Ke Xue: Miss Haiyuan wants to attack the police again today?

Chapter 185 Conan is plagiarizing my wisdom


Mouri Kogoro straightened his tie, Nowadays, the police always do things mysteriously, which makes me confused.

Conan, who was following behind the couple and did not dare to say a word, showed a look of surprise and thought:

Officer Higashino probably just came out of the nurse's station.

Then does this mean that the target of his suspicion is a doctor?


Conan's brain was struck by electricity.

If it's a doctor, it's definitely Dr. Fuuto.

But why?

Is there anything suspicious about him?

Conan quickly started thinking.

His powerful ability to capture details and his powerful memory instantly reminded him of what happened when Kyosuke Fuudo made a phone call and dialed with his left hand just now.

Doctor Futo is left-handed...?

And that prying gaze was also in the park downstairs of the hospital...

It's just like gossip.

As long as you give Conan a head, he can instantly think of many things and find the smoothest line of thought to make crazy deductions and progress.

In such a dazed moment, Conan identified Fuudo Kyosuke, who was just an ordinary man, as the first suspect.

Nothing else.

The three clues of being left-handed, secretly observing, and that Higashi Yening is paying attention are enough for Conan to make the current judgment.

If you put it this way, Dr. Fuido's reluctance to force Xiaolan to regain her memory can be explained.

Conan wasn't sure whether he was misinterpreting Futo Kyosuke's concern for his patients as a doctor.

Forget it, this is irrelevant. Anyway, there is a clear direction for the investigation.

It’s really a hearty “epiphany” type of reasoning!

Hey! What are you doing standing there stupidly?

At this time, Mouri Kogoro turned around and shouted, We have to go back and clean the room quickly. Xiaolan will be discharged from the hospital and go home tomorrow!

Conan pulled away from his thoughts and said with a smile: Ah...hmm!

In fact, he wanted to find Dong Yening now, but the other person ran so fast that he could no longer see him.

It's better to communicate by phone later.


the other side.

Dongye Ning has already touched the archives management office of the hospital.

There are not only copies of medical records of various patients, but also professional files of current doctors.

Once the police department's small notebook is taken out, everyone must cooperate obediently.

This is Doctor Futo's file.

The administrator was respectful, Mr. Police, do you need anything else?

Dongye Ning waved his hand, Thank you, nothing else. If I remember anything again later, I will come find you.

Without waiting for the administrator to leave completely, he directly opened the file and started checking it.

What the nurse lady heard was not a rumor.

This file clearly states that Kyousuke Futo worked as a surgeon at the First Department of Surgery, Tokyo University Affiliated Hospital more than a year ago.

The First Department of Surgery at the Tokyo University Affiliated Hospital is also where Ninoho works.

Look at the time...Futo Kyousuke had resigned two months before Ninoyasu died.

The reason for leaving the job was self-separation. I joined here six months ago. Calculating, this guy only took about 8 months to pass the professional examination related to psychology with zero foundation and achieved high results?

He is indeed a talented player.

Higashi Yening flipped forward again. The information was not of high value, mainly educational experience and award-winning experience.

Then go to Dongda Affiliated Hospital.

He sent the file back and left the hospital.

As soon as he got in the car, Conan called and asked him if he was investigating Futo Kyosuke.

Dongye Ning was quite surprised.

What's going on?

He was still using Ke Xue's laws to solve crimes, but Conan himself had broken away from the laws?

Is Jinfudo Kyosuke the target of your suspicion now? !

Have you gone out to investigate? ! seems that there was indeed an investigation, but I was the one doing the investigation...

Dongye Ning suddenly reacted.

Damn it!

He actually ended up being Conan's dog!

Could it be that this is the fate of the police in Ke Xue's world?

Dongye Ning suddenly felt that this sense of fate was a bit scary.

No, Conan is plagiarizing my wisdom!


Dongye Ning put aside his strange thoughts and had a brief exchange with Conan.

It turned out to be exactly what he thought.

Conan is simply following his train of thought now, and he suspects that Kyousuke Futodo is also because of him.

After talking on the phone, we made an appointment to go separate ways.

Higashino Ning went to the hospital to check Fuido Kyosuke's past experience and confirmed that the other party had a motive for committing the crime.

Conan went directly to Tamaki Nino, the sister of the original victim Ninoho, and started from the perspective of relatives.

The two of them will work together to strip Futo Kyosuke of his underwear.

As for whether Xiaolan will be in any danger...

Conan originally thought that he would be too anxious to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, but now he can't wait to let Mao Lilan leave the hospital immediately!

Thinking of this, Conan, who had followed him to the door of the hospital, chose to turn around and go back, Uncle, I'd better go back to the ward to accompany Sister Xiaolan.

It might be boring for Sister Sonoko to stay here alone. I can help with any extra things.

What he said makes sense.

Mouri Kogoro, who originally thought that going home alone with Fei Yingli would be very embarrassed and uncomfortable, couldn't fault it.

When he hesitated, Conan killed first and then played, and ran back directly.

The confused detective looked at Fei Yingli and couldn't help but sigh.

Alas...the beautiful single life is about to end~

When Conan ran back to the door of the ward, he sent another text message to Higashino Ning, saying that his investigation would not start until tomorrow.

Higashino Ning didn't even bother to return.


The Affiliated Hospital of Dongda University is quite well-known and has strong medical resources.

As usual, Dongye Ning used his ID to clear the way, and asked people when he caught them, from about three o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the evening.

He didn't get a lot of information, but it was all crucial.

First, after graduation, Kyosuke Futo entered the Tokyo University Affiliated Hospital in the name of a genius surgeon. Later, he accidentally cut his wrist with a scalpel during an operation and could no longer hold a scalpel.

Second, the consulting doctors for that operation were Fuudo Kyosuke and Ninoho.

Third, although Dr. Ninoyasu has a considerable income, his assets are still somewhat extraordinary.

Nothing else needs to be said.

Higashino Ning has already figured out the general plot.

Ninoho was jealous of Kyosuke Futo's talent and deliberately scratched Kyosuke Futo's wrist during the operation, disqualifying him from becoming a surgeon.

Two months later, Kyousuke Futo found out the truth of the matter in some unknown way, and was so angry that he killed someone.

And this year, Futo Kyosuke, who learned through Shiratori Rensaburo or other police officers that the police were re-investigating the case a year ago, chose to strike first and kill all the police officers who had investigated the case.

That's pretty much it, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it.

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