All this is complicated, but at this time, in Genda Kawa’s brain, it is like lightning.

The influx of a large amount of oxygen made his brain extremely clear at this time.

It’s a great feeling.

The whole brain seems to have experienced a deep sleep, reaching an unprecedented state of comfort, and the whole person seems to be immersed in the flow of water!

Origin Tian Chuan also thought that it would take a long time to cultivate before he could achieve something.

After all, even the male protagonist in the ghost destruction, that is, Tanjiro Stove, took a long time to learn the breathing method and reach the level of fully concentrated breathing.

But I didn’t expect that I actually made rapid progress, and the airflow driven by the breathing method, once it began to operate in the body, in a blink of an eye, it changed from sluggish and rough to familiar and simple, and even natural, as if everything should be like this.

Exhale and exhale, and the air flow is like a small hurricane, moving between the mouth and nose, and circulating between the internal organs.

“This feeling is really refreshing, the whole body seems to carry the wind, all the pores, as if there is a weak air flow surging, inside and outside are transparent”

After completing the cultivation, I felt that the airflow inside and outside my body had completely stabilized, and my whole body was extremely happy, and I was unwilling to open my eyes for a long time.

“Congratulations to the host, according to the information deduced, you have now completely mastered the breath of water, and have cultivated the breath of water to the level of fully concentrated breathing, which is gratifying!”

“Have you mastered fully concentrated breathing?”

Genda Chuan was also surprised, the process of cultivation just now was extremely smooth, as if it was logical, smooth even he felt unreal.

But I didn’t expect that I would directly master the full concentration of breathing!

Although this is only the first realm of the five realms, in fact, this is a big threshold, and whether you have the talent to become a swordsman often depends on this step.

In order to reach this realm, but after cultivating for a year and a half, he reached it for the first time cultivating.

Tomoko continued: “However, this is not all the surprise, although the host has mastered the full concentration of breathing, but in fact, the combat power has not changed dramatically”

This point Genda Chuan also knew that before mastering the breathing method, he was just an ordinary person, and now even if he mastered the breathing method, his cultivation time was too short.

Physique, speed and recovery, the benefits of these breathing methods take time to manifest themselves.

This is like the breathing method is a superb pill, after eating, you can increase the various attributes of the whole body, but it takes time to absorb the medicinal effect and then exert the full effect of the ultimate pill.

“But what if the breathing method goes further, the whole concentration?”

“All concentrated in the usual?”

He immediately understood what Tomoko meant, just like the water wheel metaphor in front of him, the whole concentration is the occasional turning water wheel, and the whole concentration is the water wheel that is always turning.

If you can go one step further and let the body be in a state of full concentration for twenty-four hours, it is equivalent to exercising all the time, this effect is really amazing!

Tomoko did not sell the pass and directly solved the mystery:

“When you were immersed in cultivation just now, in fact, you had reached the level of Changzhong, but compared to the level of your breathing method, your body is too weak, so your body is resisting, weak muscles, will bring irregular rhythms and spasms, will often interrupt the normal state”

“But isn’t it surprising that I can use electrical stimulation to counteract these rhythms and spasms, and that you can stay fully focused while you sleep?”

This is of course a surprise, and a big surprise, if Tomoko is in a physical state at this time, Gentagawa will definitely pick her up, then kiss her a few times, and then turn around a few times.

This is not Tomoko, this is a plug-in!

In this way, isn’t it that he has just cultivated and reached the second great realm of the breathing method, and this kind of efficiency is not comparable even to the Ji Guo Yuan!

From now on, don’t call me Genda River, please call me Kamei!

After calming down a little, I began to try, released the concentrated breath, and then kept it for a while, and after holding it for a while, the internal organs of the body suddenly felt a spasm, and the breath was about to be interrupted.

At this time, countless small electric arcs suddenly rushed to his organs, instantly canceling out the spasm state, and his breath became smooth again.

In this way, Gentagawa tried his best to maintain his breath, and after an hour, he was finally very proficient enough to maintain the degree of concentrated breathing without being very deliberate.

As long as the breath of water weakens slightly, after a thought, the breath can start working again.

In this way, the rest is left to Tomoko and it is completely enough.

After really doing it, Genda River’s excitement finally passed, and a huge feeling of hunger and sleepiness came from his body.

Although it is good to cultivate smoothly, the consumption of energy is really too great.

After all, the water that pushes the water wheel still comes from the people themselves.

So I immediately took out the stored food from the refrigerator and began to eat happily.

I have to say that as an otaku, the ability to store food is really good.

The brand-name four-door refrigerator is filled with all kinds of instant food, high-end instant noodles, burgers that can be eaten only by a little oven heating, fried chicken that can be eaten with a little oven heating, and crispy pork ribs that can be eaten with a little oven heating…………

There are many types, and they are all brand goods, and the quality is guaranteed.

After trying it several times in the past half a month, I couldn’t help but use the commission earned as a detective to buy the same brand of semi-fast food and replenish it in the refrigerator.

And there is another point to note, that is, when he was entertained by Xiaoran and Maori Kogoro before, he was cooking.

From the appearance of the dish, it can be seen that his craftsmanship is really average, but the taste is surprisingly good, and the reason for this contrast is also because of Tomoko’s help.

Tomoko can accurately grasp the heat of cooking, as well as the amount and timing of seasoning.

While each dish is cooking, Tomoko can randomly adjust the amount of seasoning according to the specific situation of cooking.

Every dish is considered to be privately made!

The reason why many celebrity chefs can’t be replaced by machines is because they can make subtle adjustments in each specific dish according to the reality of the situation, which is beyond the reach of computers and machines.

But Tomoko can do it, and it’s much better than any chef!

That’s why you can use the excellent taste to make those dishes decay into magic.

For these semi-finished foods, Tomoko can also calculate the most suitable time for them in the oven to achieve the best state of consumption.

Genda Chuan couldn’t help but sigh: “The first step of genius, starting from having Tomoko ah, compared with Tomoko, those old grandfathers who carry with them are simply weak

After eating and drinking, eating six burgers and a whole fried chicken, as well as a large bowl of instant noodles and two cold beers, he went back to the bedroom and lay straight on the bed and fell asleep.

If it was before, Tomoko would never let him overeat so much, and the weight loss task was not completed, how could he be so indulgent?

However, today is an exception, Genda Chuan actually directly cultivated the breathing method to the second realm, reaching the level of the whole concentration of ordinary middle.

In this way, it only takes a short time for his strength to improve tremendously.

I couldn’t help but calculate in my heart: “For now, the breathing method cultivation to the second realm is very enough, the rest is to help the host, slowly accumulate and polish the body, the more important thing is the sword technique, there is a breathing method, if there is no corresponding sword technique, the strength can not be well played.”

Moreover, the fastest way to improve strength has never been cultivation, weapons are also very important, it seems that you still need to think of ways in terms of weapons.”

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