The police car was in a mess, but the police car was in a mess.


When did Yumi come over? !

I was so busy setting the pace that I forgot to look in the rearview mirror!

Dong Ye Ning tilted his head and stepped on the accelerator, leaving Yumi Miyamoto's police car far behind.

Takagi Shibu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked surprised, "Dong Ye, are crazy, Yumi will probably be angry with you the next time we meet!"

Dong Ye Ning blinked in confusion, "Yumi? What Yumi? Where is she?"

He looked around instinctively and looked at the rearview mirror, then retracted his gaze as if he had been electrocuted and continued to speed up.

Takagi Shigeru grabbed the handrail, "You are really running away, right!!!"

"Oh, don't worry, Yumi didn't chase you, don't worry, it's steady!" Dong Ye Ning slowed down into the corner and completely disappeared from Miyamoto Yumi's sight.


At about ten o'clock, Dong Ye Ning and the other two officially arrived at the place.

Investigation and questioning are old business, the three of them acted separately, and agreed to have lunch together at noon.

[There are cases solved in the jurisdiction, and the host received a total of 17 reward points yesterday. ]

Oh, I got reward points again, and it's a lot more than last time!

Dong Ye Ning looked at the remaining reward points, and all those over 20 were thrown into Jeet Kune Do, and he would upgrade to level 4 as a master as soon as possible.

He found that there were not many cases where guns were needed in the science cases, and most of them were hand-to-hand combat.

After Jeet Kune Do was upgraded to level 4, Dong Ye Ning would start to buy skills such as [Sniper], [Sniper Expertise], and [Aircraft Driving] and upgrade them.

In fact, if we really want to talk about the most useful skill, it has to be reasoning.

But since he got this skill, Dong Ye Ning has never felt too much pressure in the case, and this skill is very easy to upgrade by itself, so he won't click it for now.

Dong Ye Ning's own reasoning skill is already level 3 and 52% proficiency.

"48 bonus points to level 4... It seems that it is not impossible to consider."

"Forget it, wait for next time."

"By the way, my beloved, tell me the bonus points you got the day before when you get up every morning."

[I know. 】

My beloved is aloof again today.

Dong Ye Ning no longer entangled in how to use the bonus points, and officially started the interrogation investigation.

Today, his interrogation target is the deceased's colleague.

There are not many police officers in the sub-district police station. Officer Qingtian was transferred from the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters, so he is the most senior in this police station.

When asked about the boss's performance at work, the police could still give a detailed account, but when asked about Officer Qingtian's whereabouts after get off work, they were completely at a loss.

It can only be said that Dong Ye Ning's thoughts are a bit idealistic.

Walking out of the police station, he looked up at the sky.

"It would be great if we could confirm that this is a theatrical case. We don't need to waste time and effort now, and it will be solved by itself in the future."

Dong Ye Ning squatted on the ground and thought hard, but the picture in his mind was always Xiao Hei with a sniper scope.

Here it comes again, the sniper from another dimension, and it was this Xiao Hei who popped up when he recalled the plot yesterday!

"Dong Ye, are you so hungry?"

At this time, Takagi Shigeru and Chiba Kazunobu also came back.

Dong Ye Ning shook his head and stood up, "How is the investigation going?"

Takagi Shigeru sighed, "I didn't find anyone. It is said that he went out for something. We only communicated for a while on the phone. The other party said that he had no clues and other information was also scarce."

Chiba Kazunobu said that the situation was the same on his side, "I didn't expect that colleagues in the branch office are usually so busy. Speaking of which, we have been a little idle in recent days."

If it weren't for Mr. Ke lying in the hospital, would we be so leisurely?

Dong Ye Ning snorted twice, "Okay, let's do this for the morning, let's go to eat."


On the other side.

Beihua General Hospital.

Conan was lying on the bed, itching all over.

He had to admit that he was not a peaceful person.

It was really a long time to lie in the hospital during this period, and every day was torture.

"Discharge, discharge, discharge, I really want to be discharged early!"

Conan wanted to do some larger movements to relieve his emotions, but the slight pain of the wound prevented him from getting what he wanted.

The more he was restricted in his movements, the more irritated he felt.

But all the irritability completely dissipated the moment the door of the ward was pushed open.

Ran Mao Li stood at the door with a thermos bucket, with a faint smile on her face.

Before everything is settled and the truth is revealed, she will still treat Conan as before.

If Conan and Kudo Shinichi

They are not the same person, so Conan would feel wronged to take the blame for Shinichi and be blamed by her.

If they are the same person... then now that Shinichi is shot, she should take good care of him, and it is not too late to talk about everything after he recovers.

"Conan, you must be hungry, right?"

Ran Maori said softly while opening the lid of the thermos: "Because I spent a long time on the phone with Sonoko this morning, I went out to buy groceries a little late, sorry."

Conan shook his head quickly, "No, I just felt hungry."

It has to be said that Ran Maori's current attitude makes him a little unpredictable.

But the guilt in his heart is constantly rising.

From all angles, Ran Maori is a good girl. Combined with what Huiyuan Ai said to him before he was injured, Conan thinks it is really a bastard to keep it a secret from the other party.

But it is not as easy as imagined to get over the hurdle in his heart.

He prefers to tell the truth frankly when he is about to be exposed.

This is an instinctive escape reaction. Conan should understand it, but he subconsciously doesn't want to analyze it.

The nutritious lunch at noon is very rich, all of which Conan likes to eat.

Mao Lilan had a simple meal at home. She sat by the bed and looked at Conan quietly. After a while, she said, "By the way, the doctor said last time that you recovered very well and you will be discharged from the hospital soon."

"I will go to the doctor to ask about the specific time later."

Her eyebrows were like paintings, "Teacher Kobayashi called yesterday to ask about your situation. Many people are concerned about you."

"If conditions permit, then be discharged as soon as possible and return to normal life. Your friends need you very much."

Hearing this, Conan was stunned immediately.

He was not sure whether Mao Lilan was making a double entendre, implying that if conditions permit, he might as well tell the truth and return to his original life.

It didn't matter whether Mao Lilan needed Kudo Shinichi at this time. What was important was that she needed an answer.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Conan suddenly froze, Mao Lilan asked with concern: "Did you eat some undissolved seasoning?"

As she spoke, she blamed herself a little, "Sure enough, I knew that kind of pepper salt should not be used after it gets damp, Conan, you..."

"Xiaolan." Conan suddenly raised his eyes and spoke.

At this moment, another person walked in from outside the ward.

"Xiaolan, and little brat, I'm here to see you~"

It was Suzuki Sonoko.

After a simple greeting, Mao Lilan looked at the head of the bed, "Conan, did you call me 'Xiaolan' just now?"

Conan scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, "Yes... it was Xiaolan sister, because Sonoko sister suddenly came in, so I didn't finish."

"Then what do you plan to tell me?"

"Uh... the food tastes great, there is no problem with the seasoning, I just suddenly thought of something just now."

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