Sleep! Sleep quickly!

Dongye Ning stood up directly and gave Haiyuan Ai a princess hug.

The little Loli who was caught off guard exclaimed and hugged Dongye Ning's neck tightly, You guys are too impatient!

It's been planned for a long time. You definitely have been planning this for a long time!

Big Bad Guy, you have been planning it since we first met. You must be very tired from acting now!

Dongye Ning stopped on the spot.

Lower your eyes.

There's so much drama all of a sudden, I'll give you a spanking as a warning.

Hui Yuan Ai looked pitiful, Brother, can't you satisfy my little desire to perform?

That's fine, but I can't be a vicious, perverted villain.

You have to arrange a positive role, such as... the groom who is about to enter the bridal chamber.


Dongye Ning's old face turned red, So are you still sleeping or not?

Such straightforward words made Haiyuan Ai feel shy, and said in a soft voice, Of course I'm going to sleep... But I have to take a shower first...

Then you go take a shower. Dongye Ning put Haihara Ai back on the ground, I'm still very clean, I...

Before he could finish speaking, the little Loli put her hands on her hips and angrily shouted: You! First! Go! Wash!!!

Okay, just wash it.

Higashino Ning went upstairs, rolled up his clothes, and walked into the bathroom under the watchful eyes of Haihara Ai.

Before closing the door, Hui Yuan Ai also told him that he would not be allowed to come out if he did not wash for 20 minutes.


Bedtime comes quietly.

On the bed, Higashi Ye Ning and Haiyuan Ai were still clearly distinct.

The little loli even brought over the quilt in her room.

The sleep she was talking about was really just sleeping in a different place, the kind where she only wanted to be with you and nothing would happen.

Of course.

Now that she is Haibara Ai and not Miyano Shiho, if something happens, there will probably be no follow-up.

Higashi Yening himself actually doesn't have any charming thoughts.

Mainly, he still had some nervous emotions lingering in his heart.

It can only be said that the gears of fate may start to turn violently at some point.

Before the time travel, he had a sacred body of cattle and horses. After time travel, he had an instant enlightenment. The system was added and he rushed straight to the police station. Now he even has a little girl sleeping with him.

Sleeping with him is the next best thing. The key is that he really likes him in his heart, likes him very much.

Emotional satisfaction is far richer and more fulfilling than physical satisfaction.

In the words of Zhong Eryi, Higashino Ning will defend this hard-won happiness to the death.

In more normal terms, Higashi Yening said that he would never go back to Goubalanxing, even if he really had the chance!

Broken sleep.


The next day.

We don’t know how long the holiday will last in Japan. Anyway, after Master Haihara finished cooking early in the morning, he started another busy day.

Maybe sleeping twice more to get used to it is really effective.

When Haihara Ai got up this morning, she felt much more normal than before.

She moaned for a while, then tried to strangle Dongye Ning to death. When she realized that the person she was hugging was not Miss Panda, she patted Dongye Ning's chest and said, Sorry, sorry, hold me for a little longer.

Look, how normal this is.

The Haihara Ai who used to suffocate when hugged has long since disappeared!

I'm leaving first~

Hui Yuan Ai waved goodbye at the door, and Dong Ye Ning could stay at home for a while.

It was not that early for the Maori family to go to the tropical park, so he just ran there and waited, which was a waste of energy.

Conan's judgment was not wrong. The reason why Higashino Ning asked Fei Eri to pass the news to Futo Kyousuke yesterday was to force him to take action directly today at the earliest and tomorrow at the latest.

The case can indeed no longer be postponed.

Today's morning news headline is devoted to yin and yang about police inaction.

Later there were news headlines like Is Higashino Police Department's Personal Ability Exaggerated?

Higashino doesn't know if there are conservatives here who are adding fuel to the flames, but whether there is or not does not affect his need to resolve the case as soon as possible to save his reputation.

It can only be said that he made a mistake in judging the nature of the theatrical version because of his lack of time.

The plot that was originally thought to be completed in just three or two days seems to have only entered the final stage now.

Now Higashino Ning doesn't care whether it has really entered the final stage, he will take action if Fuudo Kyosuke doesn't take action.

I don’t know how to use reasoning to find clues, but I do know a little bit about the techniques of torture and coaxing confessions.

After half-asleep and half-daze at home for more than half an hour, Mouri Kogoro called and said that he would go to the tropical paradise later, so Higashino Ning hurried out.

When he rushed to the detective office, Higashino Ning did not ask Takagi Wataru and Chiba Kazushi to leave, but called them together. The trinity was directly invincible.

Then let's set off like this, Higashino Police Department, please drive behind us. Mouri Kogoro said with gratitude.

A police officer personally coming to protect the witness' safety is really beyond the standard treatment, and he knows it very well, so it is necessary to express gratitude now.

Dongye Ning himself doesn't care.

Three cars set off one after another.

Wait...why three?

Because Dr. A Li followed with three little ones, Haibara Ai, who wanted to do research, was also arrested and got into the car.

Tropical paradise.

It's really lively here. Suzuki Sonoko opened her arms and began to arouse her emotions.

She smiled at Mao Lilan and said, Xiaolan, we have been here several times before.

The confused detective recalled briefly, Speaking of which, the last time you came here with Kudo Shinichi, he solved a roller coaster murder case here.

Yeah, and then I disappeared.

Conan sneered and didn't dare to say anything.

He immediately suggested, Sister Xiaolan, let's go take a roller coaster ride now?

Everyone turned to look at Conan.

What do you think about riding a roller coaster to recall that case that made your head fly straight out?

Conan felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by everyone, Um...did I say something wrong?

Suzuki Sonoko was about to get on the mic and spray directly, but Mao Lilan smiled and said, Okay, let's go now.

Just leave.

The queue for the roller coaster is a good indication of Ke Xue's timeline. There are quite few people.

Mouri Kogoro was afraid of heights and would not go up. He planned to let Suzuki Sonoko sit in a row with Mao Lilan, but Mao Lilan shook her head and asked Conan to accompany her.

Dongye Ning rubbed Haihara Ai's head next to him, Why don't you go up and experience it?

I don't think I can't go play. Haiyuan Ai's bright eyes blinked, You stay with me!

Dongye Ning waved his hands repeatedly, I can't accompany you, I can't accompany you. I'm working, and I'm not out to play.

Haihara Ai: ฅ( ̳• · • ̳ฅ)

Higashino Ning took off his coat and said, Takagi, take it for me. I'll take a look at what's going on with this roller coaster.

Everyone: ...

Okay, okay, you are the police department and you have the final say.

Some dark corner.

Futo Kyousuke touched his pocket.

A gun is more trustworthy.

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