The doctor was still in surgery.

Sato Miwako was still in surgery.

Several policemen were sitting or standing, and Megure Jusan was still pacing back and forth.

At this time, Maori Kogoro suddenly rushed over and grabbed Megure Jusan by the collar without saying anything, shouting angrily:

"Inspector Megure!"

"What case are you investigating? Why don't you confess to me?!"

"My baby Xiaolan was almost shot! Now she has lost her memory. I must get to the bottom of this matter!"

Lose... lose her memory? !

Megure Jusan's expression froze, "What's going on?"

"You're asking me what's going on!" Maori Kogoro continued to be irritable, "I want to ask you what's going on!"

Mauri Kogoro and Megure Jusan have been friends for many years, and everyone knows that. Seeing that there is no more exciting action, no one stopped him.

After a while.

Megure Jusan sighed, "I'll tell you everything."

Shiratori was stunned, "Inspector Megure, isn't this inappropriate?"

"It's okay." Megure Jusan's eyes were firm, "If I'm dismissed, I'll learn from Brother Maori and open a detective agency, so that Brother Higashino doesn't have to be transferred to other places."

Mauri Ran also grew up under his watch, so how could he not understand his friend's sad and angry mood now?

Just say it, forget it!

"Brother Maori, let's talk while walking, let's go see Xiaolan first."


In the ward.

Conan's mood at this time can be said to be complicated.

Just now, he looked at Mao Li Ran with expectation, but he only saw a pair of confused eyes and heard only one sentence "Little brother, who are you?".

Who am I... I am Kudo Shinichi!

Didn't I confess my identity to you just the day before yesterday? !

Why... Why have you completely forgotten me now...

At this moment, Conan completely understood what Huiyuan Ai's remarks about "regret" and "regret" meant.

The criminal...!

Conan grabbed the white bed sheet of the hospital bed and got up to go back to the hotel to find Dong Ye Ning to continue the investigation.

Just as he got up, the door of the ward opened.

Megure Jusan and others entered one after another, including Dong Ye Ning.

Seeing Mao Li Ran's appearance, Megure Jusan became more determined to tell Mao Li Kogoro everything and began to talk about it.

It was about the case last year.

Dong Ye Ning naturally didn't need to listen. He walked around the crowd and went to the bedside to check on Mao Li Ran's condition.

Conan also asked about the hotel investigation at the right time.

He was quite capable and could listen to both sides at the same time.

Tono Ning did not hide any details and spoke directly.

Conan fell into thought after hearing this, "If that's the case... Xiaolan should feel that she picked up the flashlight and caused Officer Sato to be shot and suffered a mental shock."

"Maybe Xiaolan saw the face of the criminal."

When he said this, the door of the ward happened to open again.

Shiratori Rensaburo led Fudo Kyosuke in, "Mr. Fudo is a psychiatrist in this hospital. It's hard work to bother you to come so late."

In fact, saying "hard work" is a euphemism.

The police detained the person until six o'clock, and maybe Fudo Kyosuke was called back on his way home.

Fudo Kyosuke smiled and shook his head, "It's just my duty, don't mind it."

After that, he immediately started some basic questions to Mao Li Ran to understand the situation.

Fortunately, Mao Lilan only lost the memory of the people around her, including herself. She didn't remember anything.

But she retained all her life skills, so she had no problem with life.

But even so, it was hard to accept.

Mao Li Kogoro really broke the defense this time.

The case introduction that was interrupted because of the arrival of Fudo Kyosuke was transferred to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Conan also came.

No one stopped him this time, and I don't know if it was because they didn't want to or for other reasons.

Tono Ning found two photos and handed them to Conan, "Look, are these two people?"

The photos are Nino Tamaki and Tomonari Makoto.

The former is the sister of the victim of the case a year ago, and the latter is the only son of Inspector Tomonari.

Megure Jusan was a little surprised, "Brother Tono, what do you mean by this?"

Tono Ning took his hand back, "Conan said that he saw two people go to the banquet hall, but when we sealed the scene, the two people disappeared."

"I guess those two people should be them, now

Let Conan confirm it. "

Conan also spoke at the right time, "It is indeed these two people."

Then he asked again: "By the way, Officer Higashino, how was the deceased's carotid artery cut at that time?"

Higashino Ning made a gesture, "Like this, cut diagonally from the right, I know what you mean, if it is not suicide but homicide, the murderer will be a left-handed person."

"Now these two cases have obvious connections, so it will not be a problem to circle the suspects along this line of thought."

"Let me see... the first one is Odagiri and his son."

Megure Jusan knocked on the table quickly, "Ahem, brother Higashino, you should be more respectful in your tone."

But Higashino Ning shook his head, leaned back and said easily: "Don't worry, we are just closing the door to circle the suspects, don't pay so much attention."

"I also beat up his son in front of Chief Odagiri, isn't it nothing? "


Everyone was shocked.

Shiratori Renzaburo's expression was particularly interesting, looking at Tono Ning as if he was looking at some strange creature.

You are really brave to beat someone's son in front of the director!

But think about it carefully... Megure Jusan felt that this was indeed something Tono Ning could do.


Brother Tono, with this kind of style, he will either climb very high in the future or fall very badly.

What can you think of to make him calm down?

I can't think of it for the time being.

At this time, Tono Ning said again: "The next one is Tomo Chengzhen. In his opinion, the death of Inspector Tomo Cheng was completely the fault of Officer Sato and others."

"If I remember correctly, he said something similar at the funeral, right?"

"Consider this as a motive, and now the other party inexplicably appeared at the engagement party and disappeared after the incident, it is no problem to regard him as one of the suspects. ”

He grabbed a photo at random, "The last one is Nino Tamaki. She appealed at the beginning and was dissatisfied with the investigation results of the case."

"It is also reasonable to retaliate against the police who "failed to investigate" at the time after a year."

"Two plus one, there are four suspects."

Megure Jusan thought for a moment, "Let's put it this way, Tomonari Makoto is missing now. Just now, brother Chiba said that he has a clue for investigation. He said that when several detectives were killed, someone witnessed Tomonari Makoto appearing at the scene. Brother Higashino, is this news true?"

Higashino Ning nodded, "Well, Chiba also told me, and I asked him to investigate."

"Okay." Megure Jusan patted the table and stood up, "The whereabouts of Odagiri and his son have been confirmed, and a warrant for Tomonari Makoto will be issued first. "

"As for Nino Tamaki... she has always had a bad attitude towards her brother, and the relationship between the two is also very bad. She is less likely to be the suspect. Let Takagi or Chiba look for her tomorrow. If she can't be found, a warrant will be issued for her as well."

The second half was purely the police talking.

Mouri Kogoro and Conan were both very silent.

Because now they knew why Megure Jusan had remained silent before.

There are indeed too many points that can be attacked in these two interrelated cases. Once the media knows about it, the police will definitely be under great pressure.

Who is the murderer?

Mouri Kogoro and Conan thought at the same time.

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