After a long time, the two of them were still very close.

The next morning.

When Dong Ye Ning woke up, he was very touched, but he didn't dare to move.

The even and soft breathing beside his ear made him become cautious.

Before going to bed, they were very separate, but when they woke up, they were inseparable.

He was probably treated as Miss Panda by Shiho Miyano.

The first time Dong Ye Ning was hugged by a big girl to sleep did not bring him much satisfaction, nor did he have any romantic thoughts.

He was more distressed now.

The psychological essence of hugging something tightly to sleep is a lack of security.

Although this version of Miyano Shiho looks strong and brave, her heart...

"Sooner or later, I will let the essential driving force of this hug become love instead of fear."

Hitano Ning whispered and chose to sleep for a while.

I don't know how long it took, but a burst of "嘤嘤嘤" pulled him back from the edge of sleep.

Get up, get up, do you want to strangle me?

Hitano Ning felt Miyano Shiho's strong stretching, and his consciousness completely returned to wakefulness.

And Miyano Shiho also realized in the next half second that he was not hugging Miss Panda.

The scene suddenly became a little awkward.

The two of them chose not to move at the same time.

After a few breaths.

Hitano Ning took the initiative to speak, "Is there a possibility that I have to go to work later."

"Then is there a possibility that you are actually late?" Miyano Shiho's flushed face rested on Hitano Ning's arms, "If I don't get up early, I usually wake up after nine o'clock..."

Ah? !

Dong Ye Ning couldn't lie down anymore and got up in a hurry. "I'll lose my performance if I'm late. I'll lose my full attendance for a month!"

"I have to report to the Metropolitan Police Department."

Miyano Shiho was also very nervous. "What?! I'll lose my full attendance for a month?!"

How many nights of electricity bills will it take to make up for it!

She quickly grabbed her phone and checked the time.

"It's already half past nine..."

Hearing this, Dong Ye Ning, who was planning to get dressed at the speed of light, lost motivation instantly.

What the hell is this?

Let's go!

"No one called to ask if I died at home?"

Dong Ye Ning also grabbed her phone from under the pillow. There was no missed call on it. Even Takagi Shigeru didn't call. It was outrageous.

Oh...that's right.

Takagi Shigeru should have gone with Chiba Kazunobu to protect Mao Lilan today. There was no need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department at all.

Dong Ye Ning looked at Miyano Shiho, and Miyano Shiho also looked at him with an apologetic look.

He sighed and smiled, "Okay, okay, it's not a big deal. Since no one called me, it means that the people in the Metropolitan Police Department have tacitly agreed that I will be out on a field trip today, and they will not deduct my salary."

"Really?" Miyano Shiho was a little unconvinced.

Dong Ye Ning nodded vigorously, "Really, and even if there is a problem, at most I will go to my colleagues to persuade them and say something good, and the matter will be over."

"I still have some connections, don't worry."

Miyano Shiho finally breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good... otherwise I would have lost a lot of small money."

She was still beautiful when she breathed a sigh of relief, and she also had a different charm.

Maybe beautiful women all smell good.

Dong Ye Ning, who had returned to peace, always felt that there was a unique fragrance on Miyano Shiho that attracted him to get closer.

"Obviously, this feeling was not very obvious when I just woke up..." Dong Ye Ning muttered softly.

But because the distance was too close, Shiho Miyano heard it completely.

She looked a little confused, "What's the feeling?"

Hitano Ning turned his face away unconsciously and coughed twice, "Nothing, you sleep a little longer, I'll go prepare breakfast."

As he said that, he stood up and was about to get out of bed and leave.

But Shiho Miyano suddenly grabbed his wrist, his eyes looked quite firm, "Tell me."


Hitano Ning grabbed Shiho Miyano's wrist and pulled her into his arms.

"What's the feeling?"

"The feeling of wanting to get close to you."

"Incredibly strong."

"Miss, how are you going to deal with it?"

Shiho Miyano looked up, looking at the face so close, she suddenly had an impulse and whispered in a low voice.

"The antidote should be ineffective soon, and the theoretical remaining time is less than two hours."

Hitano Ning's heart tightened, "Will the process of turning back into a child be painful? Does the antidote you made avoid this problem?"

Idiot... who is going to tell you this.

Miyano Shiho felt warm in her heart, and she felt more and more that her impulse not only had sufficient sources but was also extremely correct.

She exerted her strength on her waist and hips, her eyes were flush with Dong Ye Ning, and her arms gently wrapped around each other's neck.

"It hurts to become a child, and it hurts to become Miyano Shiho."

"But... because of you, I don't seem to be so scared, nor so worried."

"I came to see you with expectations and love."

"Although I don't have the courage to spend a good night together, but..."

At this point, she slowly closed her eyes.

The wind outside the window suddenly became a little stronger, pushing her forward two or three centimeters.

Lips and teeth touched and separated.

Dong Ye Ning instinctively supported Miyano Shiho's back.

The immature kiss did not have many skills, but the emotions and throbbing it carried were much more than those skilled kisses.


The sun is still shining.


A few minutes later.

Miyano Shiho blushed and got out of bed, and said, "Go to work directly. There is no breakfast food at home. I will go to the doctor after I finish eating."

"Then go to the detective agency with those kids in the afternoon. They said they want to protect Xiaolan, so I can't be absent."

Higashino Ning felt that Miyano Shiho probably didn't want him to see or hear the process of shrinking.

He was not sure whether his insistence on staying would make Miyano Shiho feel touched, embarrassed, or something else.

Don't guess about things that are unclear, just make it clear.

Dong Ye Ning asked directly, "Do you really not need me to stay with you?"

Miyano Shiho sighed and smiled, "Really, there is no danger here. Now I really don't want you to see my embarrassed and fragile side."

"I have enjoyed enough care, but I don't want to completely become a delicate flower in your heart that needs to be cared for wholeheartedly."

She paused and looked at Dong Ye Ning deeply, "I am also afraid that I will slowly become a fool who only depends on you."

"A Ning, let's love equally, okay?"

Dong Ye Ning immediately shook his head, "That is, I will give one person a preference and be generous for the rest of my life. Today you love me more, and tomorrow I love you more. This is equality."

"But..." He changed the subject, "Since there are idiots who are still worried that I will lose my full attendance, then I can only prove it with practical actions~"

Dong Ye Ning rushed out of the bedroom before Miyano Shiho and went downstairs along the stairs.

And Miyano Shiho also stepped on the steps given by Dong Ye Ning and returned to her room.

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