Night falls.

After Takuya Kambara had made his meal, the family was sitting together happily eating a delicious meal.

Eiri Concubine, Yukiko, Eri Amuro, Sera Elena, Chris, Zero Kambara, Akemi Miyano, Sun and Moon, and finally Takuya Kambara.

If you count the children in the belly, there are a total of fourteen people, plus two ~ pets.

Akemi Miyano, who eats in large gulps, has become a little flower cat, and Sera Elena is wiping her mouth for her.

Kambara Zero also eats in large gulps, but it eats elegantly.

The others were also eating and chatting.

Seeing this big son, the corner of Kamihara Takuya’s mouth raised a smile.

In the last life, he grew up in an orphanage, longed for this kind of biological life, and ended up traveling in the flesh, and fulfilled this wish, which is really amazing.

“Takuya, what are you giggling at?!”

Concubine Eiri, who had a big belly, glanced at Takuya Kambara.

Since she was close to her due date, Takuya Kambara would always giggle from time to time and giggle alone on the side.

As for the reason, Concubine Yingli probably understands it, and it has something to do with the child in her belly.

Sure enough, Taku Kambara also looks wise and powerful on the outside, but he is also a small child at home.

And after their own children are born, they will also be a little helpless.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara smiled and said, “Now this is the life I dreamed of before, and now it has finally come true!” ”

With a group of wives and concubines, and a full house of descendants, this is Takuya Kambara’s simple and speechless wish, and now it is finally realized!

All thanks to the gift of Conan’s world isotope!

Thank you Lao Tie for your great support!

Takuya Kambara (Conan World): Withdrew from the group chat!

Hearing this, Eiri Eiri, Yukiko, Eri, Chris, and Elena all looked at each other and couldn’t help but cover their mouths and laugh.

Takuya Kambara’s dream has indeed come true!

“Virtue, can’t you guy be bigger?” Concubine Yingli said angrily: “Be a prime minister or something, so that we can also play as a prime minister’s wife!” ”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said helplessly: “Prime Minister this thing is not something I can be quite capable of, the main thing is that I am too young, they can’t make me a hairy boy become the Prime Minister.” ”

He is only twenty-four years old now, and it is impossible for him to become prime minister, unless all the people who stand above Takuya Kambara are gannked by Graves, otherwise it is almost impossible for him to ascend to the throne.

If it’s twenty years from now, he has a chance.

“And compared to the Prime Minister, my current purpose is to become the Metropolitan Police Department before the age of thirty-five.”

“The Prime Minister has a term, but the Inspector General of Police does not!” Takuya Kambara said with a smile.

The Metropolitan Police Commissioner is the boss of the Metropolitan Police Department, has only one position, and has not yet served a term.

When he ascended to the position of police commissioner, and using this as a starting point, it was not impossible to spy on the position of prime minister.

When he becomes prime minister, it won’t be long before Neon is finished.

After all, when Princess Eiri was pregnant, he burned the toilet to celebrate, and when he became prime minister, he would definitely add a little ingredient to Mt. Fuji.

It’s also a celebration.

Let’s start with a big fireworks.

But this is all a long time later, no hurry, no hurry!

“So, we are destined to be the wife of the police chief in the future!” Yukiko grinned.

After pregnancy, Yukiko became plumper, and also passed the dangerous period, often pestering Takuya Kambara.

After all, after pregnancy, it is normal to strengthen that aspect.

Concubine Yingli is the same as everyone else.

Fortunately, Taku Kambara also coped with it, simply.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely let you become the wife of the police chief in the future.” Takuya Kambara looked around.

At this time, Seira Elena, who did not speak, spoke: “Takuya, my sister called me today!” ”


“Marie Akai?” Takuya Kambara.

He knew that Shiliang Elena had a sister, and he knew that they were still in contact, but at this juncture, there must be something wrong.

“Hmm!” Elena nodded and said, “My sister said that he may come to Neon after a while, come to me to borrow for a while, and her two children!” ”

“But she won’t come here, she probably won’t accept us like this!”

The matter of the Kambara Takuya family is really a little difficult for ordinary people to accept.

It’s not that it’s hard to accept, it’s that other people can’t do this kind of thing, so it’s hard to accept.

The main thing is envy and envy, because they don’t!

He didn’t care at all about Marie Akai’s acceptance.

Marie Akai is Marie Akai, Elena is Elena, it doesn’t matter if she accepts it or not, Elena can accept it.

“Is my aunt coming? I haven’t met my aunt yet! Akemi Miyano said as she took the spoon and chewed the food.

Akemi Miyano and Mari Akai have not yet met, but they know each other.

