“Did you get a clue so soon? Genda-san is also too powerful! ”

When the girl saw the smile on Gentagawa’s face, she knew that he must have discovered something, and she couldn’t help but be greatly excited.

Then Genda River did not drag the mud and water in the slightest, and directly began to search around.

Kayuko couldn’t help but feel a little strange, she had also searched around before to see if anyone had seen her Gollum, but the feedback she got was that she hadn’t seen it, which made her feel hopeless.

Now Genda River is doing the same, and it can only be fruitless.

It’s just that what has been said before, if you remind you again at this time, will it make Genda-san misunderstand and feel that you are underestimating him?

Just thinking about it, Gentagawa has finished talking to a housewife.

“Thank you very much, you provided useful clues”

Seeing the girl stunned there, she stepped forward and said, “Let’s go, let’s go to the next house quickly.”

“Genda-san, is there really a clue? But I’ve asked my neighbors before, and no one has ever seen Gollum.”

Genda Chuan smiled confidently: “Don’t worry, Kayuko-san, if you can find us, we will have an answer soon”

Saying that, he took the girl again, knocked on the doors of several residents, and asked the information he wanted, and at this time the girl understood what he asked, it turned out to be asking if there was a little female cat in heat nearby, how could she ask such a question.

But looking at his serious appearance, he was embarrassed to ask more, so he could only follow behind.

“Okay, now that a general range has been confirmed, now the point is here, let’s go to an important place, and when we get there, we basically have to find the answer”

Saying that, he took the girl and walked towards a nearby clearing, which is a gathering place for stray cats nearby, and at this time, it is already dusk, and there are already many stray cats gathered together in the clearing.

Seeing someone coming over, these stray cats immediately became alert, and many immediately disappeared into the grass, and only a few larger stray cats grinned at the two people.

“Little one, we have no malice, you see what this is”

Saying that, Genda Chuan quickly squatted, and then took out a ham sausage from his pocket, smelled the aroma of ham sausage, several stray cats were stunned for a moment, although they were still extremely vigilant, but under the temptation of food, they slowly leaned over.

Then when they got closer, they slowly reached out and took the opportunity to stroke the dense little head, his hands were very soft, and the body of the stray cat who was very wary of humans froze.

But this human palm, as if it had magic, the subtle touch induction, brought an unprecedented feeling, as if it returned to the feeling of being licked by the cat mother with her tongue when she was a kitten.

In just a few seconds, the cat made a comfortable purr, closed its eyes directly, and rubbed the top of its furry head against Genda Kawa’s palm.

The girl on the side had already widened her eyes, and her eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Those who have raised cats know that cats are very cold creatures, and unless they are very familiar owners, they are generally not easy to get close to strangers.

Therefore, many cat owners will laugh at themselves as cat slaves, and cats are cat owners.

And stray cats and pet cats are even more different, these stray cats live in a worse environment, many are still abandoned by humans, will become stray cats, so the vigilance of humans is very heavy, basically will not be close to humans.

But this Gentagawa-san, it only took a few seconds to make these stray cats so close, which is also amazing, right? 、

In fact, the girl didn’t know that Gentagawa could do what he is now, and the reason was actually a little complicated.

He was a cat breeder in his previous life, has many years of experience in raising cats, and knows more about the habits of cats.

But this is not the most critical, the most critical is Tomoko’s assistance.

Just when petting the cat, Tomoko released a slight electric current, which instantly stimulated the cat’s body, making the cat feel the same treatment as a sauna massage, which was cooler than sucking catnip, so it fell instantly.

“Kayuko, you can also touch these little guys.”

The girl was stunned: “Can I too?” I’m afraid they’ll scratch me.”

Genda Chuan smiled gently: “It’s okay, you see these little guys are very well-behaved”, said and deliberately fiddled with a few cats, several stray cats are very docile.

This made the girl’s heart move instantly, and she also leaned over and squatted on the ground, touched the furry heads of a few little guys, and the feeling of petting the cat instantly went up.

“Really, they are really well-behaved, I used to think that stray cats are very fierce, I used to keep telling Gollum, you can’t come out casually, otherwise you will be bullied by stray cats, it seems that I worry too much”

Hearing this, Genda Chuan smiled in his heart, stray cats are very fierce, the reason why they are very well-behaved now, in addition to their own massage techniques, Tomoko’s ‘electrotherapy’ is a crucial factor, otherwise these guys must scratch a few scratches for you.

Then Kayuko let go of herself a little, stroking a few kittens, under the black-framed glasses, a pair of big eyes curved, with an innocent smile.

Just look at the corner of Genda River’s mouth, are all girls petting cats like this now? Which cat can withstand such a test?

He hurriedly intervened and took the opportunity to give a few more cats a few more ‘electrotherapy’, otherwise the effect of the medicine will pass, for this girl who disturbs them to eat and has a sharp voice, she will definitely let her taste the power of meow fist.

Gollum may also have run away from home for this reason.


The girl suddenly felt a tingling pain in her fingertips, and hurriedly withdrew her hand, and the feeling just now was like being electroned by a lighter.

“How can there be electricity on cats?”

Genda Chuan hurriedly diverted the topic: “You just touched too much, there are static electricity on the cat hair, okay, now you can move on to the next step”

Saying that, the cat who was licking his paws after eating ham sausages spoke: “Okay, now it’s full, it’s time to work, let’s see, have you seen this kitten, if you see it, there is a reward.”

Saying that, he also took out his mobile phone and opened the photo of Gollum to show a few cats, looking careful.

The girl’s eyes widened again in an instant, this is how Genda-san found a cat? Ask other cats directly? This is also too……

She didn’t know how to describe this classmate, although the previous action was strange, but it seemed to be somewhat reliable, but now it seems that she thinks too much.

A trace of despair also rose in his heart, and it seemed that Gollum was really lost and could never be recovered.

Only at this time, one of the stray cats meowed a few times at Genda River.

“Little one, you said you saw this cat, right? And know where it is? ”

The cat didn’t say anything, just ran in one direction, Gentagawa didn’t explain, directly pulled the girl, and chased after the cat.

Soon came to a broken yard, approached an abandoned factory building, entered an abandoned workshop, and after turning a few wooden frames, the figures of two puppet cats came into view.

And one of them is the Gollum that has disappeared for a long time!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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