“This is … System? ”

Gentagawa’s eyes widened instantly!

Yes, he is a crosser, a crosser, he is the chosen son, he all has a golden finger, if there is no gold finger, it is a strange thing!

Suddenly, the sky was clear, the rain stopped, and I felt like I was doing it again.

With the system, you can get some rare items and superpowers by checking in casually, or get some goodies from other worlds.

For example, what kind of fighting the world’s alien fire, such as what secret method to devour the world, what ninjutsu of the Hokage world, etc., as long as you come to one at random, isn’t that the time for your own rise?

Hurry up, I can’t wait!

Just waited for a long time, the system’s iconic ‘ding’ sound, but never appeared, which made Gentagawa couldn’t help but wonder.

I began to wonder if I had just misheard.

If there is really no system, you can only collect rent, and then live as an ordinary charter public, although it is a little ordinary, but there is no way.

After all, in this very dangerous world, he is now just an ordinary high school student, and a certain drum washing machine and a certain high school student who breaks a stone pillar with a few punches thick, which is completely different.

Not only is there no ‘banknote ability’, but even relatively fat, the ability boundary is here, if there is no system help, it can only be Mingzhe to protect his life, as for such a thing as revenge on the black side, it is completely impossible to do.

At this moment, in my mind, a voice came again.

[After testing, the following records will be made for the current special status].

[Name: Tomoko (Microscopic Particle Intelligent Computer)].

[Status: Intelligent hardware has been completely destroyed (mechanical body damage), intelligent algorithm system, currently exists in a special form, according to current cognition, system data is currently residing in the spiritual world of human individuals in a special form].

[Cause of failure: According to the algorithm, at the moment of the restart of the universe, it was affected by the expansion of the cosmic dimension, causing the distortion of the rules of time and space, so the mechanical body was completely destroyed, only the information body was retained, the time and space shuttle was carried out, and it fused with a human individual].

[Degree of damage: The degree of damage is serious, it has reached 99%………….Only one percent of the computing power is retained].

[Fix: Calculation…………].

[Conclusion: We are currently in a completely different new world, and we cannot give conclusions for the time being because of the lack of data support.

However, according to the approximate results, if you want to maintain your own existence, you need to maintain the existence of this human individual, and the information body is already connected to the spirit of the human individual, and is the only subject of the information body, and if the human individual dies, the Chiko himself will cease to exist.]

[Warning: According to mental fluctuations, Tomoko’s self-examination record is at risk of being detected by human individuals! ] 】

At this time, Genda River was stunned!

From this self-inspection record, he already knew the identity of this ‘system’.

He really couldn’t imagine that this system that appeared on his body was not the kind of system in the novel, but the wise son who brought the whole human race to life in the three-body world!

Throughout the entire three-body story, Tomoko is an extremely explosive existence.

From the beginning of the story, the suicide of those scientists, and then the blockade of earth technology, so that the basic science of the earth can never make any more major breakthroughs, it is all the credit of Tomoko.

After the advent of the three-body problem, this microscopic particle intelligent computer, also transformed into a kimono beauty, became the spokesperson of the three-body body, ruled over mankind, and even killed several people with a long knife with his own hands!

This trisolaran man’s big killer against the earth is now actually integrated with himself?

The huge amount of information made him stunned in place for a while, a little overwhelmed.

After all, Chiko, but the weapon of the trisolarans against humans, although they have come to the world of Mingke, but they are still human beings, if this thing has evil intentions towards themselves, then the consequences are unimaginable!

“Hello, I’m Tomoko and I just detected that your heart is racing and your adrenaline levels are soaring, are you nervous because of my presence?”

There was a girl’s voice in my head, and it was light and pleasant, which made people feel twice as good.

But he was taken aback, Tomoko was talking to him directly?

Seeing that he was silent, Tomoko continued to speak: “After calculation, I have found out, you can intuitively see my thoughts, but I can’t spy on your thoughts, so can you ask you to speak, or answer silently?” ”

At this time, Gentagawa also calmed down.

On the information I just saw, it was clear that Tomoko was now badly damaged, and he was bound to himself, so he should not endanger himself, or he could not harm himself.

Moreover, the current Chiko is no longer the weapon originally used to deal with humans, but has become a helper for humans.

In the original three-body novel, Zhizi’s final ending, but with the Virgin Chengxin and Guan Yifan, in the small world left by Yun Tianming, have stayed together for countless years, which is very different from the original appearance.

From the information just now, it can also be seen that this Zhizi who fused with himself is the information body that remained after the destruction of the three-body universe.

“Hello Tomoko, are you the Tomoko made by the Trisolarans in my understanding?”

He did not make a sound, but silently chanted in his mouth.

“I am indeed an intelligent computer made by the Trisolarans, so I should be the Tomoko you understand, do you know my existence?” Are you also a human being of that world? ”

In countless years, Tomoko has evolved from a purely intelligent system to an advanced intelligent life, not only with unparalleled computing power, but also with some human feelings.

At this time, in the communication with Genda River, his tone was full of surprise.

Gentagawa did not deny that letting Tomoko see him as a ‘fellow countryman’ was an extremely important move for his survival in the Kogaku world.

“I am an Earth human being, and I am a human who died when the solar system was two-dimensionalized, so I know the existence of Trisolarans, and I also know the existence of Chiko, a super artificial intelligence created by Trisolarans to block human science, and has also invaded Earth”

Tomoko was silent for a while before speaking, “I’m ashamed, but as a weapon I have no choice, that’s the meaning of my existence.”

At this time, Tomoko’s heart is also complicated, although as a supercomputer, she is incomparable, but as an individual with emotions, she is actually a novice, especially when the universe is destroyed, losing most of her computing power.

This also makes her have a fragile emotion like a young girl who has just become an adult, especially at this time, staying in a young man who died indirectly because of the three-body problem, and she is even more apprehensive, completely without the former overbearing.

Genda Chuan sighed: “When I saw this period of history, I hated your existence very much, and it was because of your existence that the process of human beings against the Trisolarans became so difficult.”

But this is a racial war, from the perspective of race, both sides just want to survive, and wars have always been dead and alive, right and wrong many times, just because of the difference in positions, not to mention that we have come to a new world, if we cling to past grievances, it will be a disadvantage”

When Tomoko heard his words, she was also relieved, and a burst of joy rose.

Although he has been with Cheng Xin and Guan Yifan for many years, from the perspective of understanding human beings, human beings are very irrational in many cases, and if they have a bad heart for themselves because of their hatred, they will have great trouble.

After all, if you want to recover, I am afraid that you need the help of the host.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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