The car was in trouble.

Takagi Wataru prayed to the gods, and the god of cars who responded to him was Sato Miwako.

After leaving the mountain area, Takagi Wataru's speed never dropped below 120, and he drove along the road with the police lights on, and finally sent Conan, who was still alive, to the hospital.

Mika General Hospital.

Conan was lying on a trolley, and a group of doctors cleared the way and rushed him to the emergency room.

Dr. Agasa called Mao Lilan immediately after receiving the signal, so Mao Lilan came to the hospital before Dong Ye Ning and others.

Mao Lilan's heart was almost broken when she saw Conan dying.

Outside the emergency room

Mao Lilan kept clasping her hands together and praying, hoping that Conan would not have any accidents.

Dong Ye Ning looked around but did not find the confused detective. He walked to Mao Lilan and asked, "Mr. Mao Li, do you have any commissions to deal with today?"

Mao Lilan, who was praying seriously, was confused.

After a moment of stunned silence, she reacted, "Oh no, I forgot to tell my father that Conan was in trouble!"

After saying that, she quickly took out her mobile phone.

Dong Ye Ning felt relieved when he saw this.

That's good, so he doesn't have to pay the medical expenses on behalf of the police.

Because they are more or less familiar with each other, Dong Ye Ning is still living in the house of Kudo Shin's family. It is not reasonable for him to leave immediately.

There is nothing else to do outside the emergency room except silence, so Dong Ye Ning sat on the bench and asked his beloved concubine to draw a lottery.

[Drawing in progress, please wait. ]

[Drawing completed, congratulations to the host for getting unexpected wealth. 】

【Unexpected wealth: The stocks I bought randomly a few years ago suddenly appreciated in value, and I got 3 million yen through stock market transactions. 】

Ah? ? ?

Dong Ye Ning was dumbfounded.

Can you get money from the lottery?

Well, now I don’t have to wait for the bonus. I can give the Prada bag to Huiyuan Ai when I go back later.

"The current reward points are 44, and I will use up all the extra ones."

Dong Ye Ning went to the system mall and looked around. He felt that there was nothing he needed to buy, so he upgraded the 2nd level pistol shooting specialization with 37% proficiency to level 3.

The upgrade only consumed 13 reward points, and the remaining 11 were used by him to learn Jeet Kune Do.

【Congratulations to the host for increasing the proficiency of Jeet Kune Do (lv3) to 23%. 】

After the skill reaches level 3, the improvement speed has dropped significantly.

At this level, 1 reward point only corresponds to 1% proficiency.

Dong Ye Ning himself usually has no chance to improve through self-training.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to obtain reward points, and it is no problem to use reward points to stack skill levels directly.

Now he is a police captain, and he can get reward points as long as there are cases solved in Tokyo.

Lying down and being invincible is just around the corner!

"Hey, isn't it inappropriate to be so happy in this occasion?"

At this time, Huiyuan Ai, who was also sitting next to him, suddenly poked him hard.

"Ahem..." Dong Ye Ning covered his mouth, looked at Mao Li Ran, and made sure that he was not discovered laughing here before he said: "Suddenly thought of something happy."

Happy things?

Huiyuan Ai roughly guessed and was speechless, "Although it is indeed quite rare for you to become a police inspector at your age, the stamina shouldn't be so great."

Dongye Ning stared at the little girl's eyes, "No, guess again."


Huiyuan Ai chose to spread her hands, "I can't guess, I'm not very familiar with you yet."

"Okay, okay, that's how you talk, right?" Dongye Ning also stretched out his hands and patted the little girl's paws, "Anyway, it's related to you, if you can't guess, you'll never know."

Huiyuan Ai was shocked, pointing her fingertips at her nose, "It's related to me?"

Seeing Dongye Ning acquiesce, she frowned and began to think.

"It's related to me, or it's a happy thing..."

"Have you found a safe way to open that computer?"

Hiss... Don't say it, don't say it.

"No." Dongye Ning shook his head.

Huiyuan Ai continued to think, but she really couldn't think of it.

After a while, the door of the emergency room opened and the doctor rushed out in a hurry, "Who is the patient's family member?"

Mauri Lan heard the noise and immediately went over, "I am!"

The doctor didn't even have time to take off his mask before continuing, "The patient's condition is very critical. The bullet penetrated his left abdomen and may have damaged his kidneys. He also lost a lot of blood and needs immediate surgery."

"Now we need to transfer the patient to the operation room.

Operating room, you will be given an informed consent form later, remember to sign it. "

The doctor's attitude made Mao Lilan feel weak in her legs.

"Conan... or... Shinichi... please, you must survive well..."

Mauri Lan bit her lips hard to force herself to calm down, "Okay, doctor, please!"

Conan was pushed by doctors and nurses to run wildly in the hospital again, followed by Dong Ye Ning and others.

When the scene was changed, Mao Li Kogoro also came.

Originally, Dong Ye Ning thought that the confused detective would scold Conan for causing trouble again, but Mao Li Kogoro did not say much after briefly understanding the situation, but followed to the operating room with the same concern.

As soon as she arrived in front of the operating room, the nurse who prepared the blood bag in advance said with a worried face: "Doctor, it's not good. The previous patient had used up the same type of spare blood that this little boy needed during the operation!"

"What did you say? ! "The doctor was also confused now, "It's too late even if we get blood from the blood center now!"

At this time, Mao Lilan on the side did not hesitate, "Doctor, please use my blood, because I have the same blood type as this child."

When she spoke, Conan, who had some vague consciousness, happened to wake up.

Hearing these words, Conan's heart tightened.

Mauri Kogoro was also surprised, "Xiaolan, how do you know that you two have the same blood type?"

He hurriedly reminded, "Don't think that as long as there is blood, it will be fine. You must match it, otherwise you will only hurt Conan!"

Mauri Ran shook her head firmly, "Dad, don't worry about it, I..."

Speaking of this, her tone suddenly softened, "Let's check it first, it shouldn't be wrong."

The nurse immediately took her to the blood collection room.

Conan smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Xiaolan... you really... already... know it. "

The test results came out, the blood type is the same.

Ran Maori gave Conan a 400cc blood transfusion, and Ning Dongye intervened as a police officer and asked the blood center to transport type A blood as quickly as possible.

The operation was successful.

Seeing Conan being pushed out of the operating room, Ran Maori, who had a melancholy face throughout the whole process, finally smiled.

Ning Dongye also formally said goodbye to Kogoro Maori.

"Mr. Maori, then Xiao Ai and I will leave first, and visit Conan another day."

The confused detective shook hands with him vigorously, "I really troubled Officer Dongye this time. If you hadn't arrived in time, maybe..."

"No, it's my duty." Ning Dongye chuckled, "Mr. Maori has also been a policeman. I believe you should understand my current mood, so I won't talk nonsense." Kogoro Maori laughed when he heard it, and patted Ning Dongye's shoulder solemnly, "Yeah!"

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