And in the original work, Akai Shuichi must know about this matter, whether it is what Marie Akai said, or the FBI investigation, he should know his relationship with Akemi Miyano, and the result is still falling in love with Akemi Miyano, which is really difficult!

It can only be said that Shuichi Akai is a beast!

But in Neon, cousins, cousins can get married.

But as far as Akai Shuichi is concerned, he is still a beast.

They all knew and used their cousin, which also led to the beginning of Akemi Miyano’s future death.

O beast among beasts!

Elena gently stroked Mingmei’s little head: “Not necessarily over!” She just said maybe come over. ”

“And…” Elena suddenly remembered something, and added: “And my sister’s voice is a little wrong with her emotions, as if she had just cried.” ”


“Could it be that the husband and wife quarreled?!” Eri Amuro said.

It is inevitable that husband and wife will stumble, but Taku Kambara will not either.

He will only go through the last procedure, and then all contradictions will be gone.

The last procedure naturally runs through their bodies and minds.

Simple and crude, and effective.

“I don’t know, my sister didn’t say it, but something must have happened!” Elena was a little worried.

My sister, who has been independent and strong since she was a child, actually cried, which made Elena very worried, worried that something major might change over there.

Chris, who was silent on the side, secretly said in her heart: “It should be related to the death of Koji Haneda!” ”

Chrissy has now sneaked into Takuya Kambara’s side, and has become a pillow person, even pregnant.

Naturally, it makes the boss of the black organization happy, so the organization will tell Chris about the information related to Takuya Kambara.

The same goes for the death of Koji Haneda.

And the organization also found out that Koji Haneda’s father actually knew Takeshi Akai of M16, and the relationship was still very good.

Therefore, the black organization analyzes that Haneda Yasuharu may ask Akai to help investigate the death of his son.

Not sure, though.

And what Elena said at this time just proved the organization’s speculation.

It is very likely that Takeshi Akai has already set off to the United States to investigate the death of Koji Haneda.

Marie Akai must have cried for this matter!

And Taku Kamihara, who knew the inside story of this matter, did not say anything, and it was useless to tell them, it would only plunge himself into mental internal friction.

And about the Metropolitan Police Department, he did not say anything either.

Anyway, it was not he who went to the United States to investigate the case of Koji Haneda’s death, there is no need to say.

What’s more, when it comes to work matters, Taku Kambara rarely takes things home and says it.

There is no need.

“I think it may be a husband and wife quarrel, such as your brother-in-law Akai Wumu had an affair outside, and then was known by your sister, so the two of them had a big fight, and maybe even got into a divorce.”

“Maybe it’s for Neon to distract!” Takuya Kambara said casually.

“That said!” Chris echoed: “Your sister and brother-in-law have been married for more than ten years, and the children are two people, and it is normal to quarrel or something. ”

“Even if there are some disputes and conflicts between us and Takuya, they can be solved with a deep conversation.”

As Chris said, when Taku Kambara also had conflicts and disputes with them, he really had a deep chat, and then it was fine!

When everyone heard Chris’s words, their cheeks couldn’t help but turn red.

Is it really good to drive in the evening?!

After Chris’s efforts, the atmosphere changed color.

“Ahem!” Takuya Kambara said again: “After eating, I will pinch your feet!” ”

After pregnancy, weight gain increases the burden on the feet, so pinching the feet is good for them, and Takuya Kambara has always done this.

The five gods Takuya pinched their feet across the mountain and lined up one by one.

The first one is naturally Concubine Yingli.

Soon, the dinner ended in an atmosphere that was not right.

After dinner, Kambara Zero and Akemi Miyano were playing with the sun and the moon.

During this time, Takuya Kambara has given the Fire Stone to the Sun and the Moon, and they have both evolved from Katy dogs to wind speed dogs.

From the cute puppy before, he has become a mighty big dog, and his strength has also become stronger.

And the difference between the appearance of the Katy dog and the wind speed dog is not particularly large, or the body size is much larger, so one can explain the past when he grows up.

At this time, Takuya Kambara, Concubine Eiri, and Chris were saying these things in the study.

“Chris, do you know anything about Elena’s sister?” Concubine Yingli sat on the sofa and asked, “Could it be related to your organization?!” ”

During the meal, Concubine Yingli saw something, but did not ask directly.

And after Chrissy entered the door, she told Concubine Eiri and Takuya Kambara about her identity and organization.

So Chris has completely integrated in.

For Concubine Yingli’s acceptance, Chris is very grateful, which allows her to really have a place to stay, and she can live peacefully.

Hearing this, Chris nodded and said, “Sister, this matter does have something to do with the organization!” ”

This sister, Chris is willing to call!

