The chase was not new to Dong Ye Ning, as he had the corresponding memory to support him.

The other party ran very fast, so he and Gao Mushi chose to act separately, one chasing behind and the other taking a detour to block the front.

Dong Ye Ning was the one responsible for taking a detour.

The reason was also relatively simple, he ran faster than Gao Mushi and had better physical strength.

As a patrol, it is necessary to be familiar with the terrain.

There are a lot of alleys on the right side of the road ahead, and Dong Ye Ning has a lot of room to play.

The quiet alley was gradually filled with footsteps, and Gao Mushi kept shouting, which not only put pressure on the prisoners, but also provided Dong Ye Ning with location information.

Soon, Dong Ye Ning, who was holding his breath and speeding up again, finally found an opportunity, rushed out of the alley, and pounced on the prisoner from the side.

"You... are arrested!"

Dong Ye Ning followed his body's instinct to press the prisoner to the ground, handcuffed his hands, and then took out the handcuffs.

This set of movements was so smooth that he was a little surprised.

At the same time, the sense of accomplishment born from the successful capture of the prisoner also arose spontaneously.

This feeling... is very cool!

Dong Ye Ning panted heavily, and seeing that the other party was still struggling on the ground and speaking rudely, he immediately pressed the other party's face and continued to increase his strength output.

With the blessing of adrenaline, he was a little bit heavy now, and in a moment of distraction, the other party's face was scratched by the ground and screamed.

"Don't go too far, Higashino!"

Takagi Wataru, who arrived later, supported his knees and panted, "Let's take him back to the Metropolitan Police Department first."

Detain the prisoner, then find the convenience store owner and ask him to go to the Metropolitan Police Department together.

Not long after, the Metropolitan Police Department.

Megure Jusan patted Higashino Ning on the shoulder and praised: "That's great, brother Higashino, how are you preparing for the exam? It will be almost three years before you can be promoted to director, right?"

Higashino Ning smiled, "The preparation is okay, let's start interrogating the prisoner. This guy is very stubborn, I'm afraid it will take some effort."

To be a policeman in Japan, you need to pass the civil service exam first, there are three categories in total.

The first category of civil servants is also called the professional group, such as Shiratori Renzaburo. This kind of people directly become police inspectors and can be promoted to superintendents in three to five years.

Takagi Wataru took the second category of civil servants, and can start as patrol chiefs.

Dong Ye Ning was in a worse situation, because he attended a junior college and took the third-class civil service exam, so he not only had to start from the lowest level of patrol, but also needed three years of practical experience to take the promotion exam.

This year is the third year.

Megure Jusan nodded, "Well... you and brother Takagi have worked hard today, so how about this, you and Takagi go home and rest first, and rest for half a day tomorrow morning."

He did not give Dong Ye Ning a chance to refuse, and continued: "I heard from Officer Sato that your mental state this morning was not very good. You can work better if you rest more."

Having said this, Dong Ye Ning himself was indeed a little sleepy, so he simply did not insist.

It was still Takagi Shi who took him home.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Dong Ye Ning found the small footprints on the ground in front of the door that were particularly obvious because of the moisture.

But he still knocked on the door first, and when he saw that there was really no response, he took out the key and opened the door himself.

The wind was a little cool in the evening.

Change shoes and go into the house.

The house was empty, no different from before, and Dong Ye Ning's mood was the same, still empty, still indifferent.

He sat down on the sofa, and the note and cash on the table were conspicuous enough.

After thinking about it, he reached out and picked up the note.

[Goodbye, stupid policeman~ Thank you for your kindness and help, thank you very much! Just return the extra clothes. But I'm sorry I broke my promise, because I will cause you more trouble. This time... you are allowed to scold me, because I am really a bastard. Goodbye! ]

"Who would scold you... It's obviously just... Forget it."

Dong Ye Ning slowly folded the note and threw it into the piggy bank, then went to the refrigerator to find a small bottle of Wei Que whiskey left and poured it into the glass to take a sip.

Drinking is a very personal thing.

For him, Wei Que is a good and inexpensive wine, and it is very helpful to sleep when you are not extremely tired.

It's time to go to bed.


The next day.

Dong Ye Ning still went to work as soon as he woke up - it was already past one in the afternoon when he woke up, and there were only a few dozen minutes left before the end of lunch break.

After a simple wash and tidying up his appearance, he hurried to the Metropolitan Police Department to report.

One day

A social animal, a social animal for life.

With no extra money to take a taxi, Dong Ye Ning had to jog all the way from the station to the Metropolitan Police Department.

As soon as he entered the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department, the system gave a prompt.

[Congratulations on the host's small improvement in physical fitness. Please keep up the good work. ]

"Thank you, but I'm not exercising. You insulted me."

Physical fitness is not included in the skill category, and there is no specific skill display.

The system obviously thinks that he is exercising himself.

Dong Ye Ning secretly complained and rushed upstairs, and slowed down his pace before entering the office, panting evenly, and wiped his sweat by the way.

In social occasions, personal image is very important, which can show a person's personality and many other details.

"Oh, brother Higashino, you're here."

The door opened, and Megure Jusan was walking towards him with Takagi Wataru. He looked very happy, "You are in a much better mental state today."

Higashino Ning greeted him first, and then asked, "Where are you going, and the criminal yesterday..."

"Officer Megure and I are going to find the criminal now," Takagi Wataru took over the conversation, "Although he didn't say anything, after comparing the information, we found that he had a criminal record before."

Megure Jusan followed up and added, "Yes, I think the mastermind behind the counterfeit money gang this time should be the guy named Silver Fox."

He The tone was a little angry, "I didn't expect that guy to be so dishonest after being released from prison. I think she is going to stick to this path until the end."

At this point, Megure Jusan suddenly leaned in and lowered his voice, "By the way, I heard from Takagi that your family has a little girl from a relative's family staying temporarily. If you need to take care of her, I can approve you for a few more days of leave."

"If there are other problems such as transfers, you can tell me."

Higashino Ning was not surprised that Takagi Shibu would tell Megure Jusan about this, and he did not take the initiative to ask the other party to keep it secret, which would be very suspicious and would instead cause more professional investigations in the police system.

As for Megure Jusan's mention of transfers...this is reasonable.

After all, there are really no holidays now. A little girl who should go to school stays at a relative's house, either because of a transfer for some reason, or because of something more serious.

As a boss, he was very humane to express his willingness to help appropriately.

Dong Ye Ning chuckled twice, "Thank you, I will definitely not be polite if you need me."

At this time, Sato Miwako suddenly hurried over with a serious expression, "Inspector Megure, I just received a call from the police saying that her son has been missing for a week."

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