didan Primary School and share a class with this kid with me.” ”

“With him here, Toshi can’t turn over any storms!” suggested Takuya Kambara with a grin.

Some rebellious bear children, coupled with the steady Kambara Zero, it is interesting to think about!

Hearing this suggestion, Toshiro Odakiri’s eyes lit up: “This is indeed a good idea!”

“I’ll start the transfer when I go back, this kid really needs someone to discipline him, the best peer!”

Being disciplined by adults, Oda Kirito will also be dissatisfied, but being disciplined by his peers, he can’t say anything.

After all, your peers can’t beat it, what else do you want.

Before that, Oda Kirito also went to aristocratic schools, that is, the rich studied specifically.

Although Didan Primary School is also very good, it is still a little worse for these noble schools.

And the atmosphere of the aristocratic school is not very good.

Twenty years later, in the theatrical version, the young masters and ladies of those rich families all looked high-spirited, as if they were the eldest of the sky and the second oldest.

The opening is my father, who my grandfather is.

He even threatened others with his own family affairs.

It’s okay if you meet normal people, you won’t do it, because they have concerns.

But if you meet someone with a hot temper, you may kill your whole family.

After all, this world is Conan’s world, everything is possible, nothing is impossible.

If there is, it is that the Shinigami Edogawa Conan did not go over to wander around.

As long as he is allowed to go for a walk, he will always die.

“Speaking of children, did you buy an orphanage recently?” said Toshiro Oda.

Although the orphanage is a welfare institution, the rich can really buy it and run the orphanage themselves.

Many chaebols will play like this, looking for good people in it, so that they can join their own chaebols when they grow up.

Such people are highly loyal and hardly betray the chaebols.

There are even examples of people choosing chaebol heirs in orphanages, and there are quite a few.

The future Takasugi family chose a child in the orphanage to become the heir of the Takasugi family.

It was the one who married Matsumoto Kiyonaga’s daughter, Sayuri Matsumoto, and killed his wife.

“When you have money, you want to do something good!” said Takuya Kambara with a smile.

To do good is not to do good.

As long as gin and vodka were in this orphanage, so Takuya Kambara bought it.

But now Gin and vodka are not the same name, but Kurosawa Jin and Uozuka Saburō.

And at this time, Gin Jiu already has a little bit of a look of the future black organization, but his eyes are relatively cold.

And vodka is still humble.

But both of them are very thin because there is no money in the orphanage, but now that the orphanage has been acquired by Takuya Kambara, they will not be short of food.

And this orphanage will also become the talent reserve center of Takuya Kamihara.

For Kurosawa Jin and Uozuka Saburō’s arrangement, of course, let them enter the Metropolitan Police Department and help him in the future.


“I also heard that you took two children as righteous children?!” said Toshiro Oda.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said: “Seeing that the two children have eye edges, so I accepted them as righteous children.” ”

“But they didn’t want to go home with me, they liked to play with the children in the orphanage, so I went with them.” ”

Yes, Kurosawa Jin and Saburo Uozuka have become the righteous children of Takuya Kambara.

In Neon, Yoshiko also has the right to inherit, which is great news for the two of them.

And after learning that he was accepted as a righteous son by a big man, he kowtowed a few times on the spot.

Takuya Kamihara, the righteous father, they recognized.

Now, not counting the children in Concubine Yingli’s belly, there are already three children.

They are Kambara Zero, Kurosawa Formation, and Saburo Uozuka.

It’s a pity that there is no systematic reward for receiving a righteous son, it should be without a mother’s relationship!

But it doesn’t matter, accepting the two of them as righteous sons is mainly because of their future.

As for Kaminhara Zero, the main thing is that Kamihara Takuya fancy!

In addition, Kurosawa Jin and Saburo Uozuka also changed their names, both surnamed Kambara.

The current situation is that the three people who are still enemies twenty years later have now become good friends, which is really quite weird.

If Shuichi Akai came over, the four of them could make a table of mahjong.

Even if the six-member group of the future police academy of Kambara Zero is called, it will be even more lively at that time.

Taku Kambara also had a hunch that his Metropolitan Police Department must be full of talents in the future.

“Gee, I didn’t expect that this guy of yours would actually accept Yizi, or I would adopt one and put a little pressure on this kid Minya?!”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara hurriedly said, “It’s best not to.” ”

“You do this will only make Toshiya more rebellious, and you will cry when the time comes!”

Adoptive children put pressure on biological sons, which is not a good idea.

It will even further intensify the contradiction between the two, and even die of old age.

Although Taku Kambara has never seen it, he has heard it and read it in the novel.

After all, an outsider and a righteous owner robbed the property in the family, who can stand this!

If it’s a girl, it’s nothing, if it’s an adopted boy, it’s a big deal.

Keeping two male tigers together, what the result is, you know.

“Makes sense!” Toshiro Oda nodded, not continuing the topic.

He said that he didn’t feel very comfortable after saying it.

After all, he has a son, and if the big one is really practiced, they can also open the trumpet.

There is really no need to adopt orphans, they are not unable to give birth!

As for Takuya Kambara, it was just a whim! .

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