The first time, the last time.

Conan doesn't understand Haibara Ai, but he understands football.

Keep watching the game!

With the first goal, a short halftime discussion came.

The three kids talked about the World Cup.

This made Dong Ye Ning's body tremble.

Which team won the World Cup in 1998?

Think about it quickly!

It's really urgent!

Dong Ye Ning held his head and tried to recall, but he really didn't have any impression.

Wait a minute, it's already New Year's Day and 1999, what the hell is he still thinking about!

Damn...I actually missed a huge sum of money.

As Dong Ye Ning lowered his head in regret, a sudden gust of wind blew past.

In his sight, the football under the stands suddenly bounced.


Has the case finally begun?

There are not many things that can be directly recalled about the science events. Most of them need to be seen or participated in in order to have an impression.

Now this case belongs to the latter for Dong Ye Ning.

Without much hesitation, he jumped over the guardrail and caused a cry of surprise.

Conan, who also noticed the strange football, also jumped into the court.

Dong Ye Ning picked up the deflated football and looked at it. There were obvious holes on it, and there were two.

He looked around and found a pit that looked new on the rubber court.

"Hey, sir, how can you jump into the court, and this child..."

Without waiting for the staff to finish speaking, Conan immediately asked: "Officer Dong Ye, did you find anything?"

The staff was confused, "Officer...Officer?"

He was completely ignored by the two.

Dong Ye Ning used his fingers to dig at the hole, but unfortunately he was not strong enough to get the things inside out.

Conan, who came over, reacted quickly and took out a dagger and handed it over, "Here, use this."

Dong Ye Ning's face was full of question marks, "What kind of weird things do you have on you?"

Conan hurriedly urged, "Oh, just don't worry about it."

Then can I just ignore it?

I'm a policeman!

Okay, I can do it.

Dong Ye Ning took the dagger and got a slightly deformed bullet out of the hole in a few seconds.

Conan's expression froze, and he immediately looked around, "7.62 bullets... Someone just shot!"

Tsk, how could it be another gun-related case, and in such a large arena.

Call the police!

Conan stood up and wanted to leave, but suddenly realized that there was a policeman standing next to him.

When he turned around, Dong Ye Ning was already on the phone.

The staff was still at a loss, and it was Conan who reminded them that led the two to leave from the employee passage below.

On the stands.

Huihara Ai looked very alert.

She saw clearly the bullet in Tono Ning's hand just now.

A bullet hit her right where she was hiding not far away, which made it difficult for her not to associate it with the organization.

"Have you found me now..."

"But this is not a sniper, and it is not in line with the organization's style of doing things."

Huihara Ai decided to slip away first. Whether it was to escape or to avoid bringing misfortune to others, she should leave now.

She thought she was moving quickly, but there were people who were faster than her.

The three little ones were already on their way, and Ayumi was about to come over to pull her along.

"Huihara-san, let's go find Officer Tono and Conan to see what they are going to do." Ayumi's voice was very cute, which more or less increased the anxiety in Huihara Ai's heart.

If these kids have any accidents because of her...

There is no time to think about it now, so Ai Huihara followed the three kids and left.

As a result, when she went out and found Tono Ning, she realized that she had thought too much.

It was not the organization that shot at her just now, but someone took all the spectators in the National Stadium as hostages to sell the TV station for money.

Tono Ning was exchanging information with Megure Jusan and others, while Conan was caught by the three kids to ask for information.

"By the way... Tono brother, when did you get so close to Conan and the other kids?" Megure Jusan put the bullet into the evidence bag and looked at Conan and the others.

Tono Ning shrugged, "They invited me to watch the game, so I came. Anyway, I have nothing to do during the holiday."

Megure Jusan was speechless, and waved his hand to order the others, "Anyway, the game must be suspended now, and let the spectators and players take shelter!"

As a result,

Kaneko, the person in charge of the broadcast of the TV station, tried to stop him, "No! That person said on the phone that if the police showed up or we stopped the game to let the audience take shelter, he would immediately start shooting indiscriminately inside!"

"What?!" Megure Jusan widened his eyes, "Why did you say such an important thing now! Does the criminal have any other requests?!"

Kaneko hurriedly said, "No, we just need to prepare 50 million before the halftime break. The company has prepared the money and is sending it here."

He paused and continued, "I think we should do it according to that person's request. After the other party gets the money and leaves, the police will track and arrest him."

This is the safest way for the TV station to do this.

According to this idea, the worst result is only the loss of 50 million.

This part of the money can also be traced through legal channels, and the gratitude of the people can be used to raise donations to make up for it... In short, there are many ways to get the money back, but they must not wear the hat of "not cooperating with the criminals and causing the death of many viewers".

But in this way, all the risks and infamy will be transferred to the police.

Can Megure Jusan agree?

Even if he puts aside his personal concern for the people, he will never let the criminal get the money and leave easily from the police's standpoint.

If the police's image, which was finally reversed through the counterfeit money case, collapses again, then the future will be unrecoverable!

At least... they must show their attitude before compromising.

Megure Jusan raised his hand to stop Kaneko from saying, "Since there is still a process of transferring the money, we still have room for maneuver."

"The criminal is now in the National Stadium, right?"

He ordered in a deep voice, "Brother Takagi, you will lead the team now. Immediately lead all the plainclothes police to disperse in the audience. When the criminal calls again, all suspicious persons must be arrested!"

Takagi Wataru and others immediately took the order and left.

Megure Jusan looked at Higashino Ning again, "Brother Higashino, you should go back to the audience too. Since the other party is shooting in front of you, you can help Gao Mu and others judge from the perspective of global observation to see if there will be any suspicious persons missed and not discovered."

As he said, he handed a mobile radio headset to Higashino Ning, and his expression became much more serious, "The vacation is over now."

Higashino Ning nodded, "I understand."

He left without hesitation and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this time, Kaneko noticed Huihara Ai and was a little confused, "Ah... Is this kid wearing a white hat a girl?"

"Strange, I clearly remember that the person on the phone said you were a boy."

Huihara Ai suddenly reacted and shouted, "Officer Megure! There are two criminals. Don't arrest them easily when trading money later!"

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