The old man was very angry.

Takagi Shibu thought about it and thought so.

But he couldn't help thinking about it, after all, Dong Ye Ning was more and more fond of violent law enforcement.

He stayed up in the monitoring room until the evening, and his colleagues came to deliver food.

He continued to stay up after eating.

It was not until 12 o'clock in the morning that Dong Ye Ning and Takagi Shibu left with their tired bodies.

The next few days were shift changes, 2+6 became 1+3, two shifts.

Considering that Dong Ye Ning had a little loli at home, Takagi Shibu took the initiative to choose the daytime shift from 12 noon to 12 o'clock at night.

Good brothers are grateful for the great favor.

Dong Ye Ning said that he must make progress with his good brother, and he must also help his good brother to take down Sato Miwako in advance.


It was already past one in the morning when he returned home.

This time, Huiyuan Ai did not leave the light on for him, and the empty house looked like a haunted house.

Open the door and go in.

Because his eyes have adapted to the environment, he can see clearly without turning on the light.

Another thing... he was a little worried that turning on the light would wake Huiyuan Ai from her sleep.

Of course, turning on a light is not that loud, but there is such a worry in his heart.

"I really don't want to take a bath..."

The bathroom is downstairs from Huiyuan Ai's room, and taking a bath might really wake her up.

Anyway, he basically stayed indoors and lay flat today, and there was no extra activity except walking a few steps.

And he took a bath last night, so he is still very clean now.

"Huh? Since when do you have to find so many excuses for not taking a shower?"

Dong Ye Ning said he was fooled. Last night, a shy blush directly cost him the freedom of the rest of his life.

No matter what, I won't take a shower today!

Dong Ye Ning strode forward and carefully prepared to climb the stairs.

"Wait a minute, didn't I always sleep on the sofa before?"

He patted his forehead and went to the living room, where the sofa was bigger and more comfortable, and there was a small blanket.

When people are sleepy, they just sleep on the bed, and now it's the same on the sofa.

When he woke up, Dong Ye Ning stretched his body with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes and looked to the side, he found that Huiyuan Ai was curled up on the single sofa on the side.

The little girl's face was on the base of her closed palms, and her hands were on her knees.

Big eyes add points to cuteness, and cuteness makes the appearance outstanding.

Dong Ye Ning sat up straight and rubbed his eyes, "What time is it?"

"It's almost 11 o'clock." Huiyuan Ai's voice was very soft, "Why don't you go home and sleep in bed?"

Dong Ye Ning naturally would not admit that he had a bone cancer attack last night, and simply said: "This place is close, and I was very sleepy, so I came here to sleep."

This sentence made Huiyuan Ai think of the speculation when she first came to Dong Ye Ning's house.

It was just speculation before, but now I saw it with my own eyes.

Encountering a sudden emergency task, Dong Ye Ning had no time to go home, and he was so tired that he could sleep anywhere.

"Being a police officer is such a hard job..."

Hearing Huihara Ai's sigh, Dong Ye Ning continued to move his uncomfortable neck, "For ordinary people like me, there is no job that is not hard. At least being a police officer is paid more."

Huihara Ai continued to stare at him gently, "I thought you would say something like honor and responsibility."

Dong Ye Ning couldn't help but look sideways, "It's so embarrassing to say it directly, I'm shy."

Huihara Ai: "..."

After moving his neck, Dong Ye Ning stood up and walked to Huihara Ai and knocked on her head, "Go cook for me, I'm hungry."

"Hey!" Huihara Ai held her head and said dissatisfiedly, "Your attitude is too bad! Be careful or I'll run back to the doctor's house!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere seemed a little silent.

The little Lolita who reacted gritted her teeth, "Don't say it! Don't say it! Don't say it!"

Dong Ye Ning bent down, "Okay, I won't say it, but it seems useless."

It's really useless.

Because Huihara Ai has already made up the words in her mind.

It was nothing more than something like "You just looked like a bullied young wife who wanted to go back to her parents' home."

Stupid policeman, you are really getting more and more outrageous!

Huihara Ai felt that she still liked the shy Tono Ning who allowed her to tease her.

No, it seemed that she was the one who blushed and ran away every time after teasing.

"I didn't even win once???"

Huihara Ai said that she couldn't accept it.

If she counted them, she should

She must have won a few times, right?

She was still thinking about her success and failure history, but Dong Ye Ning was already staring at her pitifully, with four words written in her eyes: Hungry, food!

If you have to look at me like this, then I will compromise...

Huiyuan Ai held on to her last bit of tsundereness, "Hmph, call me sister."

"Sister." Dong Ye Ning did not hesitate.

So Huiyuan Ai stood up in style, with a teasing look in her eyes, "Wait, sister will make you delicious food, be good~"

Dong Ye Ning continued to nod, "Okay."

Watching Huiyuan Ai walk into the kitchen, Dong Ye Ning returned to the sofa and sat down comfortably.

How comfortable it is, just say a few nice words and you can get a meal, and you can also see the image of a cute little loli with a proud and arrogant look.

Besides, sometimes tough guys also enjoy the feeling of being rubbed by girls.

Tsk, my buddy is so excited to win.

Because Dong Ye Ning looked like he was about to starve to death, Huiyuan Ai made a relatively simple but large lunch.

Dong Ye Ning was worried whether he could finish the big plate of vegetable and shredded pork fried rice in front of him.

"Dietary fiber, protein, carbohydrates, salt and so on are all in it, eat it."

The little cook untied her apron and brought Dong Ye Ning a glass of water, the main point of which was to be considerate.

She also had the same food, but the portion was much smaller.

Dong Ye Ning picked up the spoon and took a bite, "It tastes very good, I will eat this when I am in a hurry in the future."

"As long as you think it tastes good." Huiyuan Ai also took a sip herself, "What is the task recently? It's so busy. I don't think I have seen any major events reported in the news."

"Protect a politician." Dong Ye Ning said while eating, and then almost choked to death, and quickly grabbed the water cup beside her to smooth herself.

Huiyuan Ai scolded, "Why are you eating so fast!"

She quickly jumped off the chair and ran behind Dong Ye Ning to help pat his back.

Feeling the force, Dong Ye Ning coughed twice, "Miss, it's not good to take revenge on personal grudges, right?"

Huiyuan Ai was very proud and patted twice more, "Humph! I just want to hit you, but I never found the opportunity before."

"Violent loli."

"Stupid policeman."

"Loli with serious violent tendencies!"

"Policeman with serious IQ defects!"

"You are..."

"You are..."

"You are..."

The two of them were madly fighting each other. No matter what Dong Ye Ning said, Huiyuan Ai could fight back.

Dong Ye Ning, whose vocabulary was gradually losing, chose to flip the table.

"During the day."

"At night."






"Old... huh?"

Huiyuan Ai quickly covered her mouth with her hand, her little heart pounding wildly.

No, how come there are tricks here too!

She blinked quickly, then pretended to be calm, "Humph, you are so anxious that you even resorted to such tricks."

"Whoever is anxious loses, hurry up and eat."

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