After all, I'm still a little tired.

After having a new home, I'm not used to taking the train to work.

Dong Ye Ning strolled around the system mall, thinking that since he had already used 3 of the 20 reward points, he might as well buy a car directly.

Considering his own financial level, he didn't care about the high-end car. He just happened to have a Toyota to exchange for, and he could also take him to chase the sunset.

The system is still very efficient.

Spend 7 reward points, and you can pick up the car after get off work.

Arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

I didn't see Yuki Nagasawa today.

"Can I have two days off in a row?"

Dong Ye Ning didn't think about it and went upstairs directly.

Not long after he went upstairs, he heard Officer Nakamori screaming in the extra-large conference room, shouting something like "We must catch Kaito Kid".

It seems that today is the official start of the theatrical version.

Unfortunately, this theatrical version has little to do with him at present.

"Officer Higashino? Good morning!"

At this time, Mao Lilan, who was sitting on the bench in the corridor waiting, stood up and waved to Higashino Ning.

Last night, she learned about Kudo Shinichi's general movements through Higashino Ning, and now Higashino Ning is living in Kudo Shinichi's family.

Therefore, Mao Lilan subconsciously felt that she was more familiar with Higashino Ning than before.

Higashino Ning responded with a warm greeting, then looked at Conan and asked, "Why are you here?"

He looked at the conference room, and then "suddenly realized", "Oh, Mr. Maori should be invited by the Second Investigation Division to be a special operations consultant?"

Mauri Ran smiled and shook her head, "No, it was Sonoko's father who invited my father to participate."

Then, as if she was worried that Higashino Ning would not remember, she quickly added, "It was the girl who was with us at the door of the police station last time."

Higashino Ning's eyebrows trembled, " was the more enthusiastic girl, I remember it."

It's a bit tiring to pretend not to know.

After a few simple greetings, the "pre-war meeting" was over, and Maori Kogoro was not surrounded by people, but came out alone.

After saying hello, Higashino Ning watched them leave, and then returned to the office to wait for the case to happen.

Today should be another leisurely day, after all, Conan is going to Osaka to visit people.

"Come to think of it, since it's in Osaka... then how can I get involved?"

Higashino Ning thought about it carefully and felt that he didn't need to worry too much. Every theatrical version must have Tokyo Police F4, what should he worry about?

He has already ranked among Tokyo F5, and he will definitely be able to participate!

Unfortunately, the leisurely day that Higashino Ning expected did not happen.

11:47 am.

The police call was made to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Another murder case.

But this time it seems to be easy to solve, because the murderer was sleeping in the room of the deceased and was caught by the first person who found the body.

Megure Juzo has to make a quarterly performance report today, and Shiratori Rensaburo is on his way to Karuizawa for vacation.

So the police officers became a combination of Higashino Ning + Takagi Shigeru + Sato Miwako.

To be honest, if possible, Higashino Ning really wants to give his good brother a chance to investigate the case alone with Sato Miwako.

But... ahem, didn't I just spend a lot of money, I need to make up for the reward points.

The crime scene is located in Room 504 of a building.

"Officer Takagi, why do you seem a little uncomfortable?"

In the elevator, Sato Miwako looked around in confusion.

Upon hearing this, Takagi Shige immediately scratched his head stiffly, "No... no... I'm quite relaxed ha... ha..."

Although he couldn't create an opportunity to solve the case alone, Higashino Ning could assist in other ways.

For example, he could occupy the position at the elevator door and let Takagi Shige and Sato Miwako stay behind.

Now the distance between the two is only 20 to 30 centimeters. If there is any accident in the elevator now, Takagi Shige can immediately hug Sato Miwako.

Unfortunately, the elevator is in good condition.

The door opened, and Higashino Ning saw the two men waiting in the corridor at a glance.

He stepped forward quickly, "Which one is Mr. Kitagawa Kaede who called the police?"

The taller and thinner man immediately raised his hand, "I am."

Although Sato Miwako is one level higher in position, she still prefers Higashino Ning to be the action commander.

So Tono Ning had a taste of being a police inspector in advance and asked Mr. Kitagawa to lead them in to check the scene.

Since the car was driven by the hot-tempered car god Sato Miwako, the forensic

It will take some time for the class staff to come.

"Please follow me. The body is in the bathroom, and Mr. Higashida on the sofa should be the murderer."

As soon as Kitagawa Feng finished speaking, Mr. Higashida, who was obviously hungover, stood up emotionally, "It's not me who killed him!"

Hearing this, Kitagawa Feng immediately shouted, "Who else could it be if not you? As soon as I came in, I saw Miss Muranishi's body and you lying on her bed."

"I asked the administrator to open the door to the room. It's a bit ridiculous for you to say it's not you who killed her now!"

Hitomi Ning patted Kitagawa Feng on the shoulder, "Don't be impatient, take me to see the body first."

Takagi Shigeya immediately went to Higashida Yuichiro to comfort him.

The body was in the bathroom, and there seemed to be no signs of dragging.

The cause of death was most likely suffocation, and something like a videotape signal transmission line was wrapped around the neck of the body.

Hitomi Ning put on gloves and initially examined the body. The time of death was probably last night.

After carefully checking the bathroom, he said, "Then Mr. Kitagawa, please wait outside the house. The female police officer Sato outside will question you. Please do not hide anything to avoid trouble."

Soon, the forensic department arrived.

Higashino Ning arranged for them to conduct a detailed investigation of the entire room, and the body was also sent to the forensic doctor for a detailed examination.

To be honest, there are really few forensic doctors in Japan.

During the period when Conan was particularly active, people even had to queue up to send bodies for examination.

During the investigation, Higashino Ning was naturally not idle, and he was also carefully observing the abnormalities in the room.

According to the rules of science, the criminal can basically be locked in as Kitagawa Feng who reported the case.

It's just that conviction requires evidence, not just arresting anyone.

"Officer Higashino, the furniture in the room has signs of being moved, but it's very slight, not like a large-scale move."

"Officer Higashino, the door lock has been confirmed to be intact, and fingerprints have been found on the door handle and chain lock, and they are being rubbed."

"Officer Higashino..."

One clue after another came into Higashino Ning's ears.

It would be even better if "officer" could be replaced with "inspector".

Ah... Why is it so difficult to make progress!

Two hours passed in a flash.

The search in the room was basically completed, and the questioning of Kitagawa Kaede and Higashida Yuichiro was almost over.

"Higashino, the fingerprint comparison has results."

Takagi Shigeru put down the phone with a serious expression, "The signal transmission line wrapped around the deceased's neck and the fingerprints on the door handle and chain lock all match those of Mr. Higashida."

"I think this should be an impulsive murder after being drunk."

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