For a detective, there are three most important abilities, one is reasoning, one is insight, and the last is execution, all three abilities are extremely important.

Reasoning ability, able to quickly clear the logic, so as to infer what happened.

Insight, on the other hand, is the ability to go deep into the essence of things or problems, unravel superficial illusions, and accurately judge the essence of things.

The final execution is the ability to quickly realize all their speculations.

These three abilities, like XYZ in the coordinate axis, can only be combined to form a three-dimensional figure and see the whole picture of things.

In a short period of time, Gentagawa thought of possible factors from the details of the gangster’s words, and then acted quickly, ruled out the possibility of the gangster being watching outside, and then found the hidden monitor.

Obviously, this guy is very good in reasoning, insight and execution, and he is not even below himself!

“Mr. Lichuan, there is still a little time before the police come, and I have a few questions I want to ask now, first of all, have you repaired the phone recently, or what household appliances?”

Everyone was shocked by their spirits, and they also understood Genda River’s train of thought.

It is impossible for gangsters to quietly enter the room, and then install the monitor, must be through the excuse of repairing electrical appliances and other excuses, to enter the room, and then dignified, install the monitor in the telephone landline.

Mr. Lichuan tried to recall, and then suddenly said: “By the way, just last week, two people claiming to be repairmen of a communications company said that my telephone line had aging problems and wanted to come to the door to check it, but my wife and I didn’t think much about it, so we let them in and check it…”

As he said that his face became more and more ugly, he obviously understood that it was these two people who took advantage of this opportunity to install the monitor in the phone.

Kudo Shinichi nodded secretly, the situation is much clearer now, with these clues, looking for gangsters, the scope will be much less.

It’s just that although it is very good to think of this, compared to himself, it is still much tender after all, and he still missed an important factor.

He was about to speak his reasoning, but Gentagawa continued.

“Not only that, Mr. Lichuan did not find that these gangsters know the financial resources of the Lichuan family very well, and only by knowing the financial resources of the Lichuan family can they know the limit of your husband and wife’s fundraising in three hours.

The two gangsters who came to install the listener were obviously not people who were familiar with the financial resources of the Lichuan family, and Mr. Lichuan did not know these two people.

In other words, in addition to these two people, there is at least a third gangster who has been manipulating behind the scenes, and is a person who is very familiar with the Lichuan family! ”

“And a third gangster? And maybe someone familiar? This……”

In a short period of time, Rikawa Haruko and Lichuan and his wife were convinced of Genda River, and they all felt reasonable at this time.

Mr. Lichuan frowned: “So it is, in this way, everything makes sense, and a person who is familiar with our family instructed the two to do tricks on the phone to monitor.”

Then use our familiarity with the situation of our family’s property, with a ransom of 20 million, let us fall into a dilemma, so as to achieve the purpose of extorting money, and then…”

At this time, Kudo Shinichi finally found a chance to speak:

“Then, it is to use your psychology to continue blackmail, to completely suck your family dry, because you have paid 20 million, a strong sense of loss and aversion has surged up, so that your heart is full of feelings of gain and loss, which is why you didn’t call the police”

The Lichuan couple nodded, their mentality is like this, the loss of their son has brought great pain, and at this time to lose property, the disgust for the loss, has reached the extreme, at this time would rather believe that the gangster will show mercy, but also willing to call the police, take a little risk.

Kudo Shinichi glanced at Gentagawa with slanted eyes, his eyebrows raised, and his eyes showed with a provocative meaning.

It’s just that at this time, Genda Chuan’s gaze has shifted elsewhere, and he didn’t see his eyes at all, and this feeling of blind lighting in vain made the corners of his mouth twitch.

However, he didn’t know that Genda River, who turned over, actually saw the stunned expression of the ‘drum washing machine’ clearly from the big screen built by Tomoko in the spirit world, and couldn’t help but feel dark.

Although it must be admitted that this guy has many advantages, has a strong sense of justice and responsibility, and is very sunny and kind.

But this guy is not flawless either, on the contrary, there are definitely a lot of problems with this guy.

The first is easy to be impulsive, in order to find out the truth of the matter, this guy is often impulsive and brainless, the more dangerous the place, the more he likes to drill in, and he will often leave the people around him and directly enter the state of disconnection.

Although the starting point is good, such a practice that does not consider reality at all, many times, will bring yourself and the people around you into an extremely dangerous situation!

Then there’s this guy’s vanity, which is actually very strong.

He is obsessed with being a detective, enjoying the thrill of solving the mystery, and the oppression of driving the gangster to the point of no retreat, and enjoying the pursuit of others.

This guy has been so smooth along the way, with almost no setbacks.

It wasn’t until he met his hit star Gin Jiu and gave a hard blow that this guy sobered up and really grew in the confrontation with the black-clad organization.

Therefore, this kid, who has not yet experienced setbacks, is completely a proud peacock, firmly believing that he is the best detective in neon, so pride and complacency are his current labels.

At this time, giving this guy a little education can be described as a burst of sourness.

However, he silently comforted in his heart: “Kudo-san doesn’t have to feel bad, it’s just that you have been robbed of a little limelight, this will become the norm in the future, and you will get used to it sooner or later.”

At this time, the police finally arrived, and it was Officer Twilight who led the team, and Officer Takagi and Officer Sato were also among them.

“Unexpectedly, Brother Kudo and Genda-san are all here!”

Seeing the two appear together, Officer Twilight was surprised, he was not surprised to see Kudo Shinichi at the crime scene, he has been trained over the years, this guy is simply like the Grim Reaper, wherever he goes, there are various cases.

However, what comforts him a little is that as long as Kudo Shinichi appears, the case can be successfully closed, which has increased the detection rate of the Metropolitan Police Department a lot.

And Genda Kawa, as a high school student who impressed him, actually appeared here, which surprised him very much.

The Lichuan couple were anxious at this time, and without waiting for Kudo Shinichi to answer, they directly went to Officer Twilight and recounted what happened.

“Thanks to Genda-san, we can know this, otherwise the two of us would not dare to call the police now.”

Officer Twilight couldn’t help but be even more surprised, Kudo Shinichi’s reasoning ability, he was very clear, but he didn’t expect that this Gentagawa’s reasoning ability and insight were actually so powerful, not even inferior to Kudo Shinichi.

This couldn’t help but make his eyes light up.

As mentioned earlier, as a police officer from a non-professional group, the professional ceiling is very low, even if he has a high case solving rate, the rank of police department should be his limit.

So since Kudo Shinichi appeared, he deliberately let Kudo Shinichi lead the process of solving the case, let the other party show the limelight, and he is silently reaping some credit and making some benefits.

That’s actually a clever approach.

And now, there is actually an excellent high school detective again, is this heaven, and give himself a ‘brother’?

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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