
Takuya Kambara drove to the slum where Eri Shibuya now lives.

However, he did not drive directly in, but parked the car outside the slum.

First, there are not many parking spaces inside, and second, there are too many petty thieves inside, what if someone opens his car and steals.

Although there was nothing valuable in Takuya Kambara's car, the car was pried open by someone, and he was asked to spend money to repair it or something, so he simply parked it outside for convenience.

After getting out of the car, Takuya Kambara walked inside with some things he had bought in advance.

Soon, Takuya Kambara came to the small and dilapidated apartment where he had sent Eri Shimitani back.

Although this apartment is small and dilapidated, for Eri Shimotani, it is enough to have a cheap place to live, and he does not care about the environment he lives in.

Because they simply don't have money.

Fortunately, with the help of Takuya Kambara, Eri's current situation has gradually stabilized, and it is not as miserable as before.

At least when doing business, you will not be harassed by those outside who want debts.

At this time, the doorbell in a certain room of the apartment was rung.

Eri Shibuya, who was wearing an apron and cooking at home, heard the doorbell, immediately put down the kitchen knife in his hand, walked to the door with an excited face, and then opened the door of his house.

After opening the gate, Eri Shibuya saw Takuya Kambara standing in the doorway.

"Mr. Kambara, you are here!"

When Eri Shimoya saw Takuya Kambara this time, she couldn't help but feel a little restrained, and she was no longer as calm as before.

Takuya Kambara didn't think much about it, picked up the gift in his hand, and said with a smile: "I rushed over after work, and I also brought you some gifts, some ingredients, some books and test papers!" "

"I guess Zero would like it!"

At this time, Zero was only eight or nine years old and was still in elementary school.

Now to send a roll to Falling Valley Zero, it should be the best gift he has received during this time!

Valley Zero: You are the Living Hades!

Hearing this, Eri Shimitani looked at the weapon in Takuya Kambara's hand and complained slightly: "Mr. Kambara doesn't need to bring gifts when he comes to eat." "

"You are the great benefactor of our family!"

Suddenly, Eri Sinking Valley patted his little head and looked embarrassed: "Sorry, how can you let the guest stand at the door and talk." "

"Come in, Mr. Kambara!"


Takuya Kambara smiled, then walked in, and closed the door after entering.

After entering the door, there is the entrance of the apartment, and the shoes of Eri and Zero are neatly placed at the door, and the apartment is not large, and the maximum is ten square meters.

There is only one room, the kitchen, bathroom and everything, and the inside of the house is also very clean.

It is a sparrow, although it is small, it has all the organs.

At this time, Eri Shimitani took out a new pair of slippers and squatted on the ground to change shoes with Takuya Kambara, as if he was treating his husband.

"Miss Descending Valley, don't be so polite!"

Although Takuya Kambara said so on his mouth, his body was very honest.

Directly let Eri Shimoya personally change his shoes.

Because Taku Kambara also knew that this should be a 'Hongmen Banquet', I didn't see that Falling Valley Zero was not at home.

Neon elementary school students leave school very early, and they finish school at three or four o'clock.

And it's past five o'clock now, and it's almost six o'clock.

At this time, Trough Zero is all at home, and it seems that Trough Zero will not come back today.

Either they spent the night at a classmate or they were taken care of by trusted neighbors.

That's why Takuya Kambara guessed that this was a 'Hongmen Banquet', a Hongmen banquet aimed at him!

After changing his shoes, Eri Shimoya who straightened up turned slightly red.

This is probably the first time she has personally changed her shoes for a man other than her husband!

The meaning is self-evident.

"Thank you." Takuya Kambara.

"You're welcome." Eri Shimitani pinned a strand of hair behind her ear and said softly, "Mr. Kambara, let's go and sit down first, the meal will be ready immediately." "

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

Neither Eri Shimitani nor Takuya Kambara mentioned the other person in this family, Zero Falling, probably knew what would happen!

After changing into slippers, Takuya Kambara stepped on the tatami mat and went to the only bedroom in this apartment.

The layout of the room is very similar to the layout of the crotch pain apartment, there are no cabinets, you need to add them yourself, and the quilts that cannot be stuffed every day are placed in the corner of the room, neatly placed.

On top of that, there is no air conditioning inside this apartment.

It's almost April, and it's about 20 degrees every day, but it gets hot as we enter May.

It will be even hotter after that, if there is no air conditioning!


At this time, Eri Shibuya brought the dishes, stepped on the tatami mats, and put the prepared food on the table.

After a while, the table was already full of three dishes and one soup.

Today, Eri is not making Japanese food, but Chinese food.

Garlic pork ribs, shredded green pepper, shredded sour potatoes and a tomato egg soup.

And these are all foods that Takuya Kambara loves to eat.

Because Taku Kambara also mentioned that she likes to eat Chinese food, then she wrote it down and made it today.

In this regard, Taku Kambara can only say that Eri is really too attentive!

"Mr. Kambara, let's have a drink!"

Eri Shibuya took out another bottle of sake and two glasses from the kitchen, but his face was red.

It seems that it is ready to drink to make people bold!

In this regard, Kamihara Taku did not care at all.

Originally, he was not a decent gentleman, and since he sent it to the door, of course he would accept it unceremoniously.


"Then trouble Miss Descending Valley."

Takuya Kambara held the wine glass and smiled.


Then, the two began to push the cup and change the lamp.

Gradually, Eri Shibuya didn't know whether he drank too much or on purpose, and leaned directly into Takuya Kambara's arms, looking at him with hazy eyes.

"Mr. Kambara."

And Taku Kambara is not polite.

Start your attack directly.


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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