Mihua KTV.

In a private room.

Concubine Eiri, Yukiko, and Teidan High School, and the students of the third grade B class all sang and drank here.

Although Neon stipulates that drinking alcohol is prohibited under the age of twenty, KTV still sells alcohol to Yukiko and others.

After all, they are eighteen years old, and they have all graduated from high school.

At this time, there is nothing to drink a little, as long as it is not publicized, there will be no problem.

"Yukiko, aren't you going to college?" Eiri sat on the sofa with Yukiko, taking a sip of beer.

Although the taste is not very good, but I have never drunk it before, and now I feel a little exciting to drink it.

Something that hasn't been tried, always feels good, but some are and some are not.

Hearing this, Yukiko whispered: "I have average grades, so I am not going to continue school, I am going to go to the cram school of acting outside first, I want to be a big star!"

Since she was a child, Yukiko has envied the stars who stand on the stage, and now she can finally act.

But Yukiko never imagined that she would flash marry at the age of nineteen and then retire.

I have to say that Yukiko is also a love brain!

Fei Yingli said: "Where are your grades bad, you just don't like to study, if you use the work of playing to study, you can also be admitted to Tokyo University." "

Although Concubine Yingri and Yukiko became rivals because of Miss Didan's affairs, this did not hinder the friendship between the two of them.

And Concubine Eiri knows very well that Yukiko has a smart brain, but she just doesn't like to study.

"Hee-hee!" Yukiko smiled and leaned on Eiri's shoulder and whispered, "Don't talk about me." "

"How are you going with this guy Maori guy?"

"Do you get married directly, or do you work part-time to earn tuition?"

Concubine Yingli's father had an accident two years ago and died, and she was alone in the family, usually living in Yukiko's house.

However, the living expenses and high school tuition fees were paid by Fei Yingli herself.

But now, the inheritance left by Fei Yingli's parents has bottomed out, plus she needs to pay the mortgage every month, and if she wants to continue her school, she needs to work to earn tuition.

In addition, they do not go to school and then enter society, or marry Maori Kogoro and let Maori Kogoro pay for school.

Maori Kogoro's family is quite rich, has their own house, and rents it out, and the two are still childhood sweethearts and neighbors.

On top of that, in Neon, you can get married at eighteen, but you can drink until you are twenty.

Of course, Yukiko's family is not much better, there is a grandfather left in the family, and his parents died due to an accident.

However, Yukiko's family is rich, and her grandfather is also very supportive of Yukiko's dream.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know what to do?"

"I don't want to get married yet, and Mori Kogoro doesn't have any courage at all, and he's, I don't think this person is a good match." "

Concubine Eiri and Maori Kogoro have known each other since childhood and are childhood sweethearts.

But it's just childhood sweethearts.

Six years have passed since junior high school to his current high school graduation, and Maori Kogoro has never confessed, not even a love letter.

In addition, he likes to peek at girls in skirts on the road.

Therefore, Concubine Yingli was very disappointed in Maori Kogoro and felt that it was not a good match.

If you change to someone else, in six years, there will be two or three children.

However, from the original book, Maori Kogoro is indeed grinding and chirping, especially when facing Concubine Eiri.

Not only Maori Kogoro, but most of the childhood sweethearts in the Ke Xue world can't erase their faces, as if whoever confesses first will lose.

Love is war, isn't it!

"It seems to be!" Yukiko thought for a moment, and found that Maori Kogoro was indeed not very good as Concubine Eiri said.

If she met this kind of person, she would definitely kick it away.

Yukiko likes to be direct, otherwise she wouldn't have flashed married directly not long after meeting Kudo Yusaku, and then retired.

When it comes to love, Yukiko is fierce.

I remember that the tuition fee of Tokyo University costs 600,000 yen a year, I'm afraid that the part-time job will not earn 600,000 yuan so quickly, and the school will start in April!"

UTokyo has two semesters, one from April to July and from September to December.

Therefore, Fei Yingli will start school next month, and if she can't make up the tuition fees before next month, there is no way to go to Dongda to study.

Unless Concubine Eiri sells the house, or gets married, or asks Yukiko to borrow money.

But Concubine Yingli feels that Yukiko has helped her a lot, and most likely she will not borrow money from Yukiko.

And that's a large amount of 600,000 yen.

Even Hiroshi Nohara needs to go to work for two months without eating or drinking.

As for selling the house, it is even more impossible, because it is the memories of their family.

It seems that there is only one way left now, get married!

For a while, Concubine Yingli was a little sad.

On the other side, Maori Kogoro was whispering something to his friend.

"What did you just say about adults?" asked Māori Kogoro as he looked around, blushing and whispering.

In fact, he already had some speculation in his mind.

Hearing this, Oikawa showed a treacherous smile: "Of course, it's what you see on the film, do you want to see it." "

"You are all college students now, you can't be a college student or a child!"

"It's very faceless. "

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro was a little moved.

I used to have to go to university, so I didn't have time to play, but now that I have passed the university, I should be able to play!

Thinking of this, Maori Kogoro looked at Concubine Eiri, and there was a struggle in his heart.

"But... Yingli's side..."

Oikawa glanced at Maori Kogoro and said angrily: "You don't say, I don't say, how does Concubine Yingli know, and you are just childhood sweethearts, and you are not boyfriend and girlfriend, what are you afraid of!"

"So, whether you go or not, the young ladies have a big heart!"


Maori Kogoro gritted his teeth, stomped his foot, and decided.

If you all go to college, can't you enjoy it and celebrate?

"Then go now!"

"Good. "

Subsequently, Maori Kogoro and Oikawa quietly left KTV!

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