After the incident, the police said that the police had to pay off the money.

Back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Again, Tono Ning accepted the bonus incentive from Shiratori Jinzaburo in the envious eyes of the police.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Envy is fine.

Be jealous.

The troubles in the world can't hurt me~

Since the criminal targeted the top media, Nichimi TV, so the related reports praising the police and Tono Ning flew out like snowflakes that night.

There will be several press conferences and personal interviews to greet Tono Ning later.

To be honest, I'm a little tired of it.

Tono Ning directly refused on the grounds of preparing for the promotion exam.

The promotion exam is indeed just around the corner, with a passing rate of only about 20%, so it is worth taking it seriously.

However, his serious preparation is just to keep his mind steady. Don't be nervous during the exam. As long as he performs steadily, he will definitely pass the exam. With Sister Tongzi behind him, he is so confident.

But the subsequent promotion is still a bit worrying.

Although it is outrageous, the simplest way to get promoted is to die immediately.

Japan has a system similar to "posthumous promotion".

For example, if you die in the line of duty, you can be promoted two levels as a reward.

But if I die, what's the point of you promoting me?

Get promoted, control power, deploy forces to destroy the organization, and then sit at the peak of power and enjoy the system rewards in Japan for free to enjoy life.

Tono Ning is very much looking forward to his future life.

Go home!

After lying on the bed, Dong Ye Ning couldn't wait to start a new round of lottery. The system gave 10 reward points far exceeding expectations for solving this case. It would be even better if the lottery could bring some good things!

[Drawing in progress, please wait. ]

[Drawing completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the hidden skill: Reasoning (lv1: 30%)]

[Reasoning: A hidden ability in the world of "Detective Conan". After obtaining it, you can unravel the incident and get to the root of the matter, and sort out all the methods of committing crimes that are impossible in reality. This skill level mainly affects the efficiency of collecting clues, associations, and deciphering. ]

[Because the host unlocked the hidden ability in advance, the system mall has simultaneously updated the exclusive props of the world of science. Please go to the mall to check for details. ]

Hidden skills!

"It seems that my brain is not that bad. I have 30% proficiency right from the start. This is definitely above the 'qualified' level."

Dong Ye Ning is quite satisfied with this skill. Although he can solve cases by following Conan, it is better to have the corresponding reasoning ability.

Only when you are strong can you be really strong.

"Let me see what the props exclusive to science are."

Dong Ye Ning entered the system mall and found a new column [Exclusive to Science].

Clicking in, the first thing that came into view was [Bow Tie Voice Changer] and [Watch-shaped Anesthesia Gun].

There are also foot-strengthening shoes, tracking glasses, and portable concealed headset phones.

The most important thing is that there are also props that have not been invented yet, such as retractable straps, football launching belts, portable oxygen cylinders, etc., but the price is a bit too expensive.

A retractable strap actually requires a full 500 reward points to redeem!

The system explained that the item had not yet been invented and was too expensive. It would take until Dr. Agasa worked hard on research and development to bring the price down.

In comparison, the watch-shaped tranquilizer gun with 10 reward points and the bow-tie voice changer with 20 reward points were much more affordable.

Is it expensive? Actually, it is not expensive.

After all, these props are quite supermodels in reality.

"Get a watch-shaped tranquilizer gun to play with?"

Dong Ye Ning hesitated for a moment and gave up the idea. It was really not very useful. It would be better to save 30 reward points to exchange for tracking glasses, which is the most cost-effective cutting-edge technology.

"It would be nice if I could ask Dr. Agasa directly. Unfortunately, these things are related to Conan's identity, and Dr. Agasa will never give them to me easily."

Higashino Ning exited the system interface and lay down, looking at the hazy moonlight on the ceiling and muttering to himself, "If I choose to go directly to the doctor and say that I know Conan's identity, it will cause troubles such as suspicion and temptation."

"By then, Ai will also doubt me, and not only will her good impression of me disappear, but she may even get closer to Conan."

"Even if all these are acceptable, Dr. Agasa may not really give me those props, after all, Ai didn't get them."

These things are more like Conan's exclusive equipment under the default settings. Instead of spending so much money,

It is really more convenient to exchange directly from the system than to think too much.

[The progress of reasoning (lv1) has been increased to 35%. Please keep up the good work. ]

Hitano Ning: "..."


Three days passed in a flash, and the promotion exam was successfully completed.

Hitano Ning felt very stable.


As soon as he arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, he saw Maori Kogoro and his group walking out accompanied by Megure Jusan.

Maori father and daughter are paired with Conan, and Suzuki Sonoko is also following them.

"Hitano brother, you are back, how was the exam?" Megure Jusan is now more and more satisfied with Hitano Ning.

Higashino Ning also smiled brightly, "It should be no problem."

He then looked at Maori Kogoro again, "Mr. Maori, long time no see, what are you doing..."

Suzuki Sonoko, who had already started to be obsessed with him, immediately ran to Higashino Ning, looked up, and tiptoed, "We just finished taking notes. A murder case happened yesterday, and I solved it~"

Mauri Ran was a little embarrassed by her best friend, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull her, "Sonoko... you should restrain yourself."

Higashino Ning was still very handsome, a tough guy, and quite white, and it was easy to trigger Suzuki Sonoko's obsession switch.

But he couldn't stand the enthusiasm.

After quietly stepping back half a step, he nodded to show that he understood, and waved to Conan and said hello.

Xiao Ke had a cold, wearing a mask, and looked listless, and even spoke a little weakly.

Maori Kogoro frowned, leaned close to Megure Jusan's ear and whispered, "Is this the new police officer?"

Megure Jusan was speechless for a moment, "Brother Maori, this is Officer Higashino, he has been working for almost three years! He used to go on police calls with me, and there has been a lot of news about him recently, right?"

Mauri Kogoro was embarrassed, and waved his hands with a laugh, "I was joking, how could I not know Officer Higashino who has become famous recently."

He hurried over to shake hands with Higashino Ning, "Officer Higashino is a young talent, and the future is bright. I am very optimistic about you."

In fact, the confused detective has not read any recent news and has no impression of him. His main focus is on on-the-spot reaction + social skills.

Hearing the word "news", Suzuki Sonoko was a little confused, and Mao Lilan quickly explained in a low voice, "This officer Higashino has recently solved two major cases in succession, that is, the counterfeit money case and the coercion incident in the Emperor's Cup final a few days ago."

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up again, and she held her heart with her hands, "He is so outstanding and so handsome, he is my type!"

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