After a long time, the two of them were still very busy.

Gray Hara Ai felt that there might be something wrong with her imagination.

But the beautiful girl would not be wrong.

So... you had better drink this bottle of soda before today!!!

But Gray Hara Ai did not ask.

As long as she did not ask, the answer could be decided by her, just for fun~

The police car was still very comfortable.

Maybe they were tired, the three little ones were very silent, not saying a word, slumped in the car seat, enjoying this indescribable rest time.

Although Dong Ye Ning's driving skills were only level 1, it was also a qualified level, as long as it did not involve drag racing, he could easily handle it.

Even if it involves arresting criminals by speeding, as long as you are brave, this level 1 skill can be used as a level 2 or even level 3 skill.

As a policeman, you should be more careful when turning left at the intersection. Fortunately, the view of the co-pilot is very good and there is no obstruction.

"Conan, why don't you sit on me, or... or you can hold me..."

At this time, Ayumi's shy voice appeared.

The perspective is given to Conan.

As a flexible detective, when there are not enough seats, he took the initiative to apply to squat in the corner of the back row.

It is definitely not because Higashino would never let a child sit in the co-pilot, absolutely not!

Hearing Ayumi's words, Conan shook his head stubbornly and forced a smile, "It's okay, Ayumi, maybe we will be there soon."

Huihara Ai glanced sideways, wow, this guy is quite popular with girls, Ayumi is a pure and innocent loli, and she will definitely be a big beauty in the future.

Conan thought for a moment and asked, "Officer Higashino, has that man gone far?"

Higashino looked at the tall and thin man with a baseball bat on the sidewalk, "He's almost discovered us."

"Is it too obvious to follow us in a police car?" Conan patted the seat cushion, "I want to get off the car! I'll follow secretly, and then report the location to Officer Higashino. If you continue to follow like this, you will definitely be discovered."

As soon as he finished speaking, the police car stopped immediately.

Conan: "???"

You can't wait to let me get off the car?

Officer Higashino, you are really different. Compared with Officer Takagi and the others, you are too straightforward!

Conan pouted and got off the car. Anyway, he was uncomfortable staying in the car.

His feet landed on the ground.


The car door closed.

The tires of the police car rubbed against the ground with a loud sound, and then it jumped out.

The tall and thin man in front almost ran away without holding back. He even thought that his crime of using counterfeit money was so bad that he would be killed by the police in the street!

But the police car just whizzed past him without any intention of stopping.

"Oh, it turns out that I was overthinking."

The tall and thin man smiled coolly, and then was bumped by Conan and staggered.

"Hey, kid! What are you doing!?"

Conan scratched his head embarrassedly and handed over a 1,000-yuan Japanese yen, "Big brother, this seems to be what you dropped just now, I want to chase you and give it back to you."

The tall and thin man's face changed drastically, snatched the banknote and walked away quickly.

Conan's assets - 1000

But Mr. Ke's money is not so easy to get. There is a paper-type transmitter attached to the banknote, which can be tracked through tracking glasses.

The reason why they targeted this man was that before getting on the car, the sharp-eyed Conan found that the other party was using counterfeit money in a convenience store.

If it was a normal situation, Conan would definitely let Dong Ye Ning arrest him directly.

But now the other party has hidden clues that can lead to Gin and others, so Conan chooses to track them first, and then mobilize a large number of police forces to carry out a thunder strike after finding the other party's lair.

Anyway, this is not murder, and the suspect will be arrested sooner or later.

It's not that the arrest is too late, but tracking is more cost-effective.

While Conan is tracking, Dong Ye Ning also starts to call people.

"Yes, Officer Megure, I'm sure."

"Please be sure to mobilize all the elites, and I will lead the charge at that time!"

"Well... It's a bit too early for you to ask this question now. I just informed you to gather people. When to set off and where to go in the end... I haven't decided yet."

As soon as these words came out, silence across time and space appeared.

"This moment of peace..." Dong Ye Ning smoked in the air, his eyes wandering, "It's really irresistible."

The next moment.

The mobile phone in his hand was invaded by an inexplicable force, and it vibrated directly in the air, not only spewing out the roar of Megure Jusan

, and also spit out the other party's saliva.

"Higashino! What the hell are you doing!!!"

Higashino Ning scratched his ear with his little finger, "Inspector Megure, I just worried that it would be too late to inform you in advance."

"If you don't believe it, then the credit will be all mine."

Megure Jusan continued to be furious, "Okay, if you can bring the prisoner back later, I will not only give you an extra two months' salary as a bonus, but also give you three days off!"

Higashino Ning's eyes lit up, "Then it's a deal! You can't go back on your word!"

"Never go back on your word!" Megure Jusan's tone became cold, "However, if you can't bring it back... In the next six months, all the sundries in our office will be contracted by you!"

Higashino Ning blinked, "Okay."

With Conan here, the advantage is mine.

This is a 100% sure win!

After hanging up the phone, Higashino Ning began to greet the eyes of the three little ones and Huiyuan Ai.

The three kids were mainly shocked that he dared to talk to his boss like that.

Huihara Ai was surprised by the confidence he showed just now.

The little girl thought to herself: "Only for a short while just now, your hairstyle really matched your face shape."

The messy black short hair touched her soft heart.

Huihara Ai couldn't help but say, "What should we do next?"

"Of course, wait." Dong Ye Ning lowered the car window, "Wait for Conan's news."

Huihara Ai was a little confused, "Why do you trust... a child so much?"

Dong Ye Ning did not hesitate, "As long as the other party is confident enough and has matching behavior and character, then both adults and children are trustworthy."

"Comparatively speaking, the purity of children makes them more trustworthy."

Huihara Ai turned into a touch monster on the spot!

What kind of warm man's speech is this!

The opinions that are most easily ignored are those of children, and the ones who are most likely to be considered as mischievous are also children.

But Dong Ye Ning can treat everyone equally, and is willing to accept and even recognize the ideas and plans of children.

A boy with a great heart is simply crazy extra points!

At this time, Dong Ye Ning continued to say faintly: "The main reason is that I have just helped Conan dispel the man's vigilance, and it is not convenient for me to follow him personally, so it is more appropriate to hand it over to Conan."

"And..." His tone paused for a moment, his eyes deep, "If he can't handle it, Mr. Maori will take action."

Mitsuihiko said cautiously: "What, Officer Dong Ye, you actually use children..."

"What use?!" Dong Ye Ning raised his hand and gave Mitsuhiko a brain blast, "I am clearly using resources reasonably, giving full play to everyone's role, and not letting anyone, even children, lose the opportunity to shine!"

Yuan Tai raised his hand weakly, "I don't understand the reason, but why did you hit my head, Officer Dong Ye?"

Dong Ye Ning: "..."

He turned around with a sunny smile, slapped Mitsuhiko on the head, and then rubbed Yuan Tai's head, "It's okay, it's okay, I will hit you too, your silence just now was too loud."

Ayumi immediately hugged her head and dodged with a crying voice, "No, Ayumi doesn't want to be hit on the head."

Guiyuan Ai withdrew a bonus point, and at the same time said fiercely in her heart: "This is obviously a bad adult! I..."

Just as she was muttering, the slight pain on her forehead immediately brought her back to reality.

She... was hit on the head!

"Why hit me!"

"Rain and dew are evenly distributed."

"Then why didn't you hit Ayumi?!"

"She dodged."

Everyone: "..."

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