That makes sense!

The purpose of moving is to provide a better environment for the children, not for you to have a tryst with a woman like Tomoko Suzuki. Please clarify the situation with me!

"Hey hey hey! Be gentle, it hurts a little!"

Kannahara Takuya tilted his head and began to beg for mercy.

Because his ear was grabbed by Yukiko. Although it didn't hurt, he had to pretend to be in pain, so as to make Yukiko soften his heart. It's just that this routine is used There are too many, and Yukiko doesn't fall for it at all.

Because Yukiko knows very well that Kanbara Takuya is a guy with a body of steel and is indestructible. An attack like pulling his ears has no effect on him at all.

This is the same as her using light and fluttering It was like hitting his chest with her fist.

But what she wanted was Kanbaru Takuya's reaction. If Kanbaru Takuya looked indifferent, then he would no longer have her in his heart.

Fortunately, Kanbaru Takuya is not a person who likes the new and hates the old, he is just simple I'm so lustful, I only like beautiful women, so simple and unpretentious


Yukiko did not let go of his ears this time, but in order to lower the volume and not wake up the sleeping babies, she attached it 360 times and whispered in Kanbaru Takuya's ear:"Didn't you say that last time? Did it attract bees and butterflies?"

"This time I wanted to have a private meeting with this woman, Tomoko Suzuki, which really pissed me off!"

Actually, Yukiko had known that something like this would happen for a long time, and she had expected it when she joined in. But when it really happened, she was still a little unhappy.

She wanted to monopolize Kanbaru Takuya, but she didn't have this In terms of ability, her body is still too delicate, just like a flower.

Of course, this fragility is for Kanbaru Takuya. If Yukiko is placed outside, she can beat two or three men by herself and make them kneel down. Call her grandma, she is very powerful!

After all, after receiving the personal guidance of Takuya Kanbara and the food she ate, she is now surprisingly powerful.

But she doesn’t usually show it, and there is no chance to show it.

"It wasn't me who took the initiative, it was all Tomoko. Really, you have to believe me!"Kanahara Takuya began to shirk responsibility.

As for who took the initiative, he also said (agbj) was not sure. It might be him or her.

Anyway, these things are not important now.

"snort! Yukiko gave Kanbaru Takuya a vicious look, and then let go of his ear:"It must be you, tell me, do you have anyone else outside, do you also want them to move in together?""

Is there anyone outside?

There really is.

Miss Gongjiang from the last diplomat incident has been taken into his arms and is now arranged in the apartment. She has no worries about food and drink.

If you have time, go there and enjoy it. Just ask for private service.

If you don’t have time, go home and play some healthy games with your wives at home.

In short, his life now is quite nourishing, and it’s not worth his time to travel through time!

"No, really not, you have to believe me! Yukiko!"Kanahara Takuya spread his hands and said.

Hmm....Although what he said is not very credible, he really does not plan to continue to fill the house with people during this period of time, because it is really impossible to live in it.

It was precisely because he couldn't live in it that he planned to buy a manor to live in so that he could experience the life of being a chaebol boss.

Although his current life is not much different from that of a chaebol boss, he still doesn't have the entertainment they want.

After all, he is now a husband, a father, and the head of the Second Investigation Section of the Metropolitan Police Department. He needs to pay attention to his image outside!

Don't mess around!

"I do not believe it! Unless you come to my room at night! Yukiko rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

"Why! Go to your room! But I want to accompany Chrissy today, how about you guys come together? I don't mind!"

Kanahara Takuya spread his hands and said

"impossible! Absolutely impossible! You should give up this idea!"

At this moment, Fei Yingli came over, looked at the two people who were fighting in the room and said softly:"Okay, stop making trouble, you can eat now."


Kanbaru Takuya and Yukiko replied in unison.

After a while, the dining table was full of people, and the little guys who were playing outside also came back from outside. Their clothes were all dirty, but their faces were My hands have been washed and I can barely see through it.

In addition, Suzuki Ayako is still in the Kanhara family. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s not that they don’t want to send Suzuki Ayako back, but She likes living here. As Ayako said, living here is very warm and feels more like home.

Tomoko also knew what Ayako said. Although she was a little disappointed, Tomoko didn't say anything and let Ayako continue to live in Kanbaru Takuya. At home.

After all, the Suzuki Zaibatsu now needs her to take charge, and there really isn’t much time to spend with Suzuki Ayako, so leaving Suzuki Ayako at Kanbara Takuya’s house is the best choice.

After all, there are so many children in their family, and several of them are People of the same age, people of the same age are the best.

If you go back to Suzuki Manor, you won't be so happy, and you won't be able to play in the mud happily outside.

"Well, I have something to say and I want to ask for your opinion!"

Kannahara Takuya has always been a man of understanding and never does anything he says.

"What's going on?"

Chris began to ask.

And what Kanbara Takuya wanted to say this time was about the house.

"As you know, there are more people in the family, so I am planning to change my house. It just so happens that someone is selling the house next door to Suzuki Manor. The price is quite suitable. I am wondering whether I should buy it and move there."

"Of course, you don’t have to buy it, your opinions are important!"Kanahara Takuya looked at everyone and said

"The Jiuyuan family?"

At this time, Suzuki Ayako said

"Yes, it’s the Jiuyuan family!"[]

The Kuhara family lives next door to the Suzuki family, but their chaebol has some problems and needs to sell the manor to recycle funds.

But now it seems that the manor must be used in exchange for funds, which is a big problem.

However, he didn't know much about this matter and didn't ask too much..

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