The two of them were killed.

Kenzo Masuyama stared coldly at Dong Ye Ning, with murderous intent in his heart.

In fact, everything else was fine, the main thing was that the other party caused his mission to fail.

As a veteran of the organization, he actually failed in such a simple assassination mission. If this gets out, where will his old face be?

Originally, he was "successful" and gradually stopped focusing his main energy on serving the organization, which made that person a little uncomfortable.

Now that this has happened again, I'm afraid that person's favorability towards him will be reduced again.

Everything he has was given by the organization, including Liuling Motors.

If that person decides to take back everything, what else can an old man like him do?

Is it possible that he will run around every day like Gin?

He is old and can't run anymore. He wants to live a peaceful life for a few more days until he dies.

"No, we must kill Shigehiko Tsuguchi today."

Kenzo Masuyama quietly stepped back a few steps and planned to leave the venue temporarily.

He still had a gun on him. If the police found it on the spot, it would be a big joke.

Now there are so many people and eyes, it is easy for him to leave. Even if the police ask him later, he has plenty of reasons to excuse himself.

Action is worse than thought.

Kenzo Masuyama turned around and left.

But Tono Ning said that he thought too much.

"Where are you going, sir?"

"It is strictly forbidden for anyone to leave the venue now. If you insist on leaving, I will arrest you as a suspect!"

Kenzo Masuyama was stunned when he heard the voice, and he felt that he couldn't take back his foot.

As an old killer, his hunter instinct is still there. He knows that anyone who can see him is staring at him now.

Under such circumstances, he is already the most suspected murderer.

After all... since you have nothing to hide, why would you leave when faced with the police blockade?

This is definitely what most people present think.

Masuyama Kenzo also reacted quickly. He would never take the initiative to step into the self-evident trap.

He stood still, turned around leisurely like an old gentleman, and cast a majestic look at Dong Ye Ning, "My little brother, it's not good to put such a hat on me right away."

Masuyama Kenzo quickly smiled with narrowed eyes, "You have been shouting murder murder since just now... But why do I feel that the falling of the chandelier is just an accident?"

He spread his hands and looked at the people around him, "Who would choose to let a fixed chandelier hit someone who can move at will to kill him?"

"If you want to say that Councillor Tunkou was instructed by someone to stand under the chandelier and wait for it to fall..."

Masuyama Kenzo smiled disdainfully, "Let's not talk about whether this kind of thing is possible for the time being. Even if it is true, Councillor Tunkou is still alive now, so you can just ask him to confess the person who ordered him to come over."

His words successfully attracted a large number of supporters.

Putting aside the God's perspective and looking at it from the perspective of an observer, using a chandelier to kill a specific target is indeed a ridiculous method.

None of them were restricted from moving, nor were they told who should stand where.

And to instruct the target to go over... Shigehiko Tsuchiya is a councillor, who can instruct him?

Even if someone could, or used other excuses and means, Shigehiko Tsuchiya is not dead now, and there is no reason for him not to explain the situation directly to the police.

This is a matter of life and death!

But the villagers are just villagers, and the blind players just followed the rhythm.

"Yeah, maybe it was just an accident."

"This restaurant has been open for many years, and it is normal for some parts to fall into disrepair."

"This officer Higashino is really an excellent police officer who has become famous recently. His attitude is different. I thought he was already a police captain or even a superintendent."

"I think it's better to disperse quickly, so that nothing will fall and hurt us later."


Everyone was talking in low voices.

Seeing that the situation was a little out of control, Tono Ning simply continued to fight with Masuyama Kenzo.

Since the other party chose to jump out and be the one to lead the rhythm, he naturally had to completely destroy the other party's rhythm to stabilize the situation.

"Old sir, why don't you guess why I, as a criminal police officer of the Investigation Division, have to provide close protection for Congressman Tunkou?"

"Or guess why now almost half of the police force of the Investigation Division has passed


Higashino Ning looked at Shigehiko Tōguchi, "There is nothing to say now. Our police received a call from a mysterious person, saying that someone wanted to murder Councillor Tōguchi!"

"In that case, what's wrong with me speculating that the chandelier fell not accidentally but was man-made?"

Kenzo Masuyama shrugged, "Then answer my question, how did the criminal drive a councillor to the chandelier?"

"And now your so-called murder has not succeeded, so why didn't Councillor Tōguchi say a word? "

The verbal confrontation between the two made the atmosphere in the venue drop to freezing point again.

Higashino Ning looked at Tōguchi Shigehiko.

The other party shook his head with a barely noticeable amplitude, and the meaning in his eyes was also very clear: Let it be, Officer Higashino, my death will declare the incident over, and give you and my family a risk-free retreat.

There is a reason why Kenzo Masuyama is fearless now.

It was Shigehiko Tōguchi's decision to take the initiative to walk under the chandelier that gave him great confidence.

Shigehiko Tōguchi didn't dare to tell the police any information about the organization!

Once it was revealed, the whole family would die!

The only thing Kenzo Masuyama has to do now is to delay the police search and then find another opportunity to assassinate Shigehiko Tōguchi.

No, it seems that there is no need to assassinate now.

Shigehiko Tōguchi will come to die by himself.

"What are you going to do, little policeman. "

The more Kenzo Masuyama thought about it, the more stable he felt, and his temperament gradually returned to the peak of confidence.

At this time, Jusan Megure also came over and pulled Tono Ning, whispering: "Brother Tono, these are all upper-class people, and our police can't be too tough."

"Especially since you have just been promoted."

"It may be difficult to get you promoted in this class, but it is quite easy to make you fall back."

"Anyway, Congressman Tunkou is still alive, so let's take a long-term view. "

Megure Jusan's idea was very simple.

The person is not dead, just give in.

Besides, Masuyama Kenzo just wanted to leave just now, which doesn't mean anything in legal terms!

Even if you insist on getting the suspect's identity, the other party can easily get away with it. Wouldn't it be a pure loss if he gets his police uniform stripped off?

Masuyama Kenzo saw that Higashino Ning had a cold expression and decided to lead the rhythm again.

"Okay, false alarms are common nowadays, and you police officers should know it very well."

"Our time is very precious. If you still can't explain it, let us go quickly. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the rest of the people followed suit.

These people did not have to leave, but they felt uncomfortable facing the natural pressure of the police.

Dong Ye Ning knew that more than 80% of these people had done dirty things in secret, so they did this to avoid being implicated and being found out.

The slogan called "Let's leave" became more and more intense.

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