At this time, Concubine Yingli fell asleep on the dining table, and there was still food on the table.

Two standard Japanese dishes.

Rice, beef stew, a small plate of pickled vegetables, and miso soup.

These foods look beautiful and smelly, but Takuya Kambara always feels a little strange, because it feels a little abnormal from the smell.

And when he looked over, Takuya Kambara always felt that black gas was spilling out of these foods.

Taku Kambara also knew that this was the dinner that Concubine Yingli specially made for him, but he had dinner tonight, and he didn't tell Concubine Yingli.

"Is Fei Yingli's cooking really so bad?"

In the original, Maori Kogoro. Conan and Xiaolan have both commented on the rice cooked by Concubine Yingli, which is unpalatable.

Even Maori Kogoro and Conan fled when they saw Eiri preparing to cook, which shows how unpalatable it is.

"Taste it!"

Takuya Kambara decided to take a chance, picking up a piece of beef from the chopsticks on the side and throwing it into his mouth.

When the beef entered the mouth, Takuya Kambara's face suddenly changed, and he quickly ran to the kitchen next to him, where the beef was spit out, and turned on the water from the faucet to wash his mouth.

A series of operations by Takuya Kambara directly woke up the sleeping Yukiko.


Concubine Yingli got up from the dining table ignorantly, squinting at the place where the sound was made.

When I turned around, I saw Takuya Kambara who was gargling in the kitchen.

"You're back, I've already made dinner, would you like to try it?"

Looking at Takuya Kambara who came back, Concubine Eiri was very happy.

It may be because of the relationship between giving his first time to Takuya Kambara, so now Concubine Eiri is a little dependent on Takuya Kambara, and even feels safe.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought my luggage and prepared to stay here.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara supported the countertop with both hands and looked at Concubine Yingli with a helpless face: "I just tasted the beef stew you made." "

"This tastes very bad!"

Taku Kambara was blunt, not afraid that Concubine Eiri would be sad.

After all, this kind of thing, it is better to say it early, and the words that are concealed are harmful to herself and to Concubine Yingli, and she must be made to realize the reality.

"Ah! No!"

Concubine Yingli was stunned for a moment, then picked up the chopsticks on the side and directly picked up a piece of beef stew and threw it into her mouth, chewed it, and said while eating: "This tastes good! "

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara looked strange: "When did you start cooking?"

"After my parents died, I cooked for a while, and then I didn't cook in Yukiko's house, until now. Fei Yingli explained.

"This way!" Kamihara Takuya came over, sat next to Concubine Yingli, and said seriously: "Maybe you made this meal yourself, and you also ate it yourself, so you don't feel bad." "

"But other people's words may be different from yours. "

"In my opinion, it's really hard to eat!"

Concubine Eiri stared at Takuya Kambara, her eyes flickering: "Really?"


When the words fell, Concubine Yingli's nose twitched, and a tear came out of her eyes.

"Am I so useless that I can't even cook!"

She thought she could still cook, but she didn't think that cooking by herself was very difficult.

I feel like I'm good for nothing but reading.

Suddenly, Concubine Yingli's crying paused, and then the whole person took off into the air, and in a blink of an eye, she sat on Takuya Kambara's body and leaned into his arms.

Takuya Kambara carefully wiped away tears for Concubine Eiri.

"I'm not expecting you to be a housewife-like woman, so if you can't cook, you won't cook." "

The woman that Taku Kambara also needed was not a vase, and if he really wanted to find a vase, he waved his hand and didn't know how many vases pounced.

He likes girls with personality and temperament, such as Concubine Yingli.

Don't look at Concubine Yingli like this, she will be the queen of the lawyer in the future.

The queen in court, but at home

It's a little exciting to think about it.

Therefore, Takuya Kambara does not intend to bind the life of Concubine Yingli.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli raised her head, but said angrily: "Really?"

"But I can't even cook well, am I useless?"

Now neon, the vast majority of girls have become housewives after marrying, including college.

So if you can't cook, you may be gossiped.

"I don't care about these things, I can cook, but I can't, hire a babysitter, or go out to eat! Takuya Kambara said with a smile.

At this time, Concubine Yingli is not the queen of the future lawyers, but still a cute lady.

Taku Kambara also felt that he might have to cultivate a queen, which was a little exciting!

"Okay, stop crying, let's get something to eat!"

Takuya Kambara reached out and took the packaged roast meat, and after opening it, the meat inside was still steaming with a trace of heat, and it was not completely cold.

"Come on, ah!"

Takuya Kambara picked up a piece of roasted meat stained with sauce with chopsticks and handed it to Concubine Eiri's mouth.

Concubine Yingli's face turned slightly red, and she struggled slightly: "I can eat by myself, no need to feed me." "

She felt like she was a child now, which was really a bit ashamed.


"Come, if you don't eat again, it'll be cold!" said Takuya Kambara.

There is no way, and Concubine Eiri can only accept the feeding of Takuya Kambara.


It didn't take long for Concubine Yingli to get full, and she was full.

Although Concubine Yingli was full, there was still a lot of roasted meat in the packing box.

"We'll eat these roasts tomorrow! "

The weather is not hot now, and it is even a little cold, so the food cannot be broken in the refrigerator.

Since losing her parents, Fei Yingli has learned a lot, including saving.

"Just put it here and I'll eat it later." "

Because of the relationship between cultivating the six styles of the navy, Takuya Kambara has a great appetite, so he can eat all these things.

As for the goulash stew, forget it.

"But before I eat the roast, I want to eat you first." "


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