The lunch time passed in a flash.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon.

While the other colleagues were taking a lunch break, Megure Jusan officially led the team to set off.

The team consisted of Tono Ning and Takagi Wataru, plus 6 mysterious colleagues who did not want to reveal their names, including the person who had been playing a role in Tono Ning's hijacking incident at the National Stadium.

It can only be said that times have changed.

Tono Ning, who was once a little transparent, has now become a popular figure in front of Megure Jusan.

Apart from other things, Tono Ning's ability to pass the 20-choose-1 promotion exam is already much better than them.

Some accept the reality and even admire Higashino Ning, some continue to be friendly on the surface but have a double-faced attitude towards Higashino Ning, and some are inspired to work hard and want to emulate Higashino Ning.

The world of all kinds of people is clearly reflected in the small and large circles.


Tongkou Shigehiko's home is quite luxurious, a single-family villa.

But this cannot be used directly as evidence of his corruption and bribery.

Because the salary of a member of parliament is really high.

Even if Tongkou Shigehiko does not break the law, just take the full salary, allowances, and subsidies, and then use the rules reasonably, the entire 60 million yen a year is really easy.

If he uses his position to make money, it is also quite simple to have a small goal a year.

Being a senior official in Japan is really a combination of power and wealth.

But even if such a high legal income has been given, corruption and bribery are still the usual trend.

Megure Jusan came to the door.

Higashino Ning also met Tongkou Shigehiko in person about five minutes later.

The other party is quite young, only 56 years old, and doesn't look old at all.

Let's put it this way, Dr. Agasa is only 52 years old this year.


Faced with the visit of the First Investigation Division, Shigehiko Tōguchi was quite nervous.

He was actually investigated by both the First and Second Investigation Divisions at the same time!

As long as this news is released, no matter what happens next, the mind of moving forward can basically be completely put aside.

Megure Jusan got straight to the point, "Councilman Tōguchi, our police found that someone might be harmful to you, so we were ordered to come here to provide you with protection. Please don't be nervous and please cooperate with our work."

Hearing this, Shigehiko Tōguchi swallowed hard.

What do you mean?

Did his collusion with that mysterious organization also come to light?

If this goes on, just going to jail may not solve the problem!

But he couldn't take the initiative to confess to the police, otherwise not only would he die, but his family and children would also not escape.

Didn't he work hard for most of his life just to make his family prosperous? If he was wiped out by that organization, wouldn't it be a waste of all his efforts?

Shigehiko Tsuruguchi was just trying to find some excuse to turn things around, but he heard Megure Jusan say that it was still unclear who the specific person or force that was going to harm him was.

"So there was just a hint of suspicion... It seems that the problem is not very big. Everything will be fine after this wave is over."

Shigehiko Tsuruguchi wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and smiled, "Then I'll trouble you, officers. I can't go out in the past few days, so it will be much easier for you to carry out your work."

Then there were some meaningless polite words.

After chatting, Megure Jusan introduced, "These two are our capable police officers, Officer Higashino and Officer Takagi, from the first investigation section."

"From now on, they will be responsible for your safety. You can tell them directly if you have anything and they will convey it."

Higashino Ning and Takagi Wataru immediately stepped forward to shake hands with Shigehiko Tsuruguchi, and at the same time expressed their attitude, saying something like "I will definitely protect your safety."

After the meeting, Tono Ning and others went to stand guard downstairs and in the yard of the villa, and Megure Jusan also left and returned to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Not long after the hatted officer left, Morishima Nobuhiro brought people to continue the afternoon investigation.

He was not very surprised to see Tono Ning here.

This further shows that he has a certain right to know about Shiratori Rensaburo's layout.

At least he is almost completely aware that Tono Ning has to rely on Tunkou Shigehiko for an exceptional promotion.

As a "new friend" on the same front, Morishima Nobuhiro increasingly treats Tono Ning as a junior, with a friendly attitude and eyes full of appreciation.

Everyone has their own things to do.

Tono Ning has to wait and chat with Takagi Wataru to pass the time.

Because their positions are one level higher, the two security captains and deputy captains can sit and chat directly in the monitoring room. If there is one more person, they can even play Landlord.

The content of the initial chat between the two is more or less related to the work

The relationship is somewhat related, but it becomes more and more biased as time goes by.

Takagi Shige's face was full of loneliness, "Since Officer Sato sent me home that night, her attitude towards me has become very ordinary."

"Then she doesn't treat you differently normally." Dong Ye Ning retreated tactically.

Hiss~~ Can you speak, kid!

Takagi Shige's face turned red and he argued, "It's obviously a little bit like that normally... um... Anyway, it feels very strange now and it's different from before."

His standard gesture of insulting Korea stopped in the air for a moment and was retracted.

Dong Ye Ning felt that he had the dual identities of a love master and a military strategist, so he naturally had to analyze it for Takagi Shige, and his tone was quite relaxed.

"Don't worry, Officer Sato either has something bothering her recently or is a little shy and doesn't dare to approach you."

Takagi Shigeru blinked his eyelids quickly, "Trouble? Is there anything I can help with?"

Higashino Ning was speechless, "I don't know if she is really bothered. Even if she is, I don't know what it is. You might as well go to Yumi and ask her indirectly."

"And what if she is shy?"

Takagi Shigeru shook his head firmly, "A girl like Officer Sato is impossible to be shy."

Higashino Ning: "..."

The conversation was deadlocked for a while.

But Takagi Shigeru quickly changed his tone and asked Higashino Ning how she felt about getting along with Huihara Ai.

It can be seen that Takagi Shigeru is really curious.

But Higashino Ning couldn't speak.

After thinking for a long time, he said carefully: "It feels pretty good. It is much better than the boring life that never changes. I like my current life very much."

And her.

Takagi Shigeru sighed with envy, "It would be nice if there were more people in my house."

Then you can envy slowly.

Higashino Ning stood up and patted his pants, "I'm going to go out for a walk and see what Councillor Tunkou is doing. You continue to watch the surveillance."

Leaving the surveillance room, he had a clear goal and went straight to Tunkou Shigehiko's room.

Knock on the door.

"Come in."

Higashino Ning pushed the door open.

"Officer Higashino?" Tunkou Shigehiko, who was reading the newspaper and thinking about the clarification report, was a little surprised, "Why are you here...?"

Higashino Ning stopped at the door and said seriously, "I want to come over to check if there are any hidden eavesdropping devices and cameras in the room."

Tunkou Shigehiko thought about it and agreed.

He continued to read the newspaper.

Higashino Ning quietly carried out the inspection.

After the room was thoroughly checked, Dong Ye Ning said with a relaxed expression: "Ah... I'm finally done. There is no eavesdropping equipment."

Tunkou Shigehiko echoed, "That's good, I feel relieved now."

"Yeah, I feel much more relieved too." Dong Ye Ning followed up.

This sentence made the air in the room much more tense.

Tunkou Shigehiko suddenly felt something was wrong and forced a smile, "Officer Dong Ye..."

Dong Ye Ning chuckled and shook his head, "No, no, no, let me introduce myself again."

After that, his face suddenly became cold, "My code name is Rye Whiskey, Councillor Tunkou, nice to meet you."

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