Yonehana Town, Lavender Cafe.

In the café, two girls sat opposite each other, these two girls were Concubine Yingri and Yukiko, who had recently graduated from Didan High School.

It's been some time since we last met.

Seeing Concubine Yingri again, Yukiko felt that her good girlfriend had become a little different.

The faded youth, but also the body has become better, more able to dress up, Yukiko is curious about these changes in her friend.

Concubine Yingli took a sip of coffee, touched her face, and said a little puzzled: "Is there something on my face?

When she went out, Concubine Yingli was dressed up, so there would definitely be nothing dirty on her face, unless it was on her face on the road.

Hearing this, Yukiko looked up and down and said softly: "I feel that you are very different from before, your body looks better, and your temperament is different, and you look more mature." "

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli smiled: "I have indeed experienced a lot during this time. "

Yukiko's eyes lit up and she said with a grin, "Could it be that you and Maori Kogoro went on a trip, or did you register your marriage?"

At this time, Yukiko did not know that there was no longer any relationship between Concubine Eiri and Mori Kogoro, and even the identity of her childhood sweetheart had disappeared.

Now the two of them are slightly familiar strangers, and there is no longer any relationship.

And Concubine Eiri didn't know about Maori Kogoro going to find the god girl, after all, it was not a glorious thing, she didn't publicize it everywhere.

If it were replaced by another person, it is estimated that this matter would have been full of flying all over the sky.

"Nope. Concubine Yingli shook her head and said, "I don't have any relationship with Maori Kogoro now, and I'm already being raised by someone now!"

Hearing this, Yukiko trembled as she held the coffee, and looked at Concubine Yingri in disbelief.


Yukiko slapped the cup and hand on the table and stood up from her position: "Huh?"

"You actually..."

Fortunately, Concubine Yingli's eyes were quick, and she directly covered Yukiko's mouth with her palm, which did not let this sentence spread.

Although it is common in neon to raise something, it is not good to pass it out.

And because of Yukiko's loud shout, the surrounding guests paid attention, and the waiters all appeared here, ready to ask if something had happened.

And Concubine Yingli looks a lot like a kidnapper!

Fortunately, they were sitting in the corner, there were no guests, and no one heard the conversation just now.

"This guest, are you..." the waiter asked, holding the tray and looking at Eiri and Yukiko.

If Kiko suddenly says something, maybe she will go to the police.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli released the hand that was covering Yukiko's mouth, and then sat down calmly.

Yukiko on the side also showed an embarrassed smile: "Sorry, it's me who made a big noise, there is nothing on our side, don't care, don't care." "

"Okay, this guest, if there are any questions, you can tell us, and please keep your voice quieter, there are other guests!" the waiter said more tactfully.

I didn't say to my face that Yukiko's voice was loud and disturbed the other guests.

"Yes, yes, I'm really sorry!"

Yukiko bowed to the people around her.

Then the waiter left the place, and the sight around them disappeared.

At this time, Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, and took a sip of coffee to suppress the shock.

"Yingli, what's going on here, could it be that you agreed to that old man for tuition?"

Yukiko leaned forward, approached Concubine Eiri, and whispered.

"Old man?"

Concubine Yingli was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

Yukiko thinks of the man who raised her as an old man in his eighties like on TV, but in fact he is not.

Taku Kambara can also be recognized as a handsome man.

"Not oh! Yukiko. Concubine Yingli took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "I was indeed raised because of the problem of tuition, but it was not the old man who raised me, but Takuya Kambara!"

Concubine Yingli said it directly, there is nothing that cannot be said about this matter.

Even Taku Kambara didn't care.

After all, he is not married and has no girlfriend, even if he is known, why should others accuse him?

Mom Fan: You betrayed our !!

So Taku Kambara didn't care about these things, just said it.

"Takuya Kambara?" Yukiko touched her chin and thought, "I seem to have heard this name somewhere, why can't I remember it." "

Concubine Yingli reminded: "It's Officer Takuya Kambara of the Metropolitan Police Department, he is the one who raised me?"

Hearing this, Yukiko was dumbfounded again, she didn't expect that the person who raised the concubine Eiri was actually Takuya Kambara, the handsome guy who didn't have a girlfriend?

But why!

Takuya Kambara obviously does not have a girlfriend, why should he raise Concubine Eiri.

Isn't it good to directly let Concubine Yingli be his girlfriend?

Could it be that two people are playing some fun little game?

"Why?" Yukiko's little head couldn't think of it, so she asked directly.

Since Concubine Yingli said this matter, then it will definitely answer Yukiko's question.

"Because Taku Kambara is also an unmarried person, he doesn't want to get married. "

"It just so happened that after I went through some things, I didn't really want to get married and be a full-time wife, so the two of us hit it off. "

"Not married, but together, and my tuition has fallen!" explained Princess Yingli.

She now enjoys spending time with Takuya Kambara, feels at ease, and feels that there is no need for such a thing as a marriage certificate.

Having a marriage license doesn't mean anything, and even people who get married can cheat.

It's good that they're like this.

"Ah, so what happened to make you transform so quickly!" Yukiko was puzzled.

After all, the former concubine Yingli was still a standard neon woman, married, had children, and became a housewife.

It's changing too fast now!

I don't understand!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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