Ke Xue: Miss Haiyuan wants to attack the police again today?

Chapter 213 Should I talk about love first or tell a story first?

After finishing breakfast, Hui Yuan Ai thought about it and bought another one to take home.

Seeing that Dongye Ning was still sleeping soundly, she put her breakfast on the dining table and quietly left for another house not far away.

What Dongye Ning said is wrong.

She can't carry big and heavy things, but she can carry small and light things by herself.

The division of labor is clear, the work is coordinated, and everyone does what they can, so that it will be efficient and relaxed.

Haiyuan Ai feels that the same applies to life, and she has to adapt regularly.

Again, she didn't want to become a little fool who only relied on Higashino.

It was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

When Dongye Ning opened his eyes, Haihara Ai was nestled in his arms and reading.

After moving all the things that could be moved in the morning, the little Loli felt empty in her heart, so she simply went home and stayed with Dongye Ning. In this way, she read a book and rested, and her heart soon became full.

Moreover, she was also worried that Dongye Ning would not be able to see her in a hurry after she woke up, and would be so hungry that she would not be able to take care of herself.

You're awake, would you like to drink some water first?

Haiyuan Ai saw Higashino open his eyes, put the book in his hand next to him, picked up the glass of water from the front and handed it to Higashino's mouth.


Dongye Ning's mouth is indeed dry now, and it feels like his tongue is almost sticking to his mouth.

After drinking half a glass of water, his condition improved a lot.

Staying up late still consumes a lot of energy. A simple sleep like this is not enough to replenish the lost energy, but if you go to sleep again, you won't be able to fall asleep.

Would you like to eat something first? Hui Yuan Ai raised his eyes again and asked.

Dongye Ning glanced at the clock on the wall and said, Let's have dinner together later. I'll take a shower first.

As he spoke, he stood up and took out his cell phone to check.

There was no call from the police station, only a text message from Mouri Kogoro, in the morning.

When I opened it, I found that the content was indeed nutritious. It used a lot of written polite expressions to express I understand, just have a good rest. Higashino Ning still can't adapt to it. rules are like this, sooner or later you can get used to it.

Dongye Ning planned to go upstairs to get clothes first, then walked out for two steps before turning back and squatting down, hugging Huiyuan Ai into his arms and whispering, I am lucky to have you.

Hui Yuan Ai felt a little embarrassed after hearing this, and turned her slightly red cheek to one side, Why did you suddenly say such a thing...

Because... Dongye Ning suddenly had an idea in his mind, and the little words of love came out immediately, because love must be expressed to the one you love in time.

Haibara Ai:......

Sorry, I am no longer the kind of person who feels shy casually!

This kind of love words from Higashino Ning is what this lady deserves!

She immediately responded, But your beloved doesn't think such words are sweet enough, and I'm not satisfied!

There's nothing you can do if you're not satisfied. This is the only level I have. Dongye Ning stood up and said, Go take a shower. I have stories and a lot of love words. Come to my room at ten o'clock tonight and listen to me tell them in detail.

There are also various stories about beautiful wives, white-haired young girls, etc. waiting for you to reveal.


You guys are suddenly saying something weird again!

Love doesn't make people blush, but exciting topics do.

Hmph, your calculations are quite loud.

Haiyuan Ai rolled her eyes at Dongye Ning, Don't take a shower yet, come with me to clean up the things in the portable laboratory, so you don't have to wash them twice.

Hiss~ Damn, I really forgot about this.

Dongye Ning looked at Haiyuan Ai steadily and said seriously: Then let's eat first. I can eat twice.

There's really nothing I can do about you.

Haihara Ai walked to the kitchen, Then I'll reheat the breakfast I bought this morning for you to eat~ I'll treat you well in the evening.

Your reward... is it serious?

Higashino Ning's main theme is a random thought.

So sleeping in separate rooms is really necessary!

The more accustomed he is to treating Huihara Ai as an adult, his thoughts will sometimes suddenly go off track.

Ahem...hmm. Higashino Ning rubbed his nose, What about that? I met Conan and his family while working on the case last night.

Haibara Aiden, who had already reached the door of the kitchen, felt incredible, Is this guy really going to kill people wherever he goes?

She has the same views as Higashino Ning in terms of views on things like the god of plague and the god of death.

You've been absent from every Conan show, so why do you say that Kogoro Mouri is the god of plague that causes disaster?

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head with emotion, Forget it, luckily he doesn't harm anyone he knows.

After saying that, she suddenly fell silent.

Looking at Dongye Ning again, he was also shaking his head silently.

Familiar friends... San Xiaozhi, Officer Sato, Maori Lan, Maori Kogoro, and even Conan himself almost died after being shot.

Be submissive to others and self-restrained, attacking indiscriminately.

This is the real God of Death!

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly felt that coming to Qunma was a very good choice.

She would study the antidote in peace here and wait until she transforms back into Miyano Shiho before returning to Tokyo. If she is really defeated by Conan, she can still run away, but the child cannot run away.


Since the food only needed to be heated up, Higashi Yening was on his way to the rental house half an hour later.

Naturally, he couldn't tell Haiyuan Ai that he had bought the house, otherwise the small treasury would be completely robbed by the other party.

As you know, Dongye Ning is a soft-hearted person, and he will give it to Huiyuan Ai if he dares to ask for it.

Are you really not considering taking a rest?

Coming to the house, Hui Yuan Ai asked worriedly.

In her opinion, she must take about an hour to rest after eating.

But Higashi Yening himself felt that there was no problem at all, Don't worry, I usually start working after eating when I am in a hurry to handle a case.

So what does this have to do with the word health?

Haiyuan Ai was a bit stubborn but Higashino Ning could only compromise temporarily.

But she was thinking in her heart, Huh, just wait for me. Sooner or later I will correct all your unhealthy habits.

Moving things, disassembling, assembling.

Two hours later, everything that could be installed was installed, and the rest had to wait for Dr. A Li to send accessories.

Although there is still some time, Higashi Yening is destined not to go to work at the police station today, and will go directly home to lie down and take a shower while waiting for dinner.

That night.

Hui Yuan Ai carried Miss Panda to his room, So do you want to tell a story first or talk about love first?

Dongye Ning turned his head away, I just said it casually, and you really believed it.

Little Loli just wants Bang Bang to punch him twice!

No matter what, I just want to listen now!

She angrily sat down on the bedside and glared at Dongye Ning, If you don't tell me, I'm going to start making trouble!

Higashino Ning sighed and expressed his admiration to Haibara, The story has to be told from a long time ago. That day, seven children with their own abilities rushed into the young woman's room one after another.

These children are as hard as iron at one moment, and at the same time water and fire attack, getting bigger and smaller, and they can also see things through. To her...

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