Belmod was quite embarrassed for Mumu Thirteen.

But just leave.

Memu Shisan quickly arranged work for Higashino Ning and Takagi Wataru, swallowing his words and listening.

How should I put it, now that I'm swallowing Zhongyan's heart, I really feel a little mixed.

He is obviously a despicable politician with no mercy. He has used countless insidious methods over the years, and he secretly regards the law as nothing.

As a result, everyone wants him dead now, only this group of police officers who uphold justice and enforce the majesty of the law want him to live, and are even willing to risk their lives to protect him.

The police owe him nothing.

On the contrary, he owes a lot to the country, the law, and the people.

If possible, he really wants to be a good person now.

The mission of Higashino Ning and Takagi Wataru was still to protect Shigehiko Tonguchi, so Megure Thirteen quickly finished speaking and went to negotiate with the organizer of the memorial service to see if it could be suspended.

It was obvious that Memu Thirteen’s negotiations had failed.

The host of the memorial service, Qing Mimi, came on stage and picked up the microphone.


Today's memorial service is held for the film director Akira Sakemaki.

Director Shikumaki left several slides that have not been made public before his death. Please join me in appreciating these hard-won masterpieces later, and savor the precious legacy that Shikumaki left to the world.

But before we officially start enjoying the slides, please wait for a moment. We also have a small activity that requires everyone to participate.

The host pointed to the huge screen, and various colors began to flash above it.

He continued: Everyone received silk scarves of various colors when entering, right? The scarves are made according to the seven colors of the rainbow.

Now a color will be randomly drawn, and then randomly selected from among the people holding silk scarves of that color. The final lucky winner will receive the complete set of original slides by Director Sakamaki.

That includes the slides we're about to look at that haven't been seen yet.

Now everyone present became excited.

There may not be much else, but those sets of unpublished slides are of great collectible value and are very suitable for giving away.

Even if they were sold in a secular way, these slides would still be worth a lot of money.

The colors on the screen settled quickly.

As Dongye Ning expected, it was red.

The one in Yankou Zhongyan's hand is red.

The subsequent so-called random drawing also ended quickly, and Shigehiko Tonkou successfully reached the end.

The host invited Tunkou Zhongyan to the stage and invited him to go backstage to receive the prize in advance.

Takagi Wataru, who was waiting near the stage, immediately followed, saying that he wanted to be with Tonguchi Shigehiko.

All the good brothers were on stage, and Higashi Yening could only follow him on stage.

The host looked embarrassed.

The expression of Kenzo Masuyama in the audience also became uncertain.

At this moment, Tonkou Shigehiko suddenly turned around and looked at the audience, glanced directly at Kenzo Masama, and spoke loudly.

I'm honored to be this lucky guest, but don't delay everyone's elegance in enjoying the slides now. The prizes can be collected after the memorial service is over.

He meant something, I have actually received this prize, and now I invite you to enjoy it together.

Masuyama Kenzo nodded slightly.

It seemed that there was no need to waste words backstage, as Shigehiro Tonko already understood what he meant.

in the crowd.

Conan is still observing secretly.

The main object of his observation was Kenzo Masama.

There was no way, the previous natural death case ultimately pointed to this old man.

Conan has not had time to investigate Kenzo Mayama these days due to various things, but this does not prevent him from directly treating Kenzo Mayama as the first suspect.

And now that he has witnessed the eye contact between Shigehiko Tonkou and Kenzo Masayama, he is even more convinced.

Maybe this Kenzo Masuyama is the Pisco that Gin calls him.

Conan continued to change positions, trying to get as close as possible so that he could use the tranquilizer gun to stop the opponent when he made trouble.


The venue suddenly fell into darkness.

The host's voice also sounded immediately.

Please don't be nervous. This is to give everyone a better viewing experience. The playback will begin soon.

Conan and Mumu Shisan called him disgusting.

What slides will be shown at this time? !

Do you know someone is dying?

Even though Megure Thirteen was bored, he was quite lucky. Brother Higashino and Takagi were guarding Shigehiko Tonkou anyway, so there shouldn't be any problems.

But instead of being bored, Conan was only terrified.

Where are the three of them, Mashan Ken?

It’s broken, this guy plans to take action now!

Conan began to squeeze around to find Kenzo Masayama.

And Higashino Ning was also looking for Tonkou Shigehiko at this time.

He was meowing. Before he could recover from the blackness in front of his eyes, Tonkou Zhongyan beside him had disappeared.

What kind of brain circuit does this guy have now?

Dongye Ning looked up and couldn't tell who was who.

All we can do is block it.

Go straight to the chandelier!

Because he always wanted to pull Shigehiko Tonguchi away from the chandelier, Higashino Ning remembered the location of the chandelier, and the crystal glass chandelier was also somewhat reflective under the light of the screen.

Feel sorry.

Give way.

Feel sorry.

After squeezing out a few people, Higashino discovered some small fluorescent marks on the floor pointing to the location of the chandelier.

Then this is correct.

Kenzo Masama still adopted the assassination plan of the original plot.

Dongye Ning didn't bother to stay polite anymore and just knocked away the people in front of him and rushed over.

found it!

Higashino Ning saw Tonkou Shigehiko under the chandelier, who was holding a wine glass and sipping lightly, as if he didn't care at all whether he would be assassinated.

Want to die so that the organization can stop?

What are you kidding!

Higashino Ning used all his strength to speed up.

Hearing the noise, Shigehiko swallowed his head and looked sideways, Officer Higashino?! Just let...

The words are not finished yet.

Dongye Ning has already rushed over with huge momentum.

With a flying strike, Yankou Zhongyan was immediately carried by him and rolled out for seven or eight times.

The crystal chandelier above fell to the ground amidst the exclamations of everyone, arousing even greater exclamations.

Mumu Shisan couldn't sit still when he heard the voice, Hurry up and turn on the lights!

This time the organizer did not fight him and immediately turned on the lights.

The crystal chandelier was shattered.

In the open space not far away, Dongye Ning pulled Tunkou Zhongyan to his feet.

He looked at Mu Mu Shisan, who was running quickly, with a serious expression, Police department, seal off the venue immediately!

As he spoke, he took out his police officer ID card in front of everyone.

I suspect that someone among you here is suspected of murdering Senator Tunkou. Please cooperate with the investigation!

Pisco, who had just put away the gun, had an extremely scary look in his eyes.

Bad police!

I could have found an opportunity at the venue to directly tell Shigehiko Tonguchi to wait for instructions under the chandelier.

You could have used winning the lottery to let Shigehiko Tonkou go backstage and then have a conversation with him to make him die.

He could have killed Tonguchi Shigehiko and ended the mission completely.

But now everything has failed because of this policeman!

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