"Dad, how is Eiri?" said Maori Kogoro impatiently.

In his heart, he likes Concubine Yingli, but liking Concubine Yingli does not conflict with him going to find a god maid.

Hearing this, Maori father glanced at his uncontending son, and said angrily: "Yingli is fine." "

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "Where is Eiri, I went to her and apologized to him." "

Although Maori Kogoro said so, if he really found Concubine Yingli, it is estimated that he would not be able to say anything.

After all, the two people's personalities are incompatible, coupled with the arrogant relationship, they will quarrel without saying a few words, let alone apologize or something.

It is shown in the original book.

Besides, does the concubine Yingli really need to apologize?

They are just childhood sweethearts, don't think too much about teenagers.

And Concubine Eiri was only angry because she wasted so much time to help Maori Kogoro tutor, and as a result, Maori Kogoro did this kind of thing after being admitted to university, which really disappointed her.

That's all.

Officer Kambara didn't say anything!" said Māori's father lightly.

On the phone, Takuya Kambara did not say where Concubine Eiri was, but only said that it was safe.

In addition, Taku Kambara also has a good image outside, so Maori father did not ask much.

"Do you want to fight another one?" asked Maori Kogoro tentatively.

But this request was rejected by Maori father without hesitation: "Officer Kambara is partying, don't bother people." "

"And Yingli is not your person, why go early, sit down, eat!"

He really hated his son, iron is not steel.

It is clear that he is a childhood sweetheart for more than ten years, but he didn't release a fart after graduating from high school, and he would rather go to the god girl than confess to Concubine Yingli.

Is this waste really his son?

If it weren't for the similarity between their father and son, he would have wondered if Maori Kogoro was his son.


"Sit down, are you itching again?" the Maori father glared at Maori Kogoro fiercely.

Maori Kogoro immediately quieted down like a quail.


Under the strong suppression, Maori Kogoro could not do anything, he could only eat, but his heart was no longer in this house.


Takuya Kambara and Concubine Eiri have finished their barbecue and are now on their way home.

After the two came to the car, Takuya Kambara fastened his seat belt and said, "Go to your house or mine?

I have not forgotten what Concubine Yingli said on the top floor of the Metropolitan Police Department today.

Since the concubine wants to indulge ideally, then Kamihara Takuya naturally accompanies him to the end.

I didn't cross the people who were in their thirties before, so I didn't have so many concerns.

"Go to your house!" Concubine Yingli blushed little and did not hesitate.

Although she drank, she was not drunk, she was not the kind of physique that drunk as soon as she drank, and Concubine Yingli was still very sober and did not talk nonsense.


Takuya Kambara nodded, and did not say something to make Concubine Yingli think about it again, indecision will be hated by girls.

So the car started slowly.

He now lives at No. 21 2-chome, Yobanamachi, where the Kudo family lived twenty years later.

It's just that now this place is not surnamed Kudo, but is called Kambara.

As for the next door, Dr. Agasa still lives, who also moved over some time ago, and in the past few days of contact with Dr. Agasa, he has fully demonstrated what is called the daily life of a researcher.

If you don't explode once or twice a day, you are not a scientific researcher at all.


Takuya Kambara took Eiri to his current residence, No. 21 2-chome, Yobanamachi.

Some time ago, he still lived in the bachelor dormitory provided by the Metropolitan Police Department, and now he lives in a villa.

I can only say that the system's newbie package is really powerful.

And the source channel can also be found, the inheritance left by the deceased parents.

Even if the Metropolitan Police Department goes to investigate, it is this.

After Takuya Kambara parked his car in the garage and was about to come down, a dull sound suddenly came from next door, as if something had exploded.

Concubine Yingli, who had just unfastened her seat belt, was directly frightened: "What is this sound?

Hearing this, Taku Kambara was not in a hurry, unfastened his seat belt, walked down from the car, and pointed to the next door: "There is a scientific researcher living next door to my house, and he develops new things at home every day, so it often explodes." "

"It's okay. "

Takuya Kambara came to the passenger seat and helped Eiri open the door.

After listening to the explanation, Concubine Yingli was also relieved and walked into the room with Takuya Motohara.

At the moment of closing the door, Takuya Kambara slammed Concubine Yingli on the opposite side of the gate, condescendingly, and looked at Concubine Yingli with deep eyes.

And Concubine Eiri also looked at Takuya Kambara, and then closed her eyes.

Taku Kambara didn't have the slightest nonsense and kissed it.

At first, Concubine Eiri struggled slightly, but then she wrapped her hands around Takuya Kambara's neck and became active.

For a long time, Takuya Kambara let go of Concubine Yingli.

And at this time, Concubine Yingli had no strength, and leaned on Takuya Kambara's arms with red cheeks: "It feels so strange, why is my strength drained?"

For Concubine Yingli, who kissed for the first time, everything was so novel.

Takuya Kambara smiled and said, "Because I'm a fox spirit, I've sucked up all your essence." "

Concubine Yingli covered her mouth and laughed: "I want to take a bath first." "

"Okay, let's go together!"


In the exclamation of Concubine Eiri, Takuya Kambara picked up Concubine Eiri and walked towards the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

At the same time, the sound of water is mixed with unspeakable, unexplained whimpering sounds.

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