The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.

At the end of the meeting, Megure Jusan did not assign a clear task to Dong Ye Ning. To put it bluntly, he was just a free man, and he could go wherever he was needed.

Before the time travel, Dong Ye Ning might only be called a spare tire, and he was the brick used to repair the east wall and the west wall.

But now, you have to call Dong Ye Ning a distinguished free man.

The former is not of much value, while the latter is of great value.

But in the end, there is nothing to do now.

Dong Ye Ning himself does not want to be idle, and he can get rewards earlier if he catches the criminals earlier.

Adoption cards and hidden skills are all good things. He is looking forward to the random rewards this time.

After thinking about it, Dong Ye Ning chose to go see his sister-in-law and learn about the actual situation at that time from the hostage.

When Dong Ye Ning arrived, Megure Midori's record had just been completed.

Time has only brought her maturity, and has not taken away anything except her youthfulness.

In other words, it is: Madam, you still have charm.

Megure Midori was not very familiar with Dong Ye Ning before, but had a little impression.

But because Megure Jusan kept talking about it recently, she also paid attention to this "rising star" who had only started to emerge after working for three years.

After a simple greeting, Dong Ye Ning took the just-made record from his colleague and led Megure Midori to the corridor to sit down and chat.

Megure Midori was not the first hostage, she took the initiative to be a hostage later.

According to her, the other robber did not show up much, and she did not really see him from beginning to end.

By the way, the robbers did not take the hostages with them when they fled, which showed that they were quite confident in their escape.

After reading the transcript, Tono Ning did not find any suspicious points that were worth paying attention to. After all, the story from Megure Midori's perspective was only about actively asking for a hostage exchange and then being held hostage until the end.

"Officer Tono is really different now."

After talking about business, Megure Midori couldn't help but smile and sigh, "Now he has the temperament of a mature police officer."

Faced with such compliments, Tono Ning naturally had to respond with a friendly smile. He reorganized the transcript, "Staying in such a place will indeed be transformed into a mature adult sooner or later."

"The past waste of time was a bit disorienting, and it also made me unable to find the true meaning and responsibility of this profession. Fortunately, it is not too late to wake up now."

The above words are pure nonsense, only 20% of which are insights, and the remaining 80% are all "pillow talk" reserves.

In general, it is much easier to deal with the boss's wife than to deal with the boss.

Higashino Ning wanted to improve too much.

Perhaps it was because he had no clear goal, or because his tone of voice was filled with the melancholy of a teenager.

Megure Midori looked at Higashino Ning with admiration.

There was actually another hidden reason: Megure Midori had no children.

She had fallen in love with Megure Jusan because of an incident in high school. If she had married earlier and had children, she would be seventeen or eighteen years old now, not much different from Higashino Ning.

It is normal to be unable to help but give some maternal love to a young person who is excellent and suits your taste.

After expressing her wish of "keep working hard, you will definitely have a promising future, I am optimistic about you", Megure Midori said goodbye.

Higashino Ning first sent her out of the Metropolitan Police Department, then returned again to continue listening to the transcript.

After waiting for a while, he couldn't help but ask, "Has the first hostage not come to take the transcript yet?"

The colleague replied, "The transcript of the person before Mrs. Megure has been completed."

Hgashino Ning was speechless for a moment and ran to the reference room to find the other party's transcript.

"Masuo Kayo, 42 years old, came to the bank temporarily to do business and was held hostage by the criminal."

Hitano Ning's eyes swept across the data sheet, and then he noticed a piece of information that might be important or unimportant in the next column.

"Her husband is the president of the bank???"

After a short silence, Hitano Ning took the transcript and ran to the monitoring room, asking to call up the surveillance video of Masuo Kayo taking the transcript just now.


At the same time, on the other side.

Huihara Ai was carefully and vigilantly paying attention to all the strangers around her.

She was in an ancient castle located in the deep mountains and forests.

This family was very strange, and the atmosphere of the castle felt a little scary, and not long ago, Edogawa disappeared.

They didn't find anyone in each other's favorite toilet, and then the owner of the castle really chose not to look for them, but instead invited everyone to eat first.

Huihara Ai only

I want to say two words: outrageous.

Now she has only Dr. Agasa who tries to be strong but can only play a supporting role, and a group of young detectives who are all reckless and whose body actions are always one step faster than their brains.

Hiss~~~ High-end game!

"Let's call the police first. It will be more confident to have reinforcements on the way, and it will also make the people hiding in the dark a little more afraid."

Huiyuan Ai quickly finished the food in two bites, and then pulled Dr. Agasa who wanted to continue eating away.

She is not a reckless man. In this situation, even if she calls the police, she needs at least two people to act together.

When they came outside, Dr. Agasa was puzzled, "Are you in such a hurry to find Conan, Ai?"

He touched his belly and smiled, "Even if we want to find him, it will be more efficient to wait until everyone has finished eating and then find him together."

Huiyuan Ai said helplessly: "Doctor, I want to call the police."

"Call the police?!" Dr. Agasa was obviously a little surprised.

"Yes," Ai Huihara dragged him forward, "Edogawa disappeared very suddenly. The old man also said during dinner just now that there are many mechanisms in this castle. I think Edogawa accidentally ran into the mechanism."

"But this is not the point." Ai Huihara looked at Dr. Agasa deeply, "The point is that he lost contact."

"He is not a child. If he ran to a place where he couldn't leave by himself, he would definitely contact us through the detective armband."

"Since the detective armband has not moved until now, I assume that it is reasonable for him to be attacked and fainted or even kidnapped by someone."

Ai Huihara sighed: "Doctor, don't treat that guy as a child and think he is playing a prank, and don't let your guard down because you blindly believe in his strength."

"If he is really omnipotent and has a full sense of crisis, he would not have been fed that kind of drug by Gin."

"The remaining three children are unreliable. Whether we can get out of here safely depends on the two of us."

Dr. Agasa was awakened by Ai Huihara's words.

The rest was secondary, but he did have some blind faith in Shinichi's personal strength and thought that he would not have any problems.

Now it seems that this problem may be quite serious.

Call the police! Must call the police!

Dr. Agasa began to walk actively, and the pace of the two people also quickened.

But just as the two were about to turn the corner, the scary old lady in a wheelchair came out of the restaurant.

Looking at the fleeting backs of the two, she showed a cold smile.

She had a hunch that the secret of the treasure in this castle would be solved today.

And the person who solved the puzzle was either the little boy named Edogawa Conan who had been knocked unconscious by him, or the little girl who was already alert.

"What a cute and beautiful face... I really want to tear it off and stick it on my face."

"I hope this treasure is worth my plastic surgery to make myself look like this."

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