Higashino Ning said this without politeness, basically leaving no face to Odagiri Toshiya.

Normally he shouldn't behave like this in the presence of Director Odagiri, but he couldn't help it and he was really angry now.

Before he joined the police force, he dared to stop a large group of celebrities from walking around at the Aido Central Hotel to be investigated.

What's more, now that he has become the police force, he has the real power to control the situation.

Director Odagiri didn't say anything about this.

Now is the time when the police are handling a case, so it is very appropriate for the suspect to accept police dispatch and cooperate.

He is very selfless in maintaining the authority of the police. It doesn't matter even if he is disgraced. His son is not a good person anyway.

But Odagiri Toshiya himself was quite impatient.

He stood up immediately, and the violent movement turned the carpet into a decoration. The chair scratched the carpet and made an ear-torrifying noise, and hit the table when he fell down.

When a conflict occurs, people around you will instinctively retreat and scream.

What did you say?!

Odagiri Toshi also grabbed Higashino Ning's collar.

He is slightly shorter than Higashino Ning, but this has no effect on his current violent aura.

You are just a small police department, what authority do you have to restrict my personal freedom!

All the examinations that should be done have been done, and I have cooperated with those who should have cooperated.

You're not in a good mood...hehe, my fucking patience is pretty limited!

Chief Odagiri, who was on the side, immediately became furious, You bastard! Are you going to attack the police in public?!

Tch, stinky old man! Odagiri Toshi also spat aside, I think you are deliberately letting this guy who got into the police department without knowing where he got his connections come from to cause trouble for me.

Huh, could it be that I just walked away from your relationship? I wonder how much hush money you would give me if I reported you for bribery?

This is somewhat surprising.

The father's kindness and his son's filial piety finally made these two people understand, which made Higashino Ning laugh out loud!

Haiyuan Ai, who was waiting quietly on the sidelines, couldn't sit still for a moment and ran over angrily, Let me go!

Then there's really nothing to say.

Worried that the little girl would be accidentally injured, Higashino Ning raised his hand and punched Odagiri Toshiya under the arm.

With just this blow, Odagiri Toshiya immediately let go in pain, and his whole arm hung down weakly.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to use his other hand to punch Dongye Ning hard on the face.

But how can Higashino Ning, who is about to become a master of level 4 Jeet Kune Do, reach his level of street fighting?

Higashino leaned back slightly to avoid the attack, then quickly grabbed the opponent's wrist and twisted it, then changed his position and aimed at the crook of Odagiri Toshiya's leg.

Odagiri Toshi also knelt on one knee with his arms raised in the air, looking completely embarrassed.

For a man like him who is arrogant, unruly and still in the rebellious stage, this kind of experience is a shame!

Dongye Ning snorted and shook off the other person's wrist, Okay, let's go. I don't think you are the type to be a murderer.

Odagiri Toshiya: ...

It’s already like this and you still need to do some last-ditch damage, right?

Dongye Ning, you have done all the bad things! ! !

Odagiri Toshiya was a little confused for a moment.

Should he leave now or not?

Okay, okay, this is still a double last hit, putting him on the fire.

Odagiri Toshiya thought briefly and then snorted heavily, grabbed his piano case and left.

If you stay here, you will be humiliated, but now you can still be a bit tougher as far as you can go.

Higashino Ning immediately looked at Chief Odagiri, Chief Inspector, I apologize for offending you.

Director Odagiri waved his hand, It's time for someone to teach this guy a lesson. You did a great job, Higashino Police Department. Thank you very much.

The conflict started quickly and ended quickly.

After this incident, those who wanted to leave gave up their minds.

Anyway, it's going to rain outside now, so there's no problem staying here.

Is it possible that the police can keep them for a whole day?

Really capable.

But it's not necessary.

Those guys who look like passers-by at first glance can be directly eliminated from suspicion in Kexue World.

Higashino Ning is just putting pressure on those people with names.

Now that the pressure is enough and the other party hasn't shown any signs of weakness, forget it.


Higashino Ning released the people on time... well... let them go anyway.

He himself is going to the hospital now.

Chief Inspector, I wasted a lot of time today, but I will catch the prisoner as soon as possible.

Higashino Ning made some appearances with Director Odagiri, and then got into the car with Haibara Ai and left.

When they got to the car, the closed and private environment made Haihara Ai couldn't help but secretly glance at Dongye Ning a few more times.

The stupid policeman just now was really super handsome! ! !

She really didn't expect Higashino Ning to be so good at subduing someone who looked like a street gangster with ease.

A strong sense of security will bring a strong sense of satisfaction and also stimulate hormone secretion.

And the increase in hormones will increase liking.

Now the little loli really wants to hold Dongye Ning's face and kiss her twice, or snuggle into his arms and enjoy the happiness and tranquility that extends from the sense of security.

But Officer Sato is also very worrying...

Thinking of Sato Miwako, Haihara Ai's face instantly drooped.

The entire journey was silent.

Dongye Ning stepped on the accelerator.

When they arrived at the hospital, Mu Mu Shisan and others were still pacing outside the operating room.

Seeing this, Dongye Ning stopped asking questions and just continued to wait for the result.

But Mumu Shisan took the initiative to ask: Brother Higashino, how is the situation at the hotel?

Higashino shook his head, The suspect has many targets. The gun smoke reaction was measured on an umbrella. The murderer used an umbrella to avoid the gun smoke reaction. The owner of the umbrella cannot be determined.

Hmm... That's it. Megure Thirteen pondered for a moment, Miwako's condition is more critical. The success rate of the operation is only 50%, and a bullet almost missed her heart.

At this time, Takagi Wataru, who drove up behind the wheel, felt dizzy when he heard these words.

It's all my fault... If I had listened to you and guarded the toilet door, or hadn't been so industrious, maybe the murderer wouldn't have entered the toilet.

Even if he still goes, we can arrest him as soon as possible...

Higashino Ning grabbed Takagi Wataru's collar and lifted him up, What's the use of talking about this now? Only a thousand days can be a thief, how can a thousand days guard against thieves.

You have done the best you can. Now just wait for Officer Sato to recover, and at the same time, I will catch the prisoner and beat him up!

Memu Thirteen, Shiratori Rensaburo: ...

Are you no longer avoiding people?

But...it's allowed!

Megure Thirteen nodded, Brother Takagi, don't blame yourself. Brother Higashino is right. Now just wait for Officer Sato to recover.

She will get through this.

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