0 ask for flowers

Sometimes, coming to a place requires following the rules, and it’s the same when you come here.

And Chris is a well-behaved person, as long as she follows the rules, she can be free for the rest of her life.

So calling a sister is nothing at all, especially for Chris, who is an actor.

And when Chrissy was with Takuya Kambara, she shouted even more… Interesting!

“Well, I’ll explain this matter!” Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli and Chris both looked over.

“Takuya, could it be that your Metropolitan Police Department is also involved?” Fei Yingli asked.

Takuya Kambara nodded: “It is indeed involved.” ”

“The father of the deceased Koji Haneda was Yasuharu Haneda, who knew the head of the Ooka family, and then put pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department.”

“As a result, the Metropolitan Police Department had to let people go to the United States to jointly investigate this matter with the American police.”

“Originally, they wanted me to go, but I refused, and the final choice was Toshiro Oda.”

Takuya Kambara is now qualified to say no.

He is now the director of several chaebols, plus a well-known best-selling manga artist, he can not give face to the Ooka family, and the Ooka family can’t do anything with him!

Although the Ooka family is very strong, but the rest of the chaebols are not weak, especially Taku Kambara has teamed up with Suzuki Tomoko to gain the upper hand among the Suzuki chaebols, if you really want to make a fuss, it is still unknown who killed the deer1

So to refuse is to refuse, there is nothing to say.

“However, the Metropolitan Police Department now also knows the existence of black organizations, but it is not prepared to investigate deeply, after all, it is the United States over there, and it is difficult to investigate something!”

“Even the investigation of Koji Haneda’s case is just a show! It’s just a face for the Ooka family! Takuya Kambara explained.

Kujo Daisuke is not a fool, the American police and the FBI who are fighting at home have not investigated anything, they still want to investigate it as an outsider?

This is not a muzzle!

So this investigation team is actually going to travel, to eat, drink, and play.

For the rest, what the police in the United States do, Toshiro Oda Kiritoro does.

Directly want to be on par with the police in the United States.

As for other things, they don’t need to be nosy at all.

Even if it is a matter of the black organization, it is not their turn for the Metropolitan Police Department to intervene, after all, there is still neon public security, even if it is an investigation, it is neon public security to investigate them.

“And Yasuharu Haneda also knows M16’s agent, Takeshi Akai, that is, Elena’s brother-in-law.” Takuya Kambara continued: “Takeshi Akai should have accepted the commission of Yasuharu Haneda and went to the United States to investigate the death of Koji Haneda! ”

“Probably after Marie Akai knew about this, she thought that this was a sheep into the mouth of the tiger, so she was sad and chose to take her child to Neon for refuge!”

Neon is indeed safe now, and the power of the black organization is not strong in Neon, far less powerful than twenty years later.

But twenty years later, the black organization’s control over neon is not known much higher.

Even the shooting of Tokyo Tower with a gunship was done, and nothing happened afterwards.

You said that if no one in the black organization is at the top of Neon, this cannot happen.

Even this high-level may be the future Takuya Kambara.

Chris on the side nodded and said, “I also guessed so, but I don’t know what the specific situation is, and the organization doesn’t have this information.” ”

“But do I need to tell the organization about this conjecture?”

Now that Chrissy has begun to focus on Takuya Kambara, Takuya Kambara asked her to say, she said, if she doesn’t say, she won’t say anything.

At this time, the black organization did not know that Chris had completely betrayed them, and also obtained information from the black organization and handed it to Takuya Kambara.

The largest of the black organizations, Erwuzai, appeared.

It has even begun to take shape as a distillery!

“Let’s not meddle in this matter, let’s let the black organization fight with M16!” We can just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. ”

Takuya Kambara was not prepared to meddle in the matter between Akai and the black organization.

The United States is not the home of M16 and Akai Wuwu, but the home of the black organization.

In the original work, Akai Yutakeshi was forced into a corner by the black organization, and his final whereabouts are unknown.

It’s the same in this world, because Akai is weak and the FBI and M16 are fighting each other, and they won’t cooperate at all.

So Akai is just a cannon fodder they launched.

Of course, Haneda Yasuharu is added to this, and without Haneda Yasuharu, Akai Yotakeshi may not have died.

Therefore, Haneda Yasuharu is the culprit who killed Akai Yutake.

“Good!” Chris nodded.

“Okay, it’s not too early now, I’ll pinch your feet!”

Takuya Kambara squeezed his eyebrows towards the two charming ladies.

Looking at Takuya Kambara’s appearance, Concubine Yingli and Chris both took a bite of Takuya Kambara.

Kamihara Takuya’s thoughts, passers-by know ah factory!.